
The last person in the world, Alex wanted to involve, in his life, was his mother, but little man was right she was the only one to help.

He pulled out his phone and called her.

"Mom, I need your help" He said as soon as she picked up her phone and said hello.

"With what?" she answered in an anode tone. She had a feeling about what, when Jack had shared his plan.

"I made a mistake letting Elizabeth go. Now she seems to be with Jack and I can't stand it." He said pulling at his hair.

"I see... well that is what you get for pushing her away when she did nothing wrong. Karma is a B#@#h." she laughed.

"Mom that is not funny, can you help me or not." he said with hope in his heart.

"I think a party should do. I will Invite a few couples over along with Jack and Beth. You get her alone and talk to her. Convince her to be with you. Tell her you have feelings for her and you want to see where things will go." She crossed her fingers and did not say to much more.

"Ok, I'll try" he said, "Please call me when you have the party planned." He hung up the phone and collapse on the couch.

AJ was just looking at him and still standing on the desk, thinking to him self 'Daddy is going to be getting me a mommy soon.'

Mary called Jack as soon as she hung up with her son. "It worked. Now you need her to come with you to a party at the country club. Saturday, can you do it?"

Jack was sitting next to Beth having lunch so he said into phone "Yes sir, I can have the contract to you then, no problem. "

"She must still be with you, good see you then." Mary just knew that this would work. She got to work with planning the party.

Jack ate his lunch as Beth eyed him wondering what was happening. He smiled at her and said," Sorry, I guess you need an explanation for what happened back at the office."

Beth shook her head yes and Jack continued. "You see I just thought that if Alex saw you happy, and in a relationship, that it would make him feel bad about how he treated you. So I put on a little act. Sorry, that was bad of me, so please for give me."

"Ok" Beth said." I guess that makes since."

Jack took a bite of his lunch and after just a few minutes he asked,"I do have a favor, I need to ask. Hear me out before you say no, Please?" He gave Beth puppy dog eyes.

She laught, "What can I do for you?"

Jacked smiled. "I need a Non-Date Date for a Country Club dinner. If you agree then you will be saving me from being set up with one of the social light divas. "

Again he played the puppy dog eyes she had a hard time saying no to.

"Non-Date Date???" she asked.

" You know a date between friends. No lovey dovey stuff, no kissing, hand holding ok, if needed. And if the other meets someone they want to go home with then its ok." he batted his eyes.

"Ok, you got your self a Non-Date Date. " she held out her had to shack on it. Then asked, "What do I need to wear?"

Jack smiled,"Just go to Madame Z Boutique and tell her you have a country club dinner and need a dress. She will hook you up. Mary uses her all the time."

"Will Mary be at the club dinner too?" Beth hoped so. It would be nice to see a friendly face.

"Yes, that won't be a problem for you will it.?" he crossed his finger and when she said no he sighed in relief.

After Lunch Beth took a Taxi to Madame Z Boutique. There she met Miss Zelda the owner. She explained what was going on and asked what she would need.

Mary had already called and talk to Zelda and told her to charge anything needed to Mary's account and only charge a small amount to Beth. Beth got a dress, shoes, lingerie, and hand bag. She could not believe in only cost her $200.00. She felt so pretty. She had never been so well dressed. She could not wait for her first Non-Date Date.

Beth desided to call Mary and ask what the dinner would be like so she would not make any social mistakes and embarrasse herself and Jack.

Mary was delighted she called and asked her to stop by for tea to talk.

"Thank you for seeing me, I am just so scared that I will be an embarrassment to Jack. He has been so nice to me and made me feel at home. I want to do a good job to thank him." Beth said sipping her tea.

"You will do just fine,by being yourself. Now your not falling for our Jack are you?" Mary asked.

Jack was a nice person and a true friend. She would be happy with a man like him but She felt no spark with Jack.

The only person to send a spark through her was Alex. She still got shivers when she though of Alex and then she would sigh. No one like him would ever be with someone like her."No Mary, Jack is just my employer and friend."

Mary seen the longing in her eyes and hopes it was for her son. They talked the afternoon away, then Beth returned home.

Saturday came fast and soon it was time to get ready. When she walked out Jack whistle. "Hubba hubba you look gorgeous."

"Do I pass for your Non-Date Date? she smiled.

"You do indeed. " he held out his arm out to her for her to loop her arm through to leave.

They pull up to the country club and got out as the valet took the car.

Beth was in amazement at how beautiful everything was. Jack walk in with her on his arm introducing her to different people.

She seen Mr. an Mrs. Poe and nodded hello to them across the the room. Then when she turned and seen him.

Alexander Poe Jr. Look as sexy as ever her knees wanted to buckle at the sight of him. He seen her on the arm of Jack and if looks could kill he would of put Jack 6 feet under.

All Beth seen was the hate on his face and thought is was directed towards her.

"Jack I need some air could we step outside for a moment." She whispered in his ear.

Jack shook his head then knoded to Alex and walked outside.

Jack excused himself to talk to someone for a moment leaving Beth alone

Next thing Alex came up saying,"Beth, could I possibly talk to you alone for a moment please?"

Beth eye widened, she gave Jack a look, but he had already walked away.

Beth looked at Alex. Butterfly's flying in her stomach. Alex looked down for a moment and reached up and took her hand and led her to a bench near by.

Not far away a woman by the name of Heather was watching Alex carefully and when he took the girls hand she opened her phone to call her best friend and Alex's Ex Lilly.


Alex kept a hold of Beth's hand and took a deep breath. "I am sorry. I did not know how to handle what I was feeling and I hurt You, AJ and myself by pushing you away."

Beth could not breath as Alex was talking.

"I want to get to know you better if it is not to late. You deserve better then Jack. He's a great guy but not the guy for you."

"And you are?" Beth asked.

"I hope so." He looked into her eyes to judge her reation. He loved that she simplied smiled at him.