A Grand Heist (1/3)

Following Lilith's ascendance to the council, both Xim and Lilith entered a state of meditation, Lilith focused on growing the grey side of the force while Xim solely focused on Force cloak and the light side of the force. He needed to be able to draw as much of the light side as possible to pull off a mass mind trick on the Twi'lek settlement, he would need extra power to control its effects on Nalen, so he could keep the knowledge of his powers.

A week had passed and Xim felt like he had drawn enough power to be able to make this happen, he moved into the central chamber after telling Lilith to stay in her room and prepared to lose his first apprentice.

His mind became unnaturally calm as presented himself to everyone in the central chamber, he said" I'm sorry things will not work out between us however you will never be able to get over your fear and if you do it will be too late. Nalen I again want to thank you for service up until now and wish you the best going forwards, goodbye."

As the words left Xim's mouth, he began to use the Jedi mind trick on everyone in the room, he commanded " You will forget about ever meeting me and Lilith, you will forget about the Order of the Grey and you will forget that the grey side of the force exists. You will believe that you managed to get permission from the Jedi council to appeal for asylum from the Republic on Coruscant, You will also never enter the room to your left as it is locked. "

After Xim had finished speaking he went back into Lilith's room and passed out on the bed due to mental fatigue, his power over the force was very strong however this process took a major strain on him forcing him to slumber.

Weeks passed while Xim slumbered, his dreams were filled with him doing various deeds, it was as if the force itself was trying to warn him of an upcoming event that would shake the galaxy to its core. He saw himself slaying an old man in a black robe sitting on a dull black throne, the dark side being rampant around the two of them only to find it was a puppet created by his true foe who had been locked away on an unknown planet, Xim's body began to shiver as if he was being watched by something or someone who could end his existence before he really got going. As he awoke in terror he heard a voice whisper" You are an interesting existence, young one, we will meet in the future, I look forward to meeting you."

Xim looked around the room with fear in his eyes, he saw an apparition disappear back to wherever it came from, he felt something warm clinging to his side, he looked down and saw Lilith holding him cutely as she slept, causing him to smile and vow to protect her. He kissed her forehead before getting up and applying Force cloak to himself as he moved through the central chamber of the ship towards where the pilot was to check when they would be arriving at Coruscant, to his surprise they were only a day out from their destination and this made Xim imagine the torture he would give Lilith as soon as the Twi'leks had left the ship, he stealthily moved back into Lilith's room to find her already awake, he moved towards her and said" Good morning beautiful, we are one day away from Coruscant, when we arrive I will treat you to dinner and some fun. I have an important mission for you to do which will keep us separated for a little while so let's make the most of the time here."

He moved closer to her and sealed her lips with his own, then he slowly got on top of her and pinned her arms down before tickling her cheek, seeing her shocked and confused expression, Xim began to laugh "Expecting something else were we? That will begin after dinner."

The embarrassed Lilith flipped Xim over so that she was on top and began beating him with small punches to the chest. The caused Xim to laugh harder and Lilith to puff her cheeks out in anger, this was a critical hit on Xim as she looked extremely cute like this and he pulled himself up and gave her a passionate kiss. Before saying

"We are getting close now, as soon as they leave the ship, we will head out as well. I would like to head to the destroyed Jedi temple here before we go for dinner, I want to see if we can find any Holocrons or other teaching methods that will help us to grow our order as you know the Jedi aren't really our friends at the moment."

Lilith smiled and said" I'm quite happy to join you in the temple ruins as long as you promise to stop teasing me, I can't take anymore, you are making me too happy"

Xim smiled and kissed saying "I love it when you are happy, I refuse to turn it down at all however we are about to land so get ready to go out, this pretty view is for just me to see."

Lilith blushed at that and began to materialise her robes again before saying" What are these robes made from? Them being able to appear and disappear is really time-saving, I would love other clothes like this."

Xim walked up to her and straightened out her robe, using this as an excuse to touch her body a bit, this resulted in Lilith patting his hands away with a playful smile on her face.

Xim said," I don't know what they are made from however they were in the vault I opened on Hutta so consider them my gift to you."

Lilith just hugged Xim and kissed him on his cheek and they both left the room together, arm in arm.