Getting ready

The girls first stop was the bridal shop. Mary had called ahead and got everything set up for a day of fun.

"Welcome Mrs. Poe, you said you needed dresses for a wedding this weekend. Why did you wait so long to come in?"The own greeted Mary and the girls.

"We just found out this morning. I know its short noticed but you are the best." Mary knew to butter up "Price is no object"

The owners eye went wide when Beth pulled out Alex's black card her handed her this morning.

"Ok, tell me what you want"

Beth had never thought of marriage so was not sure. when most girls were planning their wedding at a young age Beth was just trying to stay alive.

She looked threw the dresses but none seemed to be her. The owner could tell she was having a hard time.

" Tell me child, what do you like to wear? Dresses, Jeans, Shorts?"

"Jeans, I guess. I do like dresses my favorite one is this yellow sundress."

"Now you like flowers or sparkling thing?"

"Neither, I like ...."Beth started.

"Roll play online?" The owner asked.

"Yes, Anything they would wear online I would like." Beth just knew she would tell her she was sorry but they did not carry anthing like that.

"Wait right here" The owner disappeared into the back.

"What color is the theme", Sarah asked.

"I don't know???? " Beth was going to die of over load.

Mary picked up a burgundy with yellow trim dress. It was a one shoulder dress. "How about this?"

Everyone agreed this was the color scheme. Beth was just glad she did not have to make a decision.

Soon the owner came in and asked Beth to follow her to a dressing room. "turn on that light when you are ready to show everyone." She then left the room to help the others. and to get a veil.

It seemed to take forever but soon the light came on. The manger chose a veil that would go with Beth dress and accent the wedding party.

Beth walked out.

The styles of the gown was a renaissance  gowns in a light yellow. It had a tight-fitting bodice and a full skirt that  hung down to Beth's ankles. ...

The petticoats were fill out the gown to enhance the dress . It was a full lace up with a belt that could house a knife. On her head was a short flower veil with yellow and burgundy flowers.She felt like she stepped out of her game.

Everyone's mouths dropped.

" What, is it that bad? I kind of like it" Beth said

Everyone shook their heads.

"Beth you are breath taking. That dress was made for you." Mary walked over and took Beth's hands.

She took off the dress and went back to see the other dresses. Everyone looked grand. The had the dresses sent to the villa. Next they hit the flower shop and Beth was glad Mary took over. She ordered many different things and they would send someone over to set up on saturday.

Next was a sweet shop. There they tasted all kinds of cake. She liked the orange vanilla one with simple wedding decorations on it. They too were coming Saturday to set up.

The last stop of FranJuiles to meet the guys. Beth was tired. Little did she know planning was also here for the catering. They tasted this and that till Beth was sick and ran to the restroom. Sarah followed.

"You right Beth?"Sarah was concerned for her friend.

"I think so, just a lot to handle for a short time. I don't like being rushed." Beth washed her face. She did hope nothing was wrong to spoil all of the plans.

Everyone was considered as she walked back in and before she could say anything her world went black.

Alex send his bride swaying and jumped up catching her before she hit the ground. 'What the F#$%.'

"Call 911 get an ambulance here asap" He laid her on the floor resting her head on his lap. "Get something wet for her face."

The waitress brought a cool rag and Alex washed her face. Jack and Sarah went out to meet the ambulance.

Beth came to with the smell of disinfectant. Alex and Sky was the only ones in the room. Everyone else went back to the villa to wait on news.

"How you feel?" Alex asked.

"Where am I?" Beth asked.

"General Main. We have a private room." Alex took her hand in his.

"What wrong with me?" tears were forming looking at the worry on their faces.

"Still waiting on test results."Alex bent down and kissed her hand. "No matter what we get through this together.

He was glad they were getting married. He needed as much time with her as he could get. He did not want to lose her.

Soon A man in a lab coat walk in with a clip board.

"Ms. Walker?" Beth shook her head.

"Is it ok to talk in front of you guest? he asked.

"Yes" She said

" Well, My name is Dr.. Kinder, I have your test results. Seems you are anemic, With some prenatal vitamin this should clear up but you will need to take it easy for the next 9 months."

Beth was shocked Prenatal, 9 months???? " Doctor am I pregnant?"

He smiled, " congratulations, yes you are."

Alex hugged her tight. He knew this could be a possibility because they used no protection but it is still a shock.

"I'll have a nurse get you discharged. I will give you a script for the vitamins but you need to fine an Obstetrician soon. " He walked out of the room.

Alex just held Beth.

Sky walked over,"Congratulations both of you. Know that I know your not dying I'll see you tomorrow. " He patted Beth on the head and Alex on the shoulder before leaving.

It took another hour to get all the paper work done and headed to tell everyone the good news.