Run in fate

Alex then reached over and pulled Beth closer and lightly brushes a kiss on her lips. He smiles and pulls her up and into an embrace. Then lead her inside to find his parents.

Heather cought all of it on her phone and sent it to Lilly.

Lilly had been asking about her ex ever since her current husband lost everything to gambling. She needed money and Alex had money and she did give him a son. She would have to get back quick before is fluzee got a hold of her man.

Jack took off as soon as he seen the kiss. His job was done for now and he had a date with a red head.

Everyone was soon called to dinner and all taked of up coming events.

Lilly had told Heather to get close to the girl and find out all she could.

"Excuse me my I sit you yall." Heather said trying to act all southern. She pointed at the empty chair.

Alex and Mary knew who she was but before they could say anything Beth smiled and said "Sure, the more the merrier. My name is Elizabeth Ann Walker, This is Alex Poe ,Mary and Alex Poe Sr."

"Yea, I know the Poe's. I am Heather Lee. It's nice to meet you Elizabeth. I do hope we can be friends." she smiled at Beth.

Both Mary and Alex were not happy about this and was going to keep an eye on her.

The evening went by with lots of fun and laughter. When Beth excused herself to the little girls room, Heather followed her in.

As they were washing their hands and touching up their faces Heather said,"You know he is still in love with his wife Lilly. She is my best friend since grade school. She knows she made a mistake two years ago and is on her way back. She is getting her family back. That will make you a homewrecker if you don't back off Alexander and his family. "She then walked out of the restroom.

Beth was shocked she never wanted to be a home wrecker. Alex had said that Lilly was the love of his life and no one could take her place. If she was coming back where would that leave her.

She was saddened by what Heather told her and when she joined the Poes they could see the worried look on her face.

"What is wrong? Did that awful girl say something to upset you?" Mary asked.

Beth did not know what to say just stood there. Mary pulled her to the side and said "Tell me everything she said in there."

Beth took a deep breath and told her everything Heather said and then asked if any of it was true.

Mary just shook her head. "Alex was deeply in love with Lilly that was true. I on the other hand never liked her. She married Alex for his money and cheated on him. Alex was not even sure AJ was his son and did a DNA test when he was born. He took her back and she stayed around for two years before running off with AJ and that skum of a man she ended up with in California. Alex payed her 50 thousand dollars to get his son back and another 50 thousand to get her to sign divorce papers. He would never take her back. So, No, you would not be a home wrecker. I can tell, he see a future in you, or he would not have gone so crazy these past weeks. Please give him a chance."

This made Beth feel a lot better. She was still new to being apart of someone's life and wanted it so bad she acked all over.

Alex came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Want to go for a drive. She looked up into his eyes and said sure.


Heather had called Lilly and told her about everything that was happening and said a ticket was waiting in her at the airport to fly back.

She would pick her up as soon as she landed so they could make plans to get her and Alex back together. Heather wanted her friend back. Not many people would tolerate her she was bored to death.


Jack was having the time of his life at the club with the cute little redhead he picked up. The music was loud, the drinks flowing, and the redhead was on fire.

Just when he was about to call it a night and as he put his date in a cab, a young blonde girl comes running down the street "Please help me, Please help me, They want to hurt me." She runs right into Jack's arms. He was stunned.

"Who's going to hurt you?" Jack looked around but saw no one.

"My step Dad, Please help me." She was looking around trying to deside were to run.

The Valet service pulled up with Jack's car and he opened the door and sat the girl down. "Wait right there." He got in, still not seeing anyone after the girl.

She panics and goes to get out. Jack says calmly "First tell me, what is going on and I will help you."

"No no no, I don't know who to trust." She tries to open the door but Jack had placed the child lock on for her safety.

He handed the girl his phone and said, "That number there is my friend Elizabeth's number, call it while I drive, ask her to come back to my apartment. You can trust her, while we figure out what is going on. You will be safe, Ok"

"Ok" the girl pressed send and the phone dialed Beth.

"Hey, Jack what do you need?"Beth says.

"This is Sarah, this man asked me to call you and ask if you would go to his apartment to help me."

Beth did not recognize the voice but heard Jack say something in the back ground. "Ok Sarah, we will meet you at Jack apartment, is everything Ok?"

"No, they want to sell me to pay off the money my step dad owes. I don't want to be a sex slave, please help me." Sarah was now cring.

Jack was boiling pist off how could anyone do that to their own family member. He would help this girl and protect her with his life.

Beth did not know what to say just had Alex drive her to Jack's. She had her phone on speaker so he had heard everything going on.

Both cars got there at the same time and Beth took Sarah in her arms as they went up to Jack's place.

Jack had not seen the black car following him so had no idea that they would soon be in danger.