A quick Home visit.

Xim walked down into the cargo hold to examine his slaves and to his surprise, they were a group of slaves consisting of many different species, there were mainly Cathar and Twi'leks however there were some other races mixed.

The most notable of these was the Wookies huddled together in the corner of the crate. Xim smiled at the slaves and said"You now work for the Order of the Grey, if you complete your work to a satisfactory standard you will become citizens under our order allowing you access to more food, better living conditions and the knowledge that your children will be free of slavery. You will also be able to learn new crafts as citizens as well as be able to take on new professions such as being a soldier or a teacher. Remember the hard work comes first and the rewards come second, anyone caught breaking any rules set up by my order will be executed immediately with no chance of redemption. The rules will be relayed to you when we arrive at our destination, food will also be provided for you then."

Xim then left the cargo bay and walked towards Lilith's room before entering it and walking gently over to her, when he arrived next to her, passionately kissed her before saying"As soon as we arrive at Lehon I will show you what needs to be done as well as leave you in charge of everything, the information I stole said that Alderaan is in a state of civil war and this is the best chance we will get to influence a planet towards our order instead of the Republic or the Sith empire. I also need to get Diligence's parents before Darth Baras has the chance to, we need an upper hand over him as he has a massive spy network and doesn't share most of what he knows, according to the data he has no idea who the Jedi padawan is."

Lilith looked grumpily at Xim before saying "You know we have no fleet and no army or civilians so how are we going to offer anything to Alderaan in order to tempt them to our site? Yes you are stronger than most and my training is going well however it is just the two of us, they will have no reason to join us or even respond to you when you ask for an audience"

Xim just smiled and said, "Leave it all to me, you just need to keep the slaves in check while I'm gone, I will try to be as quick as possible so that we can have some time to ourselves before some other event drags me away from you."

He walked up to Lilith and kissed her again before entering a state of meditation on the floor.

Two weeks passed while Xim was in meditation, he was awakened by Rathari who had come to report his progress on the light side of the force. To Xim's surprise Rathar's progress was quite substantial and he was nearly ready to learn the basic meditation stance for the grey side of the force, Xim remarked "You have done well Rathari, you will wait in the ship while we are on Lehon as me and you won't be staying on this planet for too long as we have other business to attend too. I suggest that you meditate in both the light and dark sides of the force and attempt to balance them within yourself. I will begin teaching you the basic stances as well as powers of the grey side when we leave Lehon again, make sure you are ready."

Rathari simply nodded his head and moved back towards his room on the ship, as soon as he left Lilith said to Xim" It seems you still want to make a play for Alderaan even though you will almost certainly fail."

Xim smiled at this and walked up to her before groping her ass aggressively while he spoke:" Let's make a bet if I succeed I get to do whatever I want to you however if fail you can do whatever you want to me."

Lilith simply said "Deal".

The droid entered the room to inform Xim that the ship had landed at the specified location, Xim went down to the cargo hold and gave food to the slaves as well as explaining the basic rules to them, he then told the mercs the rules on their contract as well as the fact Lilith will be in charge for the first few months of their contract and that she was a lot scarier than him when she was angry.

He then led the mercs and Lilith out of the ship and onto the island where his story had begun, he brought Lilith inside the temple and said" We will need the first 3 floors cleared and ready to be used by the time I get back, I will bring furniture and any training equipment we will need when I return. If the slaves are able to, try to go deeper into the temple, there are floors that I was not able to explore last time due to them being blocked off and lastly do not stress yourself out. Enjoy this time while you can as when I get back you will not be getting any rest"

He kissed her passionately before unloading the slaves and the supplies that Lilith had bought on Nar Shaddaa and boarding the ship again, he planned to leave as soon as he could so he could return as soon as possible. He secretly left his clone on the planet as well as extra support for Lilith in case the mercs tried something stupid, he knew that Lilith could handle it if they did however he worried about her too much.

After Xim had re-entered the ship, he walked into Lilith's room and began to think of how he could tempt Alderaan over to his side...

End of Chapter.

This brings volume one to an end, will release this now and work on Volume 2 for a while before I take a break, from here on in, it will be new chapters, which will take longer to make. So the release rate is going to drop, I will try and keep it one a day but that may be hard with work.