
"I didn't know. I truly have no idea what to say right now. It's just that, he wasn't like this before." -The guy says.

"Cut it. I don't want to hear anything. If you wish to throw me back to that hell, go ahead. I suppose, I should just accept my bad luck by now." -I say.

"Or, maybe not." -He says, staring at me, as if struck by a mind-blowing idea. His smile, menacing. He stares at me, with those devilish eyes, making me slightly uncomfortable, leading me to fix my posture.

"Hold whatever thoughts you are having. I ain't doing anything." -I exclaim.

"Suit yourself. But, let's talk about it. You, help me dethrone Dave Millers. And in exchange; I will make sure your life is back to normal. With no Chris lurking in the shadows to get you. How does it sound?" -He speaks, nonchalantly.

"Why should I trust you?" -I query.

"Here, our words are of flames. And we never go against 'em. Of course, if you find it hard to believe, it's up to you. I am willing to let you go free. But, let's say; even if i let you go, do you think you can live in peace? There's a huge ransom on you. And for money, here, they sell their own child. What makes you an exception?" -He replies.

At his words, I shudder. But his words are no lies. It's the truth.

What makes me an exception? Anybody would hand me over to the Millers for the huge amount of money.

What do I do? If I do as he says, will I really get my normal life back? Will he truly stick to his words? Will Chris finally be gone from my life?

I look at the stranger. Gathering my thoughts and taking a deep breath, I ask him;

"What makes you so sure of it all?"

It seems as if he's studying me and puts his words together carefully; "Dave Millers would do anything to make his son happy. So, things would be easier for me, since you're already here. We'll toil them around. Ask for a huge ransom, and if he's unable to pay for it. I'll take your life for it." -He says.

My eyes go wide. My heart clenches against itself.

We both stare at each other long enough. He breaks it off with a low chuckle.

"I won't lay a finger on you. Not unless you go against my words." -He informs.

Though, I don't trust his words, I tell myself to calm down.

"I don't know about you. But I don't have all day to wait for your answer. I'll give you til' tonight. We'll have dinner together, if you feel like it. The, let me know of what you've thought of. And I hope I get to hear, what I wish." -Saying so, he slowly makes his way out of the room. Leaving me with bundles of thoughts and questions.

. . .


I greet my extended family, as they quietly usher themselves into the tiny funeral room. All of them in black clothing.

My half-brothers and my half-sister take turns on hugging me. None of my dads are here. Of course, after all that has happened, I should be glad at least my half-siblings have shown up. They're all grown up now.

How long has it been since we last met? 8 or 9 years?

I don't know. I can't really remember. My mind isn't working right at this moment.

After staying for an hour or so, they start to get up. My half-siblings give me one last sympathetic smile and leave. I return a tired smile, and retire at the chair near me.

I hear the doors open again. But being too tired, I don't look up, neither speak.

"Michelle?" -A soothing, familiar voice calls out to me.

The person slowly approaches me and gets down on their knees. It's Chris.

"I am so sorry. I just got to know, so I rushed to you. How are you feeling?" -He asks, in a voice so calm and serene, that it brought out my fogged thoughts.

He looks at me, endearingly. Patiently waiting for me to form my words.

"I feel terrible. I feel like, I could've been a better daughter. It's just that... It's just that... That I should've been there for her. But... But... But I wasn't." -I say.

With tears falling from my eyes and my voice hiccuped.

He silently listens to me. After seeing that I cannot continue due to my tears, he slowly wraps his arms around me. Completely engulfing me into him, smelling like lavender. I hold onto him, wailing like a baby.

"I am always here for you. Always. And I believe, you were the best daughter to your mother. Because I know, she loved you very dearly. Trust me." -His voice sounding as a whisper. As if it's a secret between the both us.

He brings his body closer to mine, that I could feel his heat. I don't let go.

We stay that way for a little while. And I slowly break off the hug.

"Are you hungry?" -Chris asks, as I hear his stomach grumbling with hunger, obviously. I let out a low chuckle.

"Sure, let's go and eat." -I speak, in a low voice.

Chris helps me stand up, and leads me out of the room. We make our way to his car, and upon reaching it. He opens the door for me.

The small gesture makes me smile, in myself.

. . .

Now that I look back, I fell in love with Chris because of his kind nature, his soothing and comforting voice. His natural charm.

But where is it now?

Why'd he change? What made him change?

What happened to the man I fell in love with? Where has he gone?

He's grown so bitter, yet claiming that he loves me the way he used to. But, I know it better than anyone else. His soul has grown crooked, for a reason that is unknown to me.

Or has he always been like this? Perhaps, his good nature was a pretense.

Something, that I never got the answer for.