Xim walked towards Lilith's location to tell her an updated version of his plans, he intended for her to take their cargo to Lehon ahead of him while he interfered with Darth Baras' plans and try to get more solid information on Diligence's current location.
He also planned to visit Alderaan so he could visit her parents and find out any information about her he could, he also wanted to offer them protection as he figured that Darth Baras will also be after them. He arrived in the middle of the entertainment area where he had left Lilith before and remembered he had no way of contacting her, he moved towards a shop selling holo transmitters before buying two.
He then used as much of the force as he could without weakening his clone to locate Lilith, he found her presence next to the ship, she appeared to be meditating in the docking area. Xim moved towards her as quickly as possible as his clone just informed him (The clone has direct contact with Xim due to him being his force copy, they can speak to one another through the force connection they share) that the Warrior had recently started destroying the operations of a rival of Darth Baras, Lord Rathari.
He approached Lilith and said" How long until our cargo is ready? I need to get to Alderaan as soon as the person I'm trailing leaves this planet."
Lilith responded, "The cargo will be ready in two days max, what shall I do when it is ready?"
Xim just stroked her face gently before planting a kiss on her cheek and responding "Load it into the ship and guard it until I return, if I'm not here in 3 days then take the ship to Lehon and I will find my way to you. Take this holo transmitter so we can keep in contact easily. See you soon, keep yourself safe for me."
He walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips and left back to the streets in his force cloak.
As Xim walked towards his clone it updated him on the Sith Warriors progress. "Master, he has dealt with a counterattack from Lord Rathari and the final confrontation between the two is getting a lot closer. The location of the final battle has been decided, come to my current location as soon as possible."
Xim simply responded with " You have done well, make sure Lord Rathari survives the battle, do not let him die but do not kill the warrior either. Also remain hidden until I arrive, you can use the force to manipulate the battle from behind the scenes, I will be there as soon as I can, good luck"
The clone said, "As you command, I will keep Rathari alive, They have both just began their conversation, I'm going to move to a better position see you when you get here".
The clone moved closer to the conversation and heard a lot of what was being said, he managed to hear the Sith warrior's plans for Diligence and they were not good for her or his master. He planned to turn her to the dark side and use her to find and kill Jedi and Republic spies in the Sith order, he also planned to use her to identify members of the hidden order who were interfering with his master's plans. The Warrior had noted how Baras was angered by the robed man's lack of respect when dealing with him as well as his dismissal of the Sith empire.
The Warrior then talked about why Lord Rathari had to die as he knew about Baras' secrets and how to exploit them for his gain, he also complemented Rathari for being the opposite of Baras and dealing with his issues in open combat instead of from the shadows. The two-edged closer to one another and began their duel, the clone moved to a distance he could intervene if needed but still be undetected by the two and watched the duel going on.
The Sith warrior was a better duellist than Rathari however he was less experienced in general combat and he failed to notice instances where he could have won the duel, the combat went on in a back and forth state for nearly 10 minutes until Rathari slipped and was disarmed by the Sith Warrior. The Sith warrior began to gloat about his victory while Rathari began to ask for his life to be spared, he offered to assist the Warrior in defeating his master but the Warrior refused and went to strike the killing blow.
As the bright red lightsaber came down towards Rathari's head the clone used force push to throw the Sith warrior quite far back, Xim arrived at the scene as the body came flying towards his direction, he simply sidestepped the incoming body and moved towards Rathari.
He removed his cloak and knelt down to Rathari's eye level before whispering" The humility you have shown, recognising him as your superior in battle is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. You are wasted in the Sith Empire, I have come to offer your an apprentice role within my order with the chance of joining the council as our representation of humility. The option will only be given to you once however, you can have a few minutes to think it over while I deal with our friend."
Xim walked towards the downed Sith warrior before picking him up by his neck and saying "I suspect this will not be the last time we meet but I'm willing to give you some advice, stay away from Jaesa and you can keep breathing, also your master will betray you when you become a big enough of a threat. When that day comes, find me and we can talk about maybe having you study with my order but for now, I will be taking Rathari and leaving. Tell Baras, I say hi."
Name: Xim Taa
Race: Pure Sith
Title: The Watcher
Level 7: 2000 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60
Skills: Juyo Form: 80 Balanced form: 105 All other forms: 75 Force Mastery: 100 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 80 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 65
Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 50 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 90 Force Pierce: 75 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 100
Name: Lilith
Race: Chiss
Title: Lust
Level 6: 5000 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38
Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 60 Grey side Mastery: 40
Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning : 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 20 Force Clone:20 Force sever:20