Extraction (1/3)

'Shit, that smoke is crazy looking, it's drowning out the sky, I mean the fort has to be under siege for that much smoke, we really need to get there quick.'

Motivated by the limited time factor, I flung myself off of the beat, myself and Rathari had ridden here, using a concentrated force pouch on the floor as I landed, flinging me closer to the castle. To my surprise and horror, the front walls of the keep had been destroyed by what I can only assume are House Thul combat droids. Their metallic arms donned small rocket launchers.

It seems I was once again too slow to get to my objectives first, Rathari quickly approached me using force speed, noticing the carnage he asked "What is our plan of attack here master?"

'I should have Rathari attack the compound upfront, causing as much carnage a possible while I move in silently through the shadows and extract the parents, I don't think I will have much time before the keep is overrun.'

"Rathari, I will need you to make an extravagant attack to the front of the keep, make sure to not get yourself injured, I need you to distract as much of the Thul forces as possible, so I can make my way towards the parents."

Rathari nodded my head, turning on his Blood red Lightsaber, he walked a few sets forwards before turning around and speaking "Before we do this, please tell me why this Jedi Padawan is so important to you master."

I smiled "They have a unique ability in the force, they can sense people's moral standing as well as their deepest intentions, think about how valuable this would be to us going forwards. However it is also not that simple, she has potential like you and Lilith, she has the potential to grow exponentially within our order. I believe she is wasted in the Jedi order."

Rathari laughed "I hope Lilith won't be jealous with the amount of attention you are giving this girl when I tell her."

I stopped walking forwards as flashbacks of Lilith kicking me with her heels filled my brain, those heels were five inches long, straight into my gut, not again, never again.

" As your Master, I command you to forget we had this conversation."

Rathari walked away laughing, covering myself with Force cloak, I ran past him, giving him a smack on the head as I passed, entering the fort through one of the blown-up walls. I 'danced through the rubble, dodging any sensor droids or Sith as I went, trying to use the force to pick out the couple from everyone present was harder than I thought.

However, a familiar face in the crowd made my job significantly easier, to my surprise, Darth Baras' apprentice entered a servants quarters alongside a Tweilek and another sith Lord, likely someone to keep an eye on him since his embarrassment at my hands. Knowing that they would also be hunting the parents, I followed behind them, making sure that there was no tangible way for them to see through my cloak.

As they proceeded through the servants quarters, they killed all of the troops here, making sure to execute them, even if they surrendered, something I had also done previously, much to my own horror. I'm glad that the incense was as strong as it was, breaking me from my trance like stupidity. Don't get me wrong, I could have saved the lives of these troops easily by confronting the Sith however I would have to kill them anyway, just later down the line.

"Please don't hurt us, why are you Sith here? We were told that we would be safe here, we will not come with you."

Well, that appears to be my cue to appear, doesn't it?

*Clap, Clap*

Walking out of my force cloak, I began to clap, the Apprentice who recognised me instantly grew enraged while the other Sith lord silently turned on his lightsaber.

"Well, thank you for leading me to the parents of my good Friend Jaesa, I will be escorting them back to the capital, Coruscant that is, not whatever planet you guys crawled out from."

"Darth Baras wants you dead, I also want you dead, the humiliation you caused for the both of us can't go unrewarded."

I nod my head in response, "Fair enough, so who is that other Sith? is he here to make sure you don't fail again? To make sure that I die? Does your master not think you are capable enough to travel alone these days?"

The response to my sarcastic questioning was the ASith apprentice lunging himself at me using the Juyo form, a form I have come to excel at myself, I might as well teach him some of the basics while we fight right?

"No, no, you need to be quicker, the point is to throw your opponent off balance with quick and destructive strikes, you also need to be aware that it leaves you weak to force attacks like these."

I used force push with as much strength as I could, ramming it into the legs of the Apprentice, throwing him to the ground, he quickly got back to his feet once more. I turned on my lightsaber, what you thought I needed it to defend against such a sloppy display? No, I had been dodging with my instincts up until this point.

The grey hue of my blade clashing with the red of the Sith made a pretty impressive light show for the spectators, speaking of, why hadn't the other Sith engaged me yet? Is he hoping that I kill this Sith? Is he another apprentice of the Darth perhaps, seeking glory? Well, there is no glory here, not for him anyway.

Growing bored of the Sith's onslaught, I took a step back, using force pierce, I flung projectiles into his hands, tearing them apart, leaving nothing but a whole used to be, as the apprentice fell on his knees, the other Sith smiled, so I was right I guess, foul play...