Black's new plan

The black SUV belonged to Mr. J Black. The Mafia Boss in this area.

The little virgin was payment for a large debt acquired by her father. It had been sometime since he had the chance for such a beautiful young maid with her virtue in tack.

He wanted her and the two buffoons that let her get away would pay. He had the car she got into followed and the Tags of the car run.

It belonged to a Jack Freeman. Personal Assistant to Alex Poe CEO of Poe Industries.

This was one company he had yet gotten his hold in. Poe Industries was a powerful and clean company.

He would wait his time to grab the girl. He put his two best men on to watch and grab her as soon as she was alone.


Beth took Sarah up to Jack's placed and they all sat in the living room.

"Tell us what this is all about please, and how we can help you."Beth had a hold of Sarah hands. Sarah was a pretty young girl. She looked to be about 15 years old. Her long blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail.

"My name is Sarah Reed. I work at the Fairview Elementary school as a teaching assistant. Yesterday my stepfather Sonny Reed locked me in my room and said that My life would change because I was to pay off his gambling debt with my body." Sarah took a deep breath, "Today two men came to the house to collect me, when we got out side I used some self defense moves to get out of thier hold and ran as fast as I could. I then ran into this man hoping he could help me." she pointed to Jack.

"You are safe now. How old are you; if I may ask?" Jack asked. She looked to young to work in a school but she was a beauty.

"I am 22. I know I look like a teen I get carded for everything. " Sarah laughed.

The two men excused them self to talk in Jack's office. Beth took Sarah to her room to get cleaned up and to rest.


Do you want to get cleaned up I have a wonderful shower that washes a way the days stress?" Beth asked then added, "I have some cloths you could change into when your done."

"That sound good, if it is not to much trouble. My step father would not let me leave my room to go to the rest room. I had to use a cup he gave me."Sarah said.

"No problem take your time. Use anything in there you want. I will be out here waiting for you." Beth smiled.

Sarah went into the Bathroom closing the door.


Meanwhile in Jack's Office

"What do you think?"Jack said pouring himself a drink.

"Well, this is not good. If her story is true the only person brave enough to take a person as payment is J Black the sum bag."

Jack sipped his glass of bourbon, "That was what I was thinking too. So what should we do?"

"I think Beth should move back in with me and have Sarah stay with you. I will get the bodyguards to stay with Sarah at all times. She may need to take a leave of absence; tell her it's to keep the kids safe." Alex was walking the floor worried about everything.

He wanted his friend and this new girl safe but most of all he wanted Beth safe and staying here he would worry to much.

He just started a new chapter with Beth and he would do everything in his power not to lose her.

He also did not trust his friend with Beth.


Sarah felt better after her shower. She put on a pretty sundress Beth had given her. It was a little big on her. Beth was 5 ft 6 and had womanly curves and she was 4 ft 3 and built like a teen. Why any man would want her little boobs she did not know.

Beth was sitting on a chair in her room waiting patiently for Sarah. When she came out of the Bathroom Beth said, "Feel better now?"

"Yes, thank you. Now that I am calmed down, I am not sure what to do and how you could help me. But I do appreciate what you have done so far. I guess I need to contact the police or something."Sarah said.

"Let's let the guys decide what we need to do first. They are very smart and know how to handle things I think, If not I can think of somethings. Ready to go see them. " Beth said standing up and going to the door. Sarah followed her out the door and down the hall. Beth lead her to a door and knocked.

"Come in." Jack said.

Both girls came in and sat down on a near by couch.

"We've been talking and We feel the best course of action is for you to stay here for a few days while we find out what it will take to stop all this." Jack said.

"We also feel that you need to take a leave from the school you work at for the safety of the kids, because the man we believe your stepdad would owe money to, would not hesitate to hurt those around you," Jack explained.

Sarah's eye got wide she never thought that anyone would hurt someone to get to her. That was the last thing she ever wanted.

She had to agree because her kids are everything to her. "What about your safety I could not live is something happened to all of you because of me."her eyes were filling with tears.

"Don't worry about me and Beth. She is going to be going to Alex's home, He has great security. I promise nothing will happen to me or to you while I am around, as long as you do what I say." he took Sarah by the hands.

"Beth, I think you would be safer if you come home with me. That way I could see to yours and AJ'S safety. I promise we will do everything in our power to make every alright." Alex said he could see the conflict in her eyes when Jack said she would be coming home with him.

"Ok, I agree. However tomorrow I need to go shopping and get Sarah some cloths. Sarah I need to have all your sizes please." Beth said.

Beth and Sarah talked for awhile and soon it was getting late. Beth packed an overnight bag for tonight and left with Alex to go home.

Jack was left alone with Sarah.

"Is there anything you need before bed?" Jack asked.

"If I could please have something to eat. I have not had anything since lunch yesterday. " She said.

"Sorry, I was not thinking. How about some left over spaghetti. Nora my cook leaves me some to heat up on the weekend." He got up and lead her to the kitchen.

"Sounds good, thank you" she said sitting at a bar in the kitchen.

Jack got out a container in the frigidaire and placed it in the microwave. Then took out another bowl with salad in it. He put some salad on two plates and covered them with some French dressing.

He then pulled out the spaghetti and put a serving on each plate. Then shredded some cheese on top and handed the plate to Sarah. He put everything away the joined her at the bar to eat. "What do you think?"

"Really good." She said between bites. She was very hungry.

He was not sure what to talk about so they ate in silence and then he walked her to her room. "You need anything my room is that door right there. Please let me know, it is no bother." Jack turned and walked down the hall and Sarah went into Beth's room to sleep.