
"Your presence is requested in the dining room." -A maid appears at the door, speaking in a kind voice.

"Uh... sure?" -I reply, as I slowly get up from the bed and follow the maid out. As she leads me through the long hallways, my eyes wander around. This place, looks really beautiful; even though we're just in the passages.

My feet are slow for some reason. It takes a bunch of strength from me to keep moving forward. The maid notices and slows her pace. "We're here." -She announces, as she opens an enormous door, and ushers me to my seat. A seat next to the danger-stranger. He's sitting at the head of the table. I sense him staring at me, so I avoid meeting his eyes.

"So, have you given it any thought?" -He asks, his voice deep as usual. "If I agree to this, I'll have a few conditions." -I reply, avoiding his gaze. He turns to face me completely, curiosity drawn in his face, saying; "And they are?" "You have to teach me how to fight." -I say, finally meeting his eyes. Looking him straight in the eyes feel scary and intimidating.

As the maids serve the food, I keep my eyes on him. And he, closes his own and leans back the chair. I take time to notice his features. He seems pale. Like really pale, as a ghost. With ash gray hair, quiff styled. Is that his natural hair color? Seems pretty royal and groomed. Who am I kidding? He's a gangster. He's used to having his hair done, nicely.

Even with his eyes closed, he seemed pretty good-looking. With a smirk formed at the corner of his lips. What's up with this guy, always with a smirk?

I must've missed seeing him open his eyes, as he caught me staring. As soon as I noticed, I turn my head the other direction.

"Eat." -He simply says, as he digs into his food. I follow his words. Keeping my head slightly down, I eat the food served.

"You don't have any other conditions?" -He asks, midway of eating. I slowly raise my head, and turn to face him; "If any come in mind, I'll inform you." He stares at me for a second or so, before letting out a small, sarcastic laugh. "Fair enough. Since you've named your conditions. Even I have a few of them, you'll need to abide to." -He declares. I simply nod, and he continues speaking.

"First: Speak when spoken to. Second: You do as I say. Third: Always knock before entering any room. Fourth: Never do anything without informing me. Fifth: You better cooperate in all cases." -He announces. "Sure." -I nod, as we both return to our plates. He simply smiles, devilishly.

After we're done eating, the maids clear the table. And he slowly rises from his chair. "Follow me." -He orders. And strides forward without turning back. I hurry behind him.

I follow him, as he continues to lead me out. Out the main door, and unto the front yard. As the cold air hits my face, I breathe, slowly taking it in.

"What are we doing?" -I ask. He turns to face me, and before I could proceed what he's trying to do, I feel myself pinned to the ground. I felt the air leaving my lungs, as my body thudded against the cold, wet grass. He lowered himself down and crawled over top of me, pinning my free limbs down, so I couldn't move. His long legs were on either side of me, and he had his hands around both my wrists. They were pressed firmly against the ground, restraining me from any movements.

How is he so fast? I didn't even notice him moving. What the hell?! Are all gangsters this fast?

"What are you doing?!" -I yelp, panicked. He doesn't reply, just stares at me. His hazel eyes gleaming in the darkness. "Before I teach you how to fight, you should learn how to defend yourself." -He says. "Wha-? I don't-" -I couldn't form my words due to confusion. My breathing gets heavier, so I focus on calming myself down. I close my eyes, and I could feel him loosening his grip around my wrists.

I open my eyes back again. He stares at me with worry, and I nod. He seems relieved. "So, what would you do in a situation like this?" -He asks, tightening his grips, again. I think for a few seconds before replying to him, in a small voice; "I'll kick them in the groin?"

He seems surprised at my words, as if he was expecting another answer, but this was all I could think of at the moment. "Yeah, that would work too. But you would need to kick them hard, and if you miss, you'll be the one receiving the blow after it." -He explains. To which I nod.

He slowly removes himself from on top of me, and sits down, on the cold grass. I take in as much air as possible, before sitting besides him, keeping distance.

"Do you believe in mythical creatures?" -He asks, getting rid of the silence. "I don't know. If you're telling that such creatures exist, then magic exists too."-I say. "Consider them both; existing." -He interjects. "Then I don't believe in such." -I reply. "Why is it so?" -He inquires. "If magic really existed, miracles would too. And I've never seen or felt such throughout my life. Makes me believe, magic and all that are made up stories."-I say. He doesn't speak. Simply observes me, and sighs. "Yeah, what was I expecting?" -He mutters to himself, under his breath. I stare at him, confused. He merely nods his head as a 'nothing'.

"What do I call you though? I can't go around calling you danger-stranger, can I?" -I blurt out. Shit. 'Danger-stranger'? Have I completely lost my mind, saying such to him.

"Sorry." -I say. He lets out a huff of a chuckle. "'Danger-stranger'? That seems pretty cool of a nickname. But you can call me Mars." -He replies. I nod, understood.

He gets up, and helps me to my feet too. "Go to bed. We'll start with uh,... teaching you how to fight from the morning." -He announces.

We quietly make our way back inside the... mansion?! Holy shit... I think I just noticed how this place looks like. The exterior seems like a mansion's. How rich could he actually be? I eye the exterior once more, before getting back inside.

A maid appears, and we excuse ourselves, and go on our ways. The maid leads me to the room, I've been staying in for the last two days.

She bows her head and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

I sigh heavily, as I lay down on the bed. I stare at the ceiling for a little while, with no comfort in my system. Even though I was restless, I eventually fell asleep.

. . .


The cop spoke; "Ms. please, would you mind clearing if this is your mother or not?" I stared at him, dumbfounded. "What are you trying to say?" -I ask, daring to not look at the body laying on the table. My heartbeat increasing with every second that passes. "Today morning 4:30 am, a body was discovered near the water-body. A passerby, who happens to be your neighbor, called the police station." -He replies. "And what makes you believe that this is my mother?" -I ask, scared. "A few tattoos were discovered. One says; 'Creation.' & the other has your name; 'Michelle.'" -The officer explained.

I let out a few exhales, as I turn to face the body, which is covered with white sheet. With a heavy and scared heart, I reach out a shaky hand to remove the sheet. And as I look at the disfigured face, and multiple stab wounds, I feel myself fall to the ground, my guts finally exploding. I couldn't hear myself anymore. But I could feel tears prickling down my face, as I let out scream after scream. Two officers, trying their best to help me out, but after a vigorous tussling; they let me be. As I weep, my knees brought closer to my face, cornered at the back of a wall. Both the officers, stood there, quietly. Hearing me whimper my cries of pain.

I don't know how long was it for, until I gathered enough strength and got up. Refusing to accept the helping hands of the officers. I slowly make my way out of the room, just to look back at it, one last time.

Is that really my mother? But why?

. . .


As I run along with my brothers and his friends, I let out a hearty laugh. This is fun. When was the last time we went on such fun trip? It's been so long, that I almost forgot what the sea was like.

"Michelle, can you wait here? We'll bring some of the snacks here. So that we can play here. This is our spot, don't move okay?" -My brother asks, smiling. I nod enthusiastically, and sit on top of the wooden log, by the sea waves. As my brothers and their friends make their way back to where the parents are; I hear a faint whistle. I turn my head around to check who it could be. But no one to be seen. As the whistling stops, a voice speaks up; "Hey, you!"

I look around, once again. Only to be met with no one. "You're looking everywhere, but not at me! Can't you see me? I'm here, by the waves!" -The voice says. As I look at the shore, I try to make out the figure from the distance. It waves. I slowly get up from the log, and make my way in front of it.

It's a little girl. A really pretty girl, with beautiful red hair. She seems around my age. She's sitting by the waves. Her lower part of the body, hidden in the water. "You'll get sick if you stay in the water for too long." -I tell her. "No, I won't." -She simply replies. "Why?" -I ask. "Because I live here. What about you, where do you live?" -She replies and asks. "I live in the town. We're here for a picnic." -I answer. "What's a picnic?" -She asks.

I laugh and then explain what a 'picnic' is, to her. As I was done speaking, I could see the waves pulling itself back and revealing a pair of shiny pair of fish-tail. I couldn't contain my surprise.

"Is that real?" -I ask her, pointing to her tail. "Of course, it's real! Where can you get fake tails from?" -She says. "They're available in the costumes store, you know." -I reply, still not believing her.

"HUH?! Humans, you all are pretty weird." -She says, and sighs. Only to continue speaking again; "But not you! I like you!" -She smiles. To which I smile back. "I like you too! Friends?!" -I reach out my hand to her. She stares at it for a few seconds and then shakes it.

"I am Michelle. You?" -I ask her. "Lilith." -She introduces herself with a smile. "So, you're a mermaid?" -I say. "More like a Nereid." -She reveals, only for me to respond with a confused face. "Mermaids are like... they're our cousins!" -She tries to explain. "Ah... Do you always come here?" -I ask her, changing the topic. "Not really. I came here because I sensed a strong aura. And it led me to you. But you seem completely human." -She explains. After a long moment of silence she speaks again; "Could you be one of the DV descendants?"

. . .