
As soon as Xim boarded the ship it began to take off leaving Nar Shaddaa and heading towards Xim's homeworld of Lehon, Xim was excited to be going back, he wanted to grow his order in the place where he first learnt about the force.

As he moved towards the centre of the ship he saw a group of mercenaries sitting on some tables, he approached them and looked at them before pointing to one in the middle of the group and saying" You in the middle, you are force sensitive correct? That's weird are you guys known as the Jedi killers, isn't extremely rare for someone from your clans to be able to use the force. If you want to learn the way of the force our order offers, you make ask Lust if she will take you as an apprentice however my time will take to teach my latest apprentice. Could I ask your strongest fighter to duel me in 5 minutes so that I can demonstrate the unique abilities my way of the force has to my new apprentice, if your fighter wins I will double the pay that you get from us when your contract is completed?"

Xim then walked towards the med bay of the ship and woke Rathari up, he helped him to stand up before saying "Your wounds seem okay now, come with me to the centre of the ship, it is time to see what my order can offer you that all the others can't."

Rathari nodded his head and moved with Xim towards the large centre of the ship, to Rathari's surprise there was a group of Mandalorians waiting for the two of them, they had formed a duelling circle for both Xim and their fighter.

Xim told Rathari to sit on the chair just outside the duelling circle so he could get the best view of the fight to come, Xim then said to Rathari "In this fight, I will be displaying the current main powers of the grey side of the force, I will also be showing my own combat form I have developed. You will learn all of this while you study as an apprentice, then when you are ready you will join Lust on the council."

Xim turned to the Mandalorian in front of him and asked" You ready? I won't pull any punches so I suggest you do the same."

The Mandalorian smiled and closed in on Xim, reducing the distance between the two quite drastically, when he was in range of Xim he launched himself at Xim aggressively with his vibrosword drawn and used it in a way similar to the Juyo form.

The Mandalorian's aggression brought a smile to Xim's face as he consecutively dodged the incoming blows before turning to Rathari mid-combat and saying" The first of our abilities is one of the strongest we have when dealing will other force users, it allows us to sever the connection to the force of anyone with a weaker connection than the user. For example"

Xim then clicked his fingers in Rathari's direction while avoiding the increasingly aggressive blows coming at him from the Mandalorian. Rathari began to panic as he felt his connection to the dark side of the force disappear, he then looked at Xim's face to see him smiling in his direction.

"That is the first of our main abilities, the second is called force pierce, it is better that I show you rather than describe it."

Xim lightly threw his hands towards the attacking Mandalorian and two seconds later holes appeared in his armour, this caused both Rathari and the Mandalorian to be stunned, the Mandalorian momentarily stopped attacking Xim, Xim took this opportunity to tell Rathari "If I wanted to I could have killed the Mandalorian right here, force pierce's strength can be determined by the user once they have mastered the ability enough. The final known use of the Grey side of the force is my personal favourite one, force clone, this ability requires you to have a very strong connection to the grey side however establishing the connection is well worth the rewards. My clone will see out the rest of this battle, he has recently stolen some vital information from the Sith and is itching for a battle."

Xim then entered a small state of meditation and in front of him his clone appeared, Xim handed the clone its lightsaber ad took a step back allowing the clone to engage the Mandalorian.

The clone began its attack pattern slowly opting to assess his opponent before deciding what to do next, he easily blocked all of the incoming blows before deciding it was time to attack. The clone moved straight at his enemy, attacking from multiple different angles forcing the Mandalorian all the way back to the edge of the duelling circle before smiling at the Mandalorian and walking back to its side of the ring taunting the Mandalorian the entire time.

Once the clone reached its side it threw its lightsaber at the Mandalorian, the Mandalorian blocked it and thought the clone did this out of desperation however the clone had done this to draw the Mandalorian's attention away from the clone himself and towards the lightsaber. With the Mandalorian distracted the clone created force projectiles using force pierce, he then used force lightning on the projectiles and shot them at the Mandalorian.

The projectiles pierced the Mandalorian's armour and began to electrocute his body from inside, the sudden increase in the electric current passing through his body caused his muscles to spasm randomly and his eyes to lose focus, the pain he felt caused him to faint onto the floor however his body still convulsed heavily.

Xim dissipated his clone and said, "Take him to the med bay, we will have him healed before we land on the planet."

The Mandalorians grudgingly did as they were told and moved their man towards the med bay. Xim smiled at the sight and said to Rathari "Lilith has a light side Holocron that you will need to study to bring the force within you into balance before you can learn the grey side. You will study the light side of the force until we reach the new home of our order."

Rathari nodded his head and went towards Lilith's room to collect the Holocron, Xim however moved towards the cargo hold so he could examine the slaves that Lilith had bought.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: Patience

Level 7: 2000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 95 Balanced form: 105 All other forms: 80 Force Mastery: 100 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 80 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 65

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 80 Mind Trick fear: 70 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 50 Force Cloak: 100 Force Pierce: 95 Force sever: 60 Force Clone: 110

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: Lust

Level 6: 5000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 60 Grey side Mastery: 40

Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning: 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 20 Force Clone:20 Force sever:20

Name: Rathari

Race: Sith


Level 3: 1200exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 35 Agility: 25 Charisma: 20 Intelligence: 30 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form:25 Dark side mastery: 35

Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning: 30

End of chapter.

A new chapter has been released in the auxiliary chapters, I'm expecting a major kickback due to it but I strongly recommend you read it, so you know what to expect going forwards.

In positive news, we somehow have gained 400 new collections since the book has come back alive, firmly thrusting us over 1000 collections. I want to say thanks for the amazing support and I will see you later.