Family catchup

"Boss we had them but did not expect there to be bodyguards." They were not going to tell their boss what really happened. That would get them killed for sure.

"Keep an eye on thing. They will drop their guards soon enough. You just have to be patient and ready. No mistakes, I want them both." He hung up with hus men when in the door walked a pretty little girl with a big smile on her face.

"Unlce, How are you doing?" Lilly walked over and kissed her uncle on the cheek.

"Lilly, looking pretty? Its been what 10 years now. How is your Mother doing?" Lilly had not been in the family for a long time. The bitch of a sister took her away when she was just old enough to be of use to the family. He was going to use the girl to trap his former partner into giving up his shares of the empire. When his sister found out they left. He then had to kiss his partner to get what he wanted. Now that Lilly was back could he use her now. He would have to see.

"Mama is dead. She was killed in a car crash about 6 years ago. Sorry it took so long to get intouch but I need sone help and Mama always said if I really need some help that I should look you up. " She sat on a leather couch and crossed her legs.

"Tell Uncle what is wrong and I will see what I can do. But know.... If I help you then you will need to help me someday. " He sat next to her and took her hand.

She took a deep breath, " Well 5 years ago I got married to a powerful man. He swept me off my feet. I became pregnant and got bored really fast because he loved the brat more then me and becuse I got bored I found a side candy to be with. He found out and divorced me. Now its been four years and he wont let me see my child. And to top it off he has some slut rasing my child. I only want him to pay me for what he owes for keeping me away from the brat." She was playing the part of a broken hearted woman.

"Who is this bastard that would hurt my girl? I will make him pay for this. Did you have a boy or a girl?" He asked. If it was a boy he could rasie the child like a son to take over his empire. He had an accident when he was younger that left him unable to have children. One wife got pregnant and he had thought that maybe the doctors where wrong but turned out she had cheated on him.

"A boy. AJ is his name. I wanted to name him Jay after you." she smiled.

"I will get your son back and make him pay but you must give me the boy to raise. "

Lilly really did not want the boy just wanted money and.for Alex to suffer.,"I agree you would make a much better father then Alex could be."

"Alex who?" His mind was working.

"Alex Poe" she said.

His smile got bigger and an evil look came into his eyes. Everything became even better. A child, two beautiful sex slaves, and the down fall of a thorn in his side could life get any better.

"Tell me all about this man and everything that will get me closer to destroying his family and company." Black said sitting back and crossing his leg.

"Not much to say. He keeps to him self. He has a best friend Jack something I really hated that guy. His Mom and Dad live not far from here but their place is really guarded. She like to host all kinds of charity events. I know nothing about this slut he has just she lives there and seems a little more then a nanny." she talked for about 30 minutes.

"I have a question, can you get a meeting with him, lets say FranJuiles this Friday at 6pm." Black asked.

"I think so ." she said.

"Don't tell him I will be there I'll make a reservation in your name. Don't let him turn you down. " His smile turned more evil then Lilly would of liked to see. She knew not to disappoint her Uncle.

After a long visit with her Uncle Lilly went back to the villa. She was tired and went to her room to lay down. Soon Frank came in and sat on the bed. "How did it go? Will your uncle help us get the money?" He asked.

She took a deep breath, " Yes, He said he will help and all he wants is my son. That is something I will gladly give up. I never did like the little brat." She sit up and leaned on the head of the bed."I have to get Alex to come to a meeting with my uncle with out letting him know it's with my uncle. He has been a difficult man to control. Let rest so I can think my love."

"Ok rest well." Frank left Lilly in the room. He hoped that she will think of a plan. He needed money and soon.


The next day Lilly dressed in her best dress and set out to Poe Industries to see her ex husband. She had on a tight red dress with four inch heels. Her hair was curled down around her face. She was piture perfect. She just knew she would wow Alex.

She walked in the place like she owened it. At the reception desk she said, "Please tell Alex Poe that AJ mother is here to discuss a private matter about our son. And please hurry up I don't like to be kept waiting. " She looked at her and turning it over to glance at her nails.

"Yes mam, please have a seat." She then picked up the phone. "Mr Poe there is a lady here says she is master poe mother and wants to talk to you about a private matter."

"Ok send her to a room on four, leave a guard with her, I'll be down in a minute."

"Yes sir." She hung up and called a guard over. "Please take the lady to one of the rooms on four and wait with her till Mr Poe says. He will be down in a minute. "

"Yes" He then walked over to Lilly and looked her up and down. She looked like a high class hooker. " Follows me please The president will meet you in a minute."