
-I try to run as fast as my legs can carry me, through this dense forest. There was this really uneasy feeling washing over me, I can't really explain it. The feeling of being watched and chased, by something really horrifying. And, if I get caught, I'll die. In this dense, scary forest.

I leaned against a tree, tears making their way down my cheeks, but I didn't dare to make a the simplest of noise. Suddenly, someone from behind, grabbed me and clamped a hand around my mouth, restraining me from making any noise. To be honest, my mind was hurdled with thousands of thoughts, 'How did it find me?' , 'What was I leaning against, if it was not a tree?' , 'What will it do to me?' . 'Will I die?'

Whatever it is, it tightened it's grip around my waist, making it hard for me to move, or even breathe. Both of it's hands were occupied, in controlling my body movements.

"Who are you? What do you want?" -I mumbled, with it's hand clamped on my mouth.

But, as if understanding what I've just said, it replied; "A lot of things from you. But, right now, your blood." -As my eyes widened, and my back got cold, it sunk it's teeth deep into the side of my neck. It's hand on my mouth, clamped tightened, before I could scream out the horrible pain. I could feel my blood being gushed out, and onto it. I struggled more within it's grip. Desperately trying to free myself. But I doubt its of any use, since the thing wouldn't even budge.

And before I knew it, in quick movement, it wrapped it's hand around my throat, as I squirmed and my body was slowly becoming paralyzed and lifeless, in it's arms. Before closing my eyes, I took a glimpse of it's hazel colored eyes. His eyes were gleaming with sadness. It was in pain, and it wanted the pain to stop.

Even though my eyes were closed, and maybe I was unconscious, I could still see and feel everything. But, I couldn't speak nor move. All I could do was observe.

I could see some shadowy figure, lurking around. It was watching me, from afar. And when it realized, I knew about it's presence, it ran off. Strange.

From the other side, I could feel someone coming near me. And for some reason, my mind started panicking.

That's when I could finally open my eyes, and move. There was a throbbing pain in my neck. I sat up, with each movement sending a rush of pain throughout my body. My eyes surveyed through the whole place. It's a clearing, with lots of trees circling around it. 'Is it in the middle of the forest?' -I thought.

"If it isn't Michelle?" -A voice spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. The voice sounded so sinister, that it actually gave me the chills. But the owner of the voice, is nowhere to be seen. 'Where is it coming from?'

Fear was filling in my body. My mind, completely blank.

-I mustered up the courage to call out to the voice; "Who are you? And why are you doing this?"

My question was met with complete silence. Did it leave? But, I could see someone step into the clearing. And under the full moon's lighting, I could see a really Handsome man. Tall, gorgeous. And from the distance, I could see those beautiful hazel eyes, staring back at me. He's wearing a simple leather jacket, that's covering a white shirt. With black jeans, and sneakers. He stared at me, and then, a little smirk formed at the end of his lips.

I don't know what I should do at this moment, but I also know that I should run. For my life.

. . .

"Daydreaming won't teach you anything." -Mars speaks, snapping me out of my cloud of thoughts. I give a quick apologetic smile and shake my head to clear it.

We've been practicing 'boxing' since the morning, and I feel like; I'm not making any progress at all. "Give yourself some time. It's been only a few hours, nobody expects you to master it in a few hours. Relax." -He says, his voice deep, yet soothing. "How did you know what I was thinking of?" -I ask. "Oh wow, you were actually thinking so. I just took a guess, from the look on your face" -He replies.

"Let's take a break. I got some work to do." -Mars says. I sigh in relief, as he excuses himself, nodding. After he leaves, I realize how wet my clothes have gotten due to all the sweating. "Well, I guess I better take a shower." -I say, making my way back to the room, I've been staying in.

I got in the shower after removing my clothes and sighed my content as I felt the warm water slide down my back. I lathered my hair with the shampoo available in this bathroom, and tried to get the tangles out. Rinsing it out, I washed myself thoroughly. Leaving lavender scent trails, in my body.

Once I got out of the shower, I put on a cherry dress I found in the closet. It's structure, so beautiful. Knee-length, with off-shoulder hooks. The color, being extravagantly light pink.

As I started to pat my hair dry, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't help but notice my dull eyes. My very own eyes, that used to hold a difference back then. The only feature I've ever admired about myself the most, without any hesitation; it'll be my own eyes. As green as emerald.

But now, just plain green.

This was one of the features I inherited from my unknown biological father. My mom used to say; my eyes always reminded her of him.

She never told me anything about him. Why he was never there for us. Why my family was incomplete. And so many other questions, to which I may never find answers to. The only thing I know of him; is his name.

Athen Julius.