Party planning

Julie and Sarah sat with the party planer. Beth has been pregnant for 6 month now they are throwing her a Baby shower.

"Do you know if it is a boy or girl?"The planer asked.

"We get that info in a letter tomorrow. We will give it to you to make a revil box for the party. "Sarah says.

"Food what were you thinking.?"She asked going down a list of questions.

"What you think Sarah, light chicken brunch, party punch with that icecream stuff, cake " Julie suggest.

"Yes, The cake should be pink and blue shaped like a bassist. " Sarah adds

"The whole place decorated in pink and blue ribbons, balloons, and one of those diaper cakes."Julie says

The girls keep coming up the things while the planner keeps writing.

"How many guest?" The planer asks.

"28 last we counted but Mary keeps coming up with more." Julie says.

"Ok, I've got a basic plan. Tomorrow we will meet to go over things and to get the letter. I have a guy who makes fun revil boxes. I'll give the letter to him with the final theme. If you have anymore thought write them down and we will go over tomorrow and see if you can narrow down the guests list, we would not want to run out of food." The planner gathers her things to head out and get to work on their party.

"How's it been going Sarah?" Julie asked it had been over 5 months since Sarah and Jack broke up.

"Good, We are talking again on line and on the phone but I still can't bring myself to trust him."Sarah said.

"I am glad you at least talking. How do I get over this. I want to move forward but I'm scared he will hurt me again." Sarah was tired of hurting.

"Sky and I have just started our relationship. I did not think they would ever finish the investigation on Benjamin. So I don't know except date him. No sex just regular dates and try him out. You don't have to be like Alex and Beth. Sky and I are taking it slow."Julie took her hand. " He is trying Sarah he seen what he did and I don't think he would ever treat you like that again."

Sarah takes a deep breath. "I really want to give him a chance. There is a school carnival this weekend should I invite him or just tell him to plan a date?"

"Sarah you plan the date and that's a good one. His first test. If he complains then you know he will not change." Julie was excited she had been hopping those two would get back together. She wanted Sarah as a sister.

"Ok, I will"She picks up her phone and dialed Jack.

"Hello beautiful"


"What Can I do for you?"

"There is a school carnival Saturday with rides and booths. It is to raise money for new books and equipment needed."

"Do you want a donation just tell me how much?"

"That would be nice but that's not why I called"


" I was calling to see if you would like to go on a date with me to the carnival. Would you like to go?"

Jacks heart stopped. He had been waiting for her give him a real chance and now she was. He could not believe her ears.

Sarah waited as the line was quite, he did not want to go. "I Sorry, I should have not asked just forget I said anything."

"No, I want to take you, please Sarah, you just took me by surprise that's all. I really want to go."

"Ok pick me up at one"

"I'll be there. "

"See you then, Jack, I really want to try" then she hung up.

Julie was surprised her brother went for it. He was walking down the right path now.


The party planer came back with a book made out with everything. The two girls looked at every page only a few things needed changed.

"Guest count?" she asked.

"Mary sent out 150 invites and 302 RSVP. So we need to plan for 350."

"Oh... I can do that. The envelop?"

"Here now keep this a secret, we want to be surprised too."

"Ok, we will meet next week on Wednesday to go over the final details so see you then"

Sarah walked the planner out the turned to Julie, "I need to go shopping want to come?"

"Do fish swim lets go" Julie grabbed her purse.

They shopped and found a cute little sundress matching shoes and bag and a shaw that brought it all together. She was set for her date with Jack.

"Come ear with me tonight. I want to thank you. I am making barbq ribs, macaroni salad, homemade rolls, and peach cobbler." Sarah asked Julie.

"Sounds good, Sky is gone for a few days so sure. Then we can plan your date." Julie took her friends arm and they set out for home.

The ribs had been slow cooking all day so the place smelled so good as they entered. It did not take long to make the rest.

The girls talked and drank wine till they both were a little drunk. Julie called her brother to come get her she was scared to try to get home on her own. Sarah fixed him some food to take with him as thanks for coming to get Julie.

It only took him 20 minutes to arrive at the door and Sarah buzzed him up. This was the first time he had seen her in person, most of the it was video chat or just talking on the phone.

She was more beautiful in person.

"Thanks for coming" Sarah said letting Jack in.

"No thanks needed, I am always here for my sister and you." Jack walked in seeing his sister on the couch covered in a blanket.

"There is my big bro, i love bro, even if you ran my sister way. That was wrong bro, just wrong." A drunk Julie said.

"Sorry, lets go and give Sarah some peace. "Jack said.

"Jack, here is a thank you for coming. It not much but tasty", She hands him the sack with containers of food.

He too the sack, "Thank you" He the scoops his sister a to leave.

"Sarah, Thank you for the food and for having her call me" he said.

" Your welcome, see you tomorrow at one" She watched as he walked to the elevator and disappeared.

She went back in and went to bed.


Jack took his sister to his place and tucked her into bed.

"Bro I want a sister please be nice so She will marry you" She said as she drifted off to sleep.

He then went to the kitchen. The food was still warm so he sat down to eat. At the first bite. The aroma and taste of bitter sweetness was mouth watering. It was the best barbq he had ever tasted. This girl could cook. Then he thought back and felt even worse on how she had been treated. She could cook like this but went to sleep hungry some nights because he was a fool. He ate every morsel before going to bed. He had a lot more now to make up for.