Xim picked up the injured Rathari and told his clone to carry him back to the ship, he still had things he would like to do on Nar Shaddaa before he left for Alderaan. He picked up his holo transmitter and contacted Lilith, she picked up almost immediately which caused Xim to smile.
"Lilith, my main objective on this planet has been achieved, I have interfered in Baras' plans as well as managing to save a Sith lord who will become my apprentice for now before possibly joining the order as Humility. Can you prepare the med-bay to receive him please as he sustained injuries fighting Baras' apprentice, I will be there in about a day, my clone is bringing him back. Can you tell my clone your old Sith empire codes, I'm going to break into the Sith and Republic intelligence networks on the planet. I heard a rumour that there are giant data stores for both factions under the main part of the city and I can't let this opportunity pass us by. Keep safe, Rathari may attract unwanted attention but I trust you are capable to deal with any threats."
Lilith nodded her head and smiled at the obviates concern for her in the last part of his message. "I will let your clone know everything I know about Sith intelligence, I love you, keep yourself safe."
Xim just smiled and said, "I will, I love you too".
Xim telegraphed his plan to his clone and told him to get the codes and dissipate so Xim could make them appear next to him instantly. He needed both of them for his plan for stealing the data to work perfectly, he planned to attack the Republic and Sith data mines at the same time and drag both forces into a conflict to make his escape easier.
In order for that to work he would need his clone to be able to access the Sith data while he 'asked' a Republic troop how to access their data, he would then plant evidence in the Republic area of a Sith intruder, drawing them to suspect it as empire foul play. Xim proceeded into the underbelly of Nar Shaddaa and towards the information section of the planet, he avoided well light streets and stuck to groups of people to avoid drawing too much attention to himself. The reason he was not using his force cloak ability, was that his clone was drawing a substantial amount of his power to drag Rathari to the ship.
As Xim arrived at the information sector, his clone dissipated and he brought it back by his side, he asked" Is the cargo already at the ship and is Rathari going to be able to survive with most of his skill intact?"
The clone nodded his head and said in a respectful manner"Rathari will be back to fighting strength in around 3 days, half of the cargo has been placed on the ship, we are just waiting on the mercenary guards to appear then we are ready to go on that front. Shall I go and hack into the Sith information grid now?"
Xim smiled and said"Yes but make sure that you remain hidden from them, I plan to use them as a scapegoat so our escape will be made easier. Also, remember to leave a backdoor on their system so we can access it from anywhere if we need to. I wish you the best of luck, lets go make a mess again."
They both separated from one another and entered their cloak state moving toward their respective goals, one going to complete his in complete silence while the other was going to start a proxy war.
Xim approached the Republic camp in a semi-aggressive style, thinking about when it would be the best time to strike out at them, he waited until he was right in front of the information banks before approaching the tech officer closet to him and used the mind trick ability to tell him to open access to the data stream and download all current files onto a removable device that Xim can use. H also demanded that the officer give Xim an account that had extremely high-level clearance so he could access any Republic data he needed too from a working holo terminal.
After everything he needed was given to him Xim took off his cloak and made his robe disappear to reveal a Sith's set of battle armour (He got it from one of Rathari's defeated apprentices after the confrontation).
He ran out of the Republic server room and shouted"Darth Baras wants the information of the Republic and I have been sent here to collect, any resistance will result in Republic deaths." Xim sprinted towards the exit of the compound killing as few troops as possible on his way. When he got out of the camp he shouted: "My brothers from the empire help me the Republic are attacking our base, regroup on me and let's show them how we won the war."
As the two forces began to clash Xim just smiled and put his force cloak back on and disappeared towards his ship.
Name: Xim Taa
Race: Pure Sith
Title: Patience
Level 7: 2000 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60
Skills: Juyo Form: 80 Balanced form: 105 All other forms: 75 Force Mastery: 100 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 80 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 65
Abilities: Force choke: 65 Force lightning: 70 Mind Trick fear: 50 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 50 Force Cloak: 90 Force Pierce: 75 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 100
Name: Lilith
Race: Chiss
Title: Lust
Level 6: 5000 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38
Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 60 Grey side Mastery: 40
Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning: 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 20 Force Clone:20 Force sever:20
End of Chapter.
So I have nearly caught up with where I left off last time, I hope you can see the improvements in grammar and the like. I have some important information for you.
I will be keeping a few chapters back as they need to be heavily changed for volume 2, which will be a large arc centring around the civil war on Alderaan, the war itself will be the backdrop of the volume however its outcome will be vital to the plot both here and thousands of years into the future.
To say Alderaan will be the staging point is an understatement, it is a basis of future power...