Close call

Sarah had never been some place as fancy as FranJuiles. Everything was amazing. She could not believe how the food just melted in her mouth.

Beth had never been to a fancy restaurant either she loved the decor and was on cloud nine as they walked to thier privet room. Both girls were so excited about tonight.

The girls chatter up a storm like they had been friends for years. Beth told her about growing up and how she survived. She told Sarah abour meeting Jack and taking care of AJ. Sarah talked about her Mom and the tring time with her illness. She told Beth about the kids she had in class and about working in education.

The guys just sat back and listen.

Beth expained' "Growing up was tuff. My mom did not want me around I basically was raised by a neighbor.

I always loved school so I spent as much time there and the library.

As soon as I could, I got out on my own, which was only a few weeks ago.

I was getting no where looking for a good job until I met Jack in the park one day. I was thankful for Jack in offering me a job as AJ'S assistant. He is the coolest kid you could ever know.

Then this jerk here fired me and I ended up working for Jack. ' Alex shook his head as Beth told her story. He had been a jerk but hoped that she could forgive him. 'Then two days ago he asked if we could start over and now I am a child's assistant again."

"I hope you are more then that", Alex winked at her.

Sarah's story was very different, "My Mom had breast cancer. It was caught to late and treatment did not help. She was like my best friend.

She told me to allways live my life like there was no tommarow but I guess she did not realize what my stepfather would put me threw. ' Sarah explained.

"He always kept me away from boys and men. Always telling me he was only doing what my mom made him promise.

He did not want me to work but we soon we needed money real bad. I paid for everything with my check. He held a job but not a penny went into the household. I work for a great school and there are fourteen students. I love them all. I am not suppose to have favorites but there is one little girl kate, she is so quite she gets overlooked easily. She is smarter then she lets on. I can't help but wonder what she will be when she grows up."

The group talk for a few hours. Then Sarah says, "I need to use the ladies room can you excuse me."

Beth then says, "I'll go with you. even though we are at a restaurant better not go alone."

"Beth is right Sarah be careful."Alex stated.

The two men watched as the ladys left the room.

"So what do you think?"Alex asked

"About what?"Jack was puzzled.

"Sarah, I seen how you watched her as she talk to Beth. You could not kerp your eyes off her. I have nevet seen you like this with any woman you were ever seeing". Alex punched him in the arm

Jack laughted, "Ouch, yah yah yah... You know I know it may seem strange but she does something to me. Most women just make me want to sleep and run but this one I want to protect. Am I crazy?"

"No, I feel the same. Never in my life has someone made me crazy like this and its a crazy I don't want to lose."Alex smiled he had never felt like this before. When he was with Lilly he thought he was in love but it felt nothing like this. There is no way he could ever have given up on Beth but is was easy to give up on Lilly.

The two girls were gone for a few minutes but as soon as they came out of the ladys room two big goons blocked their path.

"Well, well what do we have here. The boss will be pleased that we got two beauty's for the price of one. Don't say a word and cone with us and no one will get hurt." He pointed a gun at the gurls and pointed to the exit behind them.

"Now let me get this straight. I need to not scream, and go through that door were I and my friend here will be raped or I could scream get shot but you too would be the ones to die. Let me see rape or shot... rape or shot..." Beth acted like she wad wieghting the chooses in her hand. "Sarah, I am going to have to choose shot." She then yelled "HELP SOMEONE HE HAD A GUN!!!"

The goon with the gun was suprised and dropped the gun. Two large body guards came around the corner and the two men panicked and ran out the exit leaving the girls behind.

"Oh no sarah forgot to shoot. " She said laughing all the way back to the table.

"What was happening with you too." Jack asked.

"I think Beth is crazy, two guys tried to kidnape us and she told them to shoot her." Sarah was shacking. She wanted to cry.

Beth laughter was soft. " Sarah the first thing the teach you is when being kidnaped make a fuss. It throws off the atacker and gives you a way out. We need to get you in a class. I may be small but I can hold my own if need be."

Both men were stunned and Alex slipped out to talk to the Bodyguards about what had happened. He was shocked that Black would send his men in here to get the girl. He did have a better feeling about his girl and how she handled the men. Life with her was going to be uninteresting.