
With my heels in my hand, I run barefoot on the long road, not knowing where it'll lead me. For now, I just have to keep running and not think about what could happen to me if I get caught.

Death, probably?

But, that'll be better than this living hell.

Hopefully, I'll be able to escape.

. . .

I don't know how long I've been running for.

But for sure, it's been more than an hour.

The houses along the road start to fade as I enter a deserted area.

I keep walking, the road seemingly endless.

Yet, after walking for a long time, I see a small diner, by the corner of my eyes.

Strange. A diner in the middle of nowhere?

Probably makes sense. My wedding was also about to take place in the middle of nowhere.

Rich people and their weirdness.

. . .

I slowly approach the diner, I see the windows all boarded up. I sigh, wanting to give up.

Still, a part in me approaches the door.

I slowly put my hand in the knob, and;


The door opens with a click.

This time, I sigh in relief.

I gather all my courage and enter the place.

I expected a completely dark place. Instead I found a... completely lit place?

I look around, the place seems exceptionally clean and neat.

I definitely didn't expect this.

"Anybody here?" -I call out.

I wait for a minute, before I sit in the closest booth. The lower portion of the wedding gown is completely dirty.

I look at my legs, they too, dirty. With few dry blood in the corner of my toenails.

I scan the whole place, and find the washroom at the corner.

I get up and make my way to it.

. . .

I wash my feet.

And tear off a little bit of the dress, to make it comfortable to run around in.

I exit the washroom to find myself surrounded by four men. Hugely built, dressed in complete black. Their eyes, unseen due to the sunglasses on. And their guns, are pointed towards me.

Shit. I've been caught.

"Don't make any moves." -One of them says.

He approaches me, with his gun still pointed towards me. I take a step back.

"I said, don't move!" -He yells.

I shake with fear. My heart thumping in my chest. I take quick, short breaths.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?!" -He asks, his voice loud.

"Wait, you don't know me?" -I say, confused.

"Why do you mean?" -He asks, raising his eyebrow, Coming closer to me.

"Didn't Chris's Dad send you?" -I reply.

"Who Chris? And what dad?" -He asks again.

"Uhhh... His Dad? Dave Millers?" -I say.

"Did you say... Dave Millers?" -He repeats the name. Looking at the other three.

"Okay, honestly. You know what? Since you don't know Dave or Chris Millers, I'll just leave. I'm sorry for taking up your time. Forget that I exist." -I smile, sheepishly, as I try to make my way to the door.

Honestly, that was such a weird conversation.

-I think to myself.

As I was about to put my hand on the doorknob, I felt someone lift me up. And before I knew it, I am up in the air.

I let out a small shriek.

"What the hell? Put me down!!!" -I yell.

The guy pays no heed to what I say, and keeps walking.

The other three, follows behind.

Soon, we're out of the brightly lit area, and enter a dimly lit room.

"What do you want?" -I hear a low, deep voice. The voice sends chills down my spine.

The guy puts me down.

I glare at him. But the guy is reaction less. Also, with those sunglasses on.

"Who is she?" -The deep voice asks.

I look around, searching for the owner of the deep voice. But, I don't find anyone.

I feel someone's breath by my neck, I turn my head and see a man.

His eyes meet mine. And we stay that way for a few minutes.

He pulls his head back.

The guy who brought me in this room speaks;

"She's related to Dave Millers."

"I'm not—"

-As I begin to say something, the other guy shushes me.

"Is that so?" -The owner of the deep voice asks. His gaze burning me.

"No." -I firmly answer.

"I have nothing to do with that family."

"And why is that?" -He asks.

"Why does it matter to you? Look, I made a mistake of coming here. Let me go. I don't even know you." -I say.

His gaze intensifies.

He signals the four men to leave the room. They quietly obey his order. Leaving me with him. I gulp my fear, and stand firm.

"Nobody ever speaks rudely to me. And by never, I mean, NEVER!" -He says, his voice low, deep and scary.

"Listen, if you want an apology, you can have it. I'm sorry. Okay? Now let me go." -I say, steadying my voice.

He scoffs.

"I won't let you go." -He says back.

At this point, I'm both irritated and scared.

Still; I won't let this guy get to me. I survived through hell when I was with Chris.

What is this guy?

"Listen, I don't give a crap about what you say. Just let me go. I don't even know you."

-I say.

"Okay woman, I don't know you either. You're here, in my property. Without my permission, how could I ever let you go?" -He said, with the same smirk, plastered on his face.

-I sigh. "Fine... What do you want?"

Instead of replying, he walks away from me. When he reaches a bit of a distance, he turns to look at me. He eyes me, head to toe. Making me shift uncomfortably.

I could see that same smirk plastered at the corner of his lips. But this time, it seemed more evil.

I shuddered at thoughts of what he could to me.

Shouldn't have entered this diner, in the first place.

. . .

We both kept our eyes on each other for so long, that I started to feel butterflies in my stomach.

And then, slowly... Really slowly, he started to approach me.

I started stepping backwards, without even realizing it.

And then, I could feel my back hit a wall.


Yet, he continued approaching me. And soon, Halt. He put one of his hand on the wall, to restrict my movements.

He seemed really tall at this moment, I dare not to look into his eyes.

It would've been romantic, in another situation. But right now, no.

We both waited for one of us to make any movement.

I could feel my heart beating really fast, thrumming in my blood, pounding in my chest.

His gaze threatening to kill me, yet something seemed so different about it.

Call me crazy, but his gaze, felt way better than Chris's.

As I was about to say something, maybe, try to convince him into talking this out,

I felt something, seemingly alcoholic shoved to shut my mouth. With my nose also being trapped.

Is this that unconsciousness alcohol?


I tried my best to remove his hands from my face, but no success.

I slowly began to lose my strength, and before my eyes could close,

I felt a cloth bag shove on my face.

And my eyes shut completely.

Falling into the unknown void.