Extraction (2/3)

I can hear the distant sounds of a lightsaber duel, I guess Master found the cause of these ants, I hope it is the Sith that beat me before, hopefully, Master can make him show humility as he did me.


Well, there goes my shield generator, now do I fall back or push forwards?

"Surround the enemy Sith, make sure he can't interfere with our Allies plans, kill off the remaining Organa troops, no prisoners, is that understood?"

A second wave appears to be assaulting the fort, did he say that there are troops left over here? I need to meet them and show their noble's permission to be here, take command of them and take the fight to House Thul, if we can push them back, we can isolate the Sith that are fighting Master.

As I dodged and weaved through the broken buildings, I made my way to a small pocket of Organa resistance, upon moving near their bunker, I heard a shout "Stop where you are Sith, we will raze the area you are standing on with Artillery if you take another step forwards."

Smiling I shouted" I have been sent here alongside my master with the permission of your Duke's brother, you can see the letter here"

Using the Force, I moved the letter towards the troops, A woman stepped out and collected it.

"I see, you are here to take some servants that are connected to a Jedi padawan, so why are you here on the frontlines and not looking for them or their bodies?"

"My master sent me here to cause a distraction, I have a plan but I will need your help to carry it out, especially if you have artillery as you said."


The woman let a deep sigh as she looked back down at me, throwing the letter she said "What is your plan?"

"Now then, the question is, should I kill you? Will keep you alive serve me better? If you survive then I know that my opponent will always be able to be beaten by me, making my life so much easier going forwards, Yeah, I think you can get to live, sorry mate, I won't be doing your dirty work for you."

In response to my words, the second Sith lord ignited his Lightsaber, staring at me, he paused waiting for me to make the first move, smiling at him, I moved in front of the passed out apprentice, knowing that he was unable to attack me.

"You could just kill this apprentice and leave, I only need the parents to make Darth Baras happy, I will stay out of your way going forwards, there is no need for us to fight here."

I began to laugh, heavily, I can feel it, my dark side slowly taking over, to stop it, I will need to expel some of the Dark Side energy in my body, what better way than taking out an opponent?

Lunging at the Sith, I quickly attacked with the speed of my recently mastered Juyo form, throwing him off balance whenever I could, making sure that he had no chance to counter-attack. Only using one hand, I began to channel large amounts of force lightning into my free hand, the crackles grew larger and larger until my entire hand was engulfed in lightning.

Using the Sith lord's growing distress at the sight of the Lightning, I disarmed him (Literally), cutting his right hand off, his saber fell to the floor with a loud thud. As he went to pick it up with his other hand I turned mine off, placing it at my side as began to channel the lightning in both my hands, the entire room turned a shade of purple, nothing but the loud crackles of the lightning could be heard.

It was deafening, barely able to hold the growing force any longer, I flung it at the Sith lord,


He screamed as his body burnt, charred and spasmed uncontrollably, I kept going expelling as much of my harboured rage as possible, I could feel myself returning to a more natural state of mind, my rage at the duke's brother simmered right down, not gone but content for now. Cancelling the force lightning, I was met with a burning mess of scraps and destroyed flesh, walking past the mess I made looked at the Slave brought here by the Sith, smiling as I went into the room with the Parents.


The building began to shake heavily as I walked towards my targets, wanting to leave I hurriedly said

"I'm not exactly an ally of your daughters however I will be, we need to get you off of this planet, a Sith Darth is hunting for you, I know you will not believe me but I have a copy of a document signed by your Duke's brother allowing me to take you off-planet. I only ask you to come willingly, I do not want to hurt you if I don't have to. You have done nothing wrong after all."

The two of them nodded their heads, scared shitless, I mean I would be after that display, I turned him into an Electrical fire for fucks sake, I may have been angrier than I had thought, so much rage, at least it is dealt with for now.

As we left the building, the scene in front of me caused me to pause, the SIth/Thul army that had been here either lay dead or in chains at the feet of my apprentice and a group of Organa troops. what the hell happened while I was gone??