Extraction (3/3)

"So, you mean to tell me that the artillery needs to be aimed with these small sensors? We place them, then the guns know where to fire?"

The Corporal nodded her head, handing me one of the sensors.

"What is your plan then Sith? How are you going to get us out of this mess?

I smiled, looking down at the sensor in my hand, I began to play with it, quickly figuring out how they work.

"I'm going to need two more of these, do you have any more spare?"

The Corporal handed me two more,

"So what do we need to do?"

"Provide me with covering fire, try and pin down the enemy as much as you can, I'm going to do what all Sith strive to do, feed our need for destruction."

Walking away from the Corporal, I noticed a very slight connection between her and the force, if not for my master's teachings, I would have missed it, I hope he will like my gift for him.

Time to action my plan, slinking into the shadows as the few troops under my command tried to pin the enemy, they were succeeding just not as well as I had hoped, the good thing though, is my shield generator has been restored, meaning, I can take a few free hits in combat should I need too.

Step one, place a sensor in front of the enemy's line, step two, put one in the middle of their line, the hardest step by far and step three? Place one behind the enemy, pinning them in between constant bombardments, killing or wounding them without putting my force in harm's way.

Not very Sith like right? Since I began to meditate in the force in the ways Master has shown me, I feel different, compassionate, loving, respectful, I can't describe it well, I just feel different. Don't get me wrong, my killing edge is still there, just more refined, dedicated to my Master's cause without question, my mind dominated by my loyalty to him.

Back to the task at hand, time to stop with the self-evaluation.

I take a deep breath as I look over the advancing enemy, they can't see me from this vantage point, a fallen tower, there is at least 1000 of them left while we have 30 troops maximum, I hope this plan works.

Moving back through the ruins, I planted the first sensor directly in front of good cover for the enemy, cover that would allow them to easily pick off my troops, destroying it would leave them wide open. For the second sensor, I made my way towards their advancing line, trying my hardest to avoid the sensor drones littered amongst their fighters, moving between whatever cover I could as silently as I could.

Every now and then someone would look in my direction, I would panic, then something weird would happen, a force out of my control would seize my body for a second, resetting my state of mind, returning me to my optimum calm state. Although this scared me, I had a job to do, I will ask Master about it later, maybe we have some mutations or something due to us using a new side of the force, it would make sense for there to be consequences for using such a power.

Using the force, I gently lifted the sensor and placed it in the centre of the position I believe they will take up, speaking of the Sith/Thul army, they have begun to surround my forces, it won't be long until they attack. I need to move quickly for the last one, the last sensor I will place outside the enemy command zone, take out the commanders and the army will retreat if not break.

As I made my way back, I made eye contact with a Sith commander, leaving their captured fortifications, I laughed, nearly, I nearly got away with it. Unleashing force lightning into the sky, I signalled the Corporal to launch the bombardments on the Sensors locations, knowing I would have to fight my way out.

*whistling Sound*


I was thrown back from the impact of the shells, my shield completely drained, my face bloody, if I had been a normal trooper, not a Sith, I would have died there and then. Igniting my Lightsaber, I ran back towards the safety of my Troops as hellfire littered the ruined fort, screams of the enemy being torn apart sounded out from around me.

Debris and limbs flew in every direction, staggering up a small hill, I fell facedown, the blood leaking from my face still covering my eyes, confused and alarmed, I began to use Force Heal in any capacity I could, pulling myself into a broken home not too far from the top of the hill. Placing my hands on my face, I wiped away the blood, knowing I could only heal the superficial wounds, I hastily got back to my feet,

*whistling Sound*


As I gingerly walked out of the home, it was destroyed behind me, the explosion burning my back, I wonder if they are going for the enemy or me? That's two now, one more and I will make sure to find the gunner myself.

As my rage began to build, it dissipated again, almost instantly, the strange mutation took control again, I laughed as I walked forwards, determined to get back to safety, my journey is far from over, I will not die an apprentice, I will ascend. I began to force the thought to sink into my psyche, using it to force my battered Husk forwards.

*whistling Sound*


I had made it back to the tower I used as my vantage point, looking back at the Organa troops, taking out the enemy with little fuss or injuries made this endeavour worth it. The Corporal noticed me, seeing me bruised and battered, she took 4 of her troops and lead them towards me, at least that's what I hope she is doing, I can barely keep my eyes open, the wounds on my skin have healed however my internal ones are rapidly shutting my body down, internal bleeding is scary.

Feeling weak, I fell forwards, landing on the floor of the ruined tower, the last thing I remember was the smell of the burning flesh, the screams and praying that my Master would find me again...