
My head throbbed with pain as soon as I opened my eyes.

I blinked my eyes groggily, trying to get rid of the lingering remains of my dreamless sleep.

Where am I?

Panic and fear started rising in my chest, as I frantically looked around my surroundings, as soon as I realized I'm not anywhere familiar.

I also realized that I wasn't tied or anything. Just on a bed, with a blanket over me.

I shoved the blanket off to the ground, and stood up. I'm still wearing the wedding gown.

It seemed like a pretty normal bedroom. Except, that it's huge. Like a room in a palace or something.

There's also a beautiful, huge chandelier hanging.

But, I really don't have my eyes on these stuff right now.

The only thing in my mind is that, I have to run.

As I was about to approach the door, it opened. I froze in spot.

That same guy. The owner of the deep voice.

I could still see his beautiful features in the dimly-lit room. Yet, they seemed so cruel.

"Seems like someone is awake." -He said, with a dry expression.

"Where are you off to?" -He asked, staring at me. Not allowing his gaze to leave me.

"Well, clearly out of this place. You know, this is called kidnapping? I can sue you for this!" -I yelled, feeling rage and a little bit of fear in me.

He sighed. Massaging the temples of his forehead.

And before I could process what he'd do;

I felt myself being pinned on the king-sized bed.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" -I screamed at him, as I tried to free myself from his grip.

But they only got tighter. His body pressed against mine, I could feel his heat.

His bloodshot eyes filled with rage;

"Nobody speaks to me like that. Remember, I told you that?" -He whispered coldly, against my ears.

I shuddered at his voice. Yet, I was in rage.

"Or what?" -I asked, sarcastically.

"Something you'll completely regret." -He replied coldly, once again.

"I've been through worse. Try me." -I said.

He brought his face way closer to mine, that I felt like sinking inside the bed.

He pressed his lips against mine. His kiss felt soft and tender...

Just like Chris's.

I shoot my eyes open and push him off of me.

My eyes quiver, I could feel Chris's touch lingering in me. For a moment, the owner of the deep voice looked like Chris.

He tried to come closer to me, but all I could see was Chris's face, plastered over his.

I let out a scream.

"Please don't. Please. I beg you." -I whimper.

"Calm down... I'd never.." -he began to speak, but all I could hear were Chris's threats to me.

'I can't breathe.' -I thought to myself.

'I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.' -I kept saying to myself.

"I can't breathe." -I call out, reaching my hand out to him.

As I try to approach him, the room goes dark. I feel my vision becoming blurry, and before closing my eyes completely, I hear someone shout;


. . .


(Mature contents; please don't read, if triggered.)

"Please... Please... I am sorry..." -I beg, coughing blood, while I clutch my aching stomach. I groaned in pain when another kick landed on my stomach.

Chris turns and walks towards the island-counter, slowly leaning backwards and fetching himself a glass of wine.

He is still wearing his office clothes, but he's taken off his suit. And the top three buttons of his shirt are undone. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, and his hair is messy.

He looks handsome but he can't fool me anymore. I loathe him.

"You know, when I said that I don't want you to go to that party, I literally meant it. Instead of listening to me, you went. Looking all slutty wearing this dress." -He gestures to my now-torn blue dress. I try my very best to get up, but my whole body feels so weak, that I can't move an inch.

"Why are you doing this?" -I ask, my voice weak.

I see him coming closer to me. I feel him crouching beside me.

"Why am I doing this, you ask? My pretty naive little girlfriend has no idea. She can go partying all she wants, while I work my ass off!!!" -He yells.

His voice rings in my ears.

He got up, and drained his wine right in front of my face, and threw the glass on the wall, across the

room. I close my eyes as I hear the shattering of the glass.


I slowly try getting up with the help of my weak hands.

"You're a monster!" -I try to yell, but my voice comes out weak.

"Awh babe, you're hurting my feelings." -He feigned a hurt expression.

"I don't care anymore. You're a monster, and I'll sue you. Even if it costs my life. I'll see you at court." -I say.

His face darkens, and he grabs me by my arms.

"Listen to me very carefully, Michelle. You're not going to leave me. You cannot leave me. Never. You are mine, and you should always remember that." -His voice so dangerously low, as it sends goosebumps down my skin.

I try to free myself from his tightening grip, but instead, I find myself backhanded. I whimper in pain. I could feel more blood invading my mouth.

He scoops me up, and starts walking towards the stairs to the bedroom.

I felt a bit confused at first, at why is he taking me to his bedroom.

He threw me on his bed, and started to unbutton his shirt.

"I've had enough. Tonight, I'm making you all mine. Let's see where you'll go." -He says.

My whole body shivers at his words.

"Chris? What do you mean?" -I ask, with fear taking over my voice.

"You said you want to leave me. Let's see you leave me, after this." -He says, with an evil smirk on his face. Chris was now topless, and I could see his well-refined body structure.

He slowly comes towards me. I try to move backwards, using both my elbows but come to a halt as I hit the end of the bed.

"No escape, honey." -He says, with the same devilish smirk on his face.

His eyes filled with lust and anger subsidizing it.

I scream as he grips both my wrists with his hands.

"Let go off me!" -I scream, as he pins me down to the king-sized bed, pressing his half-naked body against mine. I try to free myself from his grip, but like always; it only gets tighter.

Lighting cracks the dark skies, outside his window, illuminating his handsome, yet cruel face.

He brings his face more closer to mine, and whispers to my ear;

"You are mine, Michelle. Only mine."

His eyes filled with lust, closing the little distance between us when his lips presses against mine.

My heart raced wildly inside my chest.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, as I thought to myself;

'Please... Don't...'