Negotiations (1/3)

As I walked out of the building, the two parents and walking behind me, fear evident in their body language, not meeting my eyes as we walked out.

The smell of burning flesh and the screams of pain of those not killed off by whatever assault had happened here assaulted my senses. I could make Rathari out from the crowd, although he seemed injured, he ran over to me, dropping on one knee, he spoke

"Master, We have routed the Sith/Thul forces with no lives lost on our end, we have some in chains, unfortunately, the fort is in ruins as you can see. I lead the troops in a counter-attack, placing sensors for our support artillery, so they could target the enemy, I hope I have passed your expectations."

I didn't speak to the kneeling Sith, instead, I grabbed his arm, and pulled him up, I then shoved my hand onto his chest, using force heal, trying to patch up some of the wounds that plagued him. Although my force heal needs work, it at least helped, I think, anyway.

I nodded at him, gesturing towards the Organa troops that were still standing behind Rathari in awe of his actions,

"Are you ready to leave? We have to escort these people back home before we return to this planet, I will not have a weakness here."

Rathari nodded his head,

"Master, the Corporal is force sensitive, it is a weak connection to the force but I can nurture it, I would like to take her as an apprentice."

Love at first sight? Must be, his actions on this planet are far from what a Sith should be doing, I expected to need to force him to learn the light side of the force but he has taken to it and the Grey side quite well. Curbing the natural aggressive tendencies of the Sith is hard, that I know all too well...

"Do as you wish, explain to her that there will be times in the future when she will have to go against the House of Organa, it is inevitable for this to happen, I will not interfere with your choices as long as it does not affect your training under me, if it does then we will cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, you will need to convince her and escort them back to the ship, I'm going to the location of our future allies. If I don't return to the ship in 4 hours leave without me, I will find my own way back."

Rathari went to say something, I smiled at him before turning around and using force cloak, vanishing into the distance, leaving him and the Organa troops stunned.

I heard him mutter

"What am I meant to do with the prisoners?"

As I slinked away into the shadows, moving towards one of the few working vehicles left by the invading forces, making my way towards the den of assassins, House Rist.


Arriving at the location, my stolen information, said housed the Assassins, I entered the large open-ended canyon, I made note of the lack of sound and began to use the force to try and detect any living beings around me. This came back blank.

As I pressed forward, I stumbled upon a large underground Fortress? Upon approaching it, I was ambushed by a group of people wearing completely black, Vibroswords already at my throat as I stood still, smiling at one of my ambushers.

"Your reputation doesn't do you justice, how did you manage to hide from the force?"

The response to my question was the man to my left swinging his sword at my shoulder, with a quick flick of my wrist, I flung him into the wall with enough force to knock him out cold, I casn't kill these people as in the end it will only weaken me, not my enemy.

Seeing their comrade getting destroyed easily made the three remaining men take a step back,

"Now you can't run away, I need you to all to be asleep, I need to meet your leader, I have a proposition for her, it is her right? The one who had a thing with a Jedi a while back, I always forget her name. Anyway good night."

I unleashed a strong force blast around my body, throwing them all in different directions, beaten, bruised and bloody. Still alive though, see master, character development right? Using force cloak, I stepped into the shadows, making my way into the fortress, making sure to silently and non-lethally eliminate anyone I found on my way through.

The smell of torture hit me as I passed the prisons, there was a mixture of beings in here, some Wookies, Sith, Jedi, anything you can think of really, a mess, a fun one though. As my journey through the fort got longer, I walked into an open canyon far below the surface of the planet. Lit by torchlight, I followed the rough path up until I reached a small house.

"Squad 4, 6, 9 report? what has happened? Squad 4, what happened to the Sith you captured? Hello? Squad 4? Commander Raul ARE YOU THERE?"

Static was the only response I got from squad 4's communicator, as a matter of fact, none of my squads was responding, this has never happened to us before, NO ONE has infiltrated our base and killed so many.


I see it is my turn then, turning to the door, I was surprised not to see my enemy, cautiously I walked over to it, slamming it shut, turning around, I was greeted by a Sith pureblood sitting in my chair, an amused smile on his face.

"Greetings Mam, it's rare to see a female running a house these days, you have my respect however the training of your assassins is sub-par in actual combat, I mean, 12 squads I knocked out on my way here. "

I took my blade from my side and asked

"Are you here to kill me Sith?"

He rose from his chair, gesturing for me to sit in it as he sat opposite,

"No of course not, I'm here with an offer, how would you like to be the queen of Alderaan?"

I froze, the Queen, me? Is the Sith high? I'm the leader of a small noble house, which is extremely unlikely, he is trying to pull me over to his side with fake promises.

"How would you make me Queen?"

The Sith began to laugh,


That was the only response I got.