Plans for Alderaan

Xim began to ponder his plan for when he got to Alderaan, he had two main ideas on how he could get the support of one of the two main contenders for the Alderaan throne. He believed that he could offer them an independent status with a few concessions to pull them to his side however his backup plan was to support an entirely new noble family and give them the strength to openly fight the other two houses while making them be loyal to his order at the same time.

He wanted to gain the favour of one of the major clans first because it would allow him to save on his already limited resources, as well as he would be able to work with an already established house making diplomacy with the other houses a lot easier. According to the data he had gained access to on Nar Shaddaa, the first house he should target is House Organa, a strong house that has been backed by the Republic for the throne, they are currently waiting on Republic reinforcements before making a push against their enemies. The second house was House Thul, Xim learned that the Empire is currently funnelling support to bolster the efforts of House Thul.

The house that Xim wanted to support to the throne if both of these houses rejected his help was House Rist, it is one of the Alderaanian Noble Dynasties that had so far remained neutral during the civil war. It is a rival of Alderaan's new self-proclaimed King, General Bouris Ulgo as well as Houses Thul and Organa, this left Xim with a lot of work however he believed it could be done. His belief came from his own abilities and the fact that House Rist was a house that specialised in assassinations as well as had a large amount of support and resources due to its connections with the criminal underworld.

He believed that House Rist would be able to be self-sufficient when they ascended to the throne while the other houses would require more micromanagement at the beginning, he was caught within his own thoughts when Rathari entered the room and asked him

"Master can you teach me the ways of your order now, I believe that I have reached a good state of balance in both the light and dark sides of the force and I would like your input please."

Xim smiled at Rathari and walked towards him and said" I can sense that you are ready to learn the beginnings of the grey side of the force, I will pass on the basic meditation stance to you, I will also duel you to show you how to use my form, after the duel I will show you the form in more detail so you can master the basics of the form. When you have mastered both to a certain extent I will induct you into our council and allow you to take in two apprentices of your own to raise in our orders name. We will begin shortly, I just want to get my lightsaber ready for our duel as well as prepare to finish a side project I have been working on. I will back shortly, begin warming yourself up".

Rathari nodded his head and moved towards the centre of the ship in order to warm up.

Xim moved towards Lilith's room and opened a hidden metal grate in the wall. Inside the grate was a medium-sized wooden box that contained a Holocron that had the symbol of the grey order carved into two of its sides while the other two had the face of Xim carved into it.

This was the first Holocron of the order that was being worked on by Xim in private, it detailed the orders current rise as well as the founding members of the order and their abilities. The section Xim was currently working on was the section highlighting the basics of using the grey side of the force and the basics of the balanced form that he had created. The reason he made this Holocron out of one of the ones he stole from the Jedi order is so that if he died then his ideals and the order could live on without him, he knew it was only a matter of time until a strong being would arrive and destroy the balance of the force and he had no idea if he would survive the encounter with this being or not.

He had planned for either scenario and knew that he would have to be extra careful when recruiting people into his inner circle once he made a move on Alderaan, some areas of the major two factions in the galaxy have had an encounter with Xim however his potential power play on Alderaan would drag a major spotlight down onto him and his allies.

Xim smiled thinking about the upcoming conflicts before placing the semi-updated Holocron back in the metal grate in the wall and sealing it again. Once it was sealed he went back to the main chamber and began teaching Rathari all he needed to know.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: The Watcher

Level 7: 2000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 95 Balanced form: 105 All other forms: 80 Force Mastery: 100 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 80 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 65

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 80 Mind Trick fear: 70 Mind Trick (Light); 60 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 50 Force Cloak: 100 Force Pierce: 95 Force sever: 60 Force Clone: 110

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: Lust

Level 6: 5000 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 47 Agility: 50 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form: 50 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 60 Grey side Mastery: 40

Abilities:: Force choke: 60 Force lightning: 90 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 20 Force Clone:20 Force sever:20

Name: Rathari

Race: Sith


Level 3: 1200exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 35 Agility: 25 Charisma: 20 Intelligence: 30 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form:25 Dark side mastery: 50 Light side mastery:50

Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning : 30 Heal/cure: 20 Force push: 30

End of the Chapter.