Negotiations (2/3)

"So tell me. do you enjoy being an Ulgo puppet? An instrument to help them get to the throne, to kill when they demanded it. Supply them with resources from the under-world whenever they command it, like a good little dog? Tell me, would you like to be their masters? the Masters of this planet? The only requirement is for you to kneel to me instead, a Man like you, fighting to keep what remains of his family's legacy alive."

He talks like a politician, laying out my benefits without talking about the major repercussions of accepting his offer. We would be switching overlords but that isn't really a major issue, we aren't loyal to Ulgo, to begin with, we were forced into that agreement. I can use him to get free then stab him in the back in the future.

"You see lady, I know what you are thinking, stab me in the back once you are free?"

I backed away from the Sith, nearly falling over my chair as I went towards the door.


"I didn't want to have to hurt you, I don't take well to betrayal. just the thought of you trying, made me move on instinct, I heavily suggest that think about this seriously and respect whatever choice you make. As much as it would pain me to do."

*Loud Gasping*

"I can simply force choke you to death and present the same offer to your heir, using your corpse as motivation."

I then let her fall to the ground, moving slightly in my seat, I gestured for her to take her seat once more, you know she is pretty attractive, I can see why she was going to be used as a political tool before her fiancee blew her off to join the Jedi Order, that must have hurt.

"I can even sweeten the deal for you if you want, I can get you the head of the Jedi who left you here on this rock while he went to explore the galaxy, a shame really."

The woman's face scrunched at the mention of her past lover, still stings a lot I see.

"I can even let you get the killing blow if you want, free yourself from the limitation you put on yourself, stop thinking like a small noble and from now on think like a Queen."

"My name is Rehanna Rist, the current leader of house Rist, a little late to do introductions but it is better to be late than never, what is your name?"

The Sith smiled, he visibly relaxed however I knew that this was a trap, my senses screamed that if I tried to attack him, I would die without knowing how it happened.

"My Title is The Watcher, after we have worked together for a while, I will give you my name. Do you have any children?"

Expecting me to give you information without telling me any of your own? This Sith is either overconfident or knows that nothing here can harm him and considering the state of my 'Army' it is safe to say that he is right.

"I do, a young daughter that was born shortly after my marriage was called off, she is the heir that you would have shown my corpse to."

The Sith stood up, walking to my side, he bent down and whispered"I never would have killed you, like I said the thought of betrayal makes me act on impulse, I'm not sure why as I have never been betrayed, an interesting issue right?"

I nodded my head, confused as to what the Sith was talking about,

"Now I'm going to leave, you can simmer on my offer for a while, I'm going off-planet when I get back, I hope you have made the right decision."

Before I could react the Sith had already left my house, I could see my daughter hidden in the corner of the room behind my dresser, it is clear that she had seen everything, I wonder why the Sith didn't use her as a hostage. he surely would have noticed her presence too...


"Master, I have just been informed that my Parents have been taken off of Alderaan by a Sith, we have to go and save them. I don't want to know what they will do to them, you said that helping you get rid of this spy network wouldn't put them in any harm."

My master sighed deeply, turning to me he said" It is unlikely that it is one of Darth Baras' apprentices as he couldn't have possibly known where they are, it is likely Xim Taa, the Sith that was on Tython, he seems eager to meet you, taking your parents was most likely a way he could draw your attention to him, I suggest you ignore it, they should be fine."

*Beep Beep*

"Hold on Jaesa, I have a holo-call incoming"

My master's shoulders slumped as he took the call.

" Master A pleasure to meet you once again, it's safe to say you remember me right? Well, I have some interesting news to share with you and your apprentice although by the look on your face you know what I'm about to say. Jaesa's parents were attacked by Darth Baras' apprentice and another Sith Lord that I can only assume is affiliated to them.."


"Oi, I'm talking to someone on a Holo communicator, fire those missiles at my apprentice if you could, need to talk here. Sorry about that, the Duke's brother doesn't like the fact that he tried to extort me and failed, now he is trying to make it so we can't take off, the joys of helping people right?"


"RATHARI could you and your apprentice get it together please? Don't kill, go to incapacitate them, force lightning should work, remember low voltages. Fucking warzones man, back to my point at hand, I need to meet up so you can take these parents off my hands, Hutta in a day or two?"


"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU SCRATCH THE PAINT ON MY SHIP. Hutta then, will meet you in the Batha's Cantina, say hi to Jaesa for me."

The holo-communication was cut off suddenly, I stood there in a state of shock, he had saved my parents? The 'Psycho of Tython' as he was known to padawans, what is in it for him? Before he only acted in self-interest or so the stories say. I had used my power on him however, I know the forces that battle away within him, maybe the light-side had outgrown the dark, maybe that's why he helped?

I doubt it, the force in the middle might be the strongest, allowing to control both the light and dark, if the light is good and the dark is evil then what does the middle mean? Balance? He is an interesting being, I want to meet him in the Cantina.

I blushed I remembered him kissing my cheek, no one had done anything like that to me before, Master sees me as a tool and my parents were extremely protective of me and afraid that my power would get me killed so they isolated me until Master found me, I have never really been around people of the opposite gender, except my father and Master.

"Jaesa, I don't think we should meet hi-"

Anger, I didn't know I felt surged up.

"No Master, we will meet him, he saved my parents, I need to make sure they are okay, you are the one responsible for their protection and they were almost killed."