Spy in my phone

Beth and Alex went back to the villa. They all met her out side.

"Mommy, you all right?" AJ ran to her wrapping himself around her legs.

Beth stopped, he called her mommy. She started to cry.

"I'm sorry mommy don't cry?" He wanted to crawl in her lap and hug her.

"No darling I am alright. I just missed you. Lets go in I have something to tell everyone. " Mommy he called me mommy

Alex figured why she was crying and picked up his son. He walked next to his soon to be wife while AJ held her hand.

Everyone was on pins and needles now, what was wrong.

"Everyone,I am sorry to cause all this commotion today and want to thank everyone for their help. AJ on Saturday you become my son for real. I was so overjoyed at you calling me mommy I was crying happy tears." Beth started.

AJ flew into her arms and hugged her.

"Also the reason I am sick right now is my body is trying to adjust to new life inside me."

Sarah and Julie screams made everyone's ear bleeds. Mary hugged her son tight. Jack and Senior just stood their dumbfoundakeed.

So many blessing on this day.

"Mommy what are you talking about?" AJ asked.

"Mommy will be giving you a little brother or sister in a few months."

" Really, I get to be a big brother?"

"Yes, you do. Are you ok with sharing your mommy?."Beth asked AJ.

"I have to share you with daddy. If I had a brother we could keep him away from you."

"Hey, That's not right."Alex protested.

" Dad you had Mommy for a week to your self, you need to share." AJ was serious.

Everyone started to laugh except Beth Who's tears started again. She has never felt such love.

"Sorry mommy, see daddy you made her cry again." The group could not to at such a display of love.


Friday was busy for everyone. Alex and Jack had board meetings all day. Mary got people called to clean and ready the villa for tomorrow while also Calling guest that were most important to attend. She hired a valet to park cars and extra guards to protect everyone.

Beth and AJ spent the day resting in her room. He did not want to leave her side.

Sarah took Julie shopping for outfits and personal thing she only had the things Beth bought her when they first met and Jack insisted Julie take her and not let her out of her sight.

They shopped till they dropped having everything sent to Jacks Apartment.

When they were through Julie called Skyler.

"Hey, everything alright?"Julie asked.

"Everything's fine Jewels, I was just getting ready to call to see if I can come over." Sky was happy that she called. He had spent the day planning his attack on her fiance.

"Great you got my address?" She asked.

He did but lied, "No give it to."

She gave him her address and he soon appeared at her door.

Her apartment was neat and cute. You could tell a girl lived there. He looked around as he walked in. " Nice place"

" Thanks, I like it." She pulled him over the the couch to set.

"So, what can I do to help you." She asked.

"You promised to help me get away from Ben, I want to help." she pouted.

She was cute like this but it was best she not be involved. " My lovely Jewels, the best help you can be right now is not to help. I am still coming up with a plan and as soon as I can let you know I will."

She shook her head ok. ,"I understand, but let me know when I can help."

Sky noticed a laptop on the coffee table. "You play online?"

"No, thats my work computer. I do all my designs on it." She powered it up to show him her work.

She was good real good.

"I'll order take out, Chinese ok" She asked.

"That's great." He looked at her program and noticed some spyware on it. Someone was using her computer to keep tabs on her. He went to work down loading and updating things to stop this. He then took out a flash drive and downloaded a few programs off it.

"What's you doing?" She asked bring two glasses of wine back.

" Someone is spying on you. Also looks like they stole a few of your designs. With these new programs there are only two people I know who can get in now. Me and Beth." He said.

" Spying on me? Who?"She asked.

"Give me a minute and I'll find out." his fingers flew across the keys. "Almost got you...bama your done for.... Computer belongs to... holy S#$@....Farley"

"He has been keeping tabs on you for sometime. Your computer is safe now any more electronics" I have a Phone, table and a streaming box."

"Ok Tommarow I'll bring a box to protect you wifi, that will also protect your movie box. Give me your Tablet and phone now."

She went to the bedroom to get her tablet then the kitchen to get her phone. She handed them over to Sky.

He started Phone. It had tracking and spyware on it. Took him 10 minutes to fix and secure it. Her tablet was Ok she just got it and still had not used it so he downloaded what was needed.

"Ok from now on no one uses these even in you present. I will come update and check the once a week. Not sure why he was watching you but get your brother to get you bodyguards and never go anywhere without till Farley is taken care of." Sky was making a good point and she was scared now. Just the the door buzzes and she jumps.

"That's the food could you go down and get it. It's already paid for." She needed to calm herself down.

"Sure no problem. " He used told the guy on speaker he would be right down and walked out the door.

Never in a thousand years would she guess she would be stocked like this. If he is like this now what would he like if she married him. She had to break off this marriage besides she loved Skyler.

It took no time for him to come back up with food. She set it up at the table. They talked of her dreams of owning her owen studio and making a debut in Paris. He could listen to all night.

"You said earlier that only you and Beth could break into my things now. I seen what you can do but Beth?" She asked.

"Beth is one of the best. She wrote most the programs I use and tested the rest. She one time hacked into a government system, with their ok, in 30 minutes then showed them how to fix it. To this day they do not know who she is." He had to brag on his best friend.

"Wow, how would of known" She was impressed no wonder Alex fell fast for her.

They continue to talk till early the next morning. Wedding day.