Xim was extremely happy with the results as his clone appeared before him and handed him the codes that would give them access to the Imperial's information for the foreseeable future. Added with the codes he had received from the Republic base, Xim now had access to both of the two biggest faction's information networks without either of them knowing.
This information would allow him to keep ahead of the factions but also tell him where potential ruins and vaults were that the factions had kept quiet from the public, the possibilities made Xim smile and say "Come on, let's get back to the ship, this information will lead to the rise of our order."
His clone dissipated and Xim used force cloak and vanished back towards the spaceport, it was time for him to leave Nar Shaddaa and get everything is ready on Lehon before moving onto Alderaan to collect Jaesa's parents.
As Xim entered the spaceport he noticed three Sith warriors interrogating a worker, Xim managed to listen in on a bit of their conversation and heard one of the Sith warriors ask if the worker knew which docking port contained the ship used by a white-robed man, the worker had no idea who the white-robed man was however he did say that a woman called Lust had been moving slaves into docking port 3C.
The Sith warriors smiled and killed the worker before heading towards the bay where Xim's ship was. Xim took out his holo transmitter and warned Lilith about the incoming attack as well as telling her to secure the cargo and that he would deal with the Warriors on his own.
Lilith asked " Why are you dealing with them alone? I can assist you while Rathari deals with the cargo."
Her voice was filled with obvious concern for Xim however he responded" I want to face them alone to test my abilities, I thank you for your concern but until Rathari has learned some of the light sides, I want to keep his interactions with people as little as possible. I also want to keep you as my hidden weapon against Baras so exposing your strength here would be a mistake, I love you, see you when I get back."
Xim hung up the call and walked ahead of the Sith warriors, one of which was the Baras' apprentice that Xim had embarrassed when he fought Rathari, the look of pure anger on his face nearly made Xim burst into laughter right in front of them. Xim summoned his clone and asked it to take both sets of codes back to Lilith and later watch the fight from the sideline on the off chance that Xim needed his help dealing with the three Warriors.
As the three Warriors menacingly walked Xims ship, Xim had taken off his cloak and walked out from behind his ship arriving in front of the three Sith with a smile on his face. He looked into Baras' apprentice's eyes before saying" You have come to embarrass yourself correct? Looks like you brought some friends to die, feel bad for that dock worker though, died at the hands of a dog."
The apprentice's face scrunched up before he drew his lightsaber and said" You are going to regret calling me a dog, you and that bitch who calls herself Lust. You will both die before my feet as you beg for your lives."
With that he signalled the two other warriors to attack Xim, they turned on their red coloured lightsabers and launched themselves at Xim from two different angles attempting to throw him off balance. While this was going on the apprentice began to use force lightning on Xim as well, they assumed that Xim was just overconfident however what occurred next shocked them to their cores.
Xim blocked all of the incoming blows with perfect timing and began to counterattack the two warriors at the same time, forcing them to back off. When they reached a safe distance they also began to use force lightning as an attempt to force Xim to submit, as the combined lightning was about to hit him proceeded to sidestep the incoming attack and then he clicked his fingers, during the meditation on the way to Nar Shaddaa, Xim had a massive insight into how to use force sever, by the time this fight came around he had figured out how to use the ability by simply clicking his fingers.
Feeling their connection to the force was severed the three attackers began to tremble as Xim slowly approached them, he walked to the Sith warrior on the right of the other two and sliced his body in half, he then walked towards the Sith on the left-hand side and sliced his head clean off.
He then walked up to Baras' apprentice before whispering in his ear "Tell Baras, The Watcher says hi"
Before entering the ship, leaving the apprentice frozen in fear.
Name: Xim Taa
Race: Pure Sith
Title: The Watcher
Level 7: 2000 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60
Skills: Juyo Form: 80 Balanced form: 105 All other forms: 75 Force Mastery: 100 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 80 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 65
Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 80 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 90 Force Pierce: 75 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 100
Name: Lilith
Race: Chiss
Title: Lust
Level 6: 5000 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38
Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 60 Grey side Mastery: 40
Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning: 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 20 Force Clone:20 Force sever:20
Name: Rathari
Race: Sith
Level 3: 1200exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 35 Agility: 25 Charisma: 20 Intelligence: 30 Willpower:38
Skills: Juyo form:25 Dark side mastery: 35
Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning: 30