Getting to know you

Jack put on black slacks with a Casual blue button-up shirt, he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows he did not want to look to fancy for a carnival.

He was ready for his date with Sarah. He couldn't wait to show up at her door. This would be the 1st time he could touch her after being parted for so long.

Sarah was dressed in the Blue Sun dress that she had bought with Julie yesterday.

She looked a shiny new penny. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he prayed that he would not make a mistake this time and would be able to keep Sarah with him forever.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Just a second let me get my shawl and bag." She left for the bed room and came back with a light blue shawl over her shoulder. "Did Julie tell you what I was wearing?"

"No she was still passed out when I left but I see we match." He smiled. They look like a couple.

"Guess great minds think alight." she laughed.

We drove to the area thr school was holding its carnival. There were many rides, Ferris wheels, merry go round, bouncy houses, and even a tunnel of love.

There is also cotton candy and popcorn and many delicious foods to eat, he was going to but her what ever she wanted.

They pass by carnival games, tossing rings, popping balloons, water shots all to win many different prizes, he wondered if he could win some for her.

He wanted to share all of this with Sarah and to keep her smiling like she was now.

The 1st thing that they did was stop by a concession stand and buy a bag of popcorn.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel ." Sarah said.

"Sounds good to me let's go" Jack lead over and bought a ticket for the Ferris wheel and stood in line.

"Thank you for the food. It was the best Barbq I've ever had. I hope you'll make it again."

"I can do that. My mother taught me the recipe" She blush " I love to cook"

Soon it was their turn to get one. Jack held her hand as they work their way to the top.

At the top of the Ferris wheel, the musical roar of the carnival dimmed, letting in the sound of the Sarah's excited giggles and the crinkle of paper from the rolled-up bag of popcorn she held tight in her hands.

We shared a grin as she kicked her feet out at the open air.

"This is fun, I love feeling free so high up."

I loved this moment, I will live for it every year to share this kind of joy–when we reached the pinnacle of the rotation as the carriage opposite us stopped to exchange passengers. I pulled in a deep, clean breath.

For one moment everything seemed so clear, so full of potential. So reachable. I could do anything I put my mind to. I could be the man she deserves to have.

The wheel shuddered to life, pulling forward, and then down. As we sank toward the ground my mind returned to the fight I'd had with my sister few months ago.

He would never forgive himself for what he had done to Sarah. He would make sure today was a new start.

As we descended I grew heavier, the fog of music and noise enveloping me, dropping me back into reality….I still had to win Sarah back.

They walk over to one of the carnival booths with a ring toss. "Sarah, how about I try to when you one of those stuffed bears?"

"Oh, that sounds like so much fun, yes please"

He paid the man and was handed three rings... he tossed one swish... he made it around the bottle toss... the 2nd one swish he made it around the bottle again. He was trying the last one when he missed.

Sarah giggled and he slapped down another dollar.

"Let's try this again" this time swish all three of them landed perfectly on the bottle and the guy handed her a big pink Teddy bear.

"Thank you Jack, I love it" She game him a kiss on the cheek.

"Anything lets try some more" They ran off to many booths.

Jack won her so many prizes he had to call his driver over to pick up and take them back to the car.

" What do you wanna do next," he asked Sarah.

"Let's go on some rides'" as she pulled him to the carousel and they both got on a horse.

If anyone would of said he would be on a carousel at his age he would of punched them, but with Sarah this felt right.

Next they hit the fun house and when they hit the hall of mirrors.

"Catch me if you can" Sarah yells and takes off laughing.

Jack was shocked at first then laughed and ran after her. They were half way threw when he caught her. He pulled her in close and breathed in her scent.

His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around her frail body. The world around her melted away as She squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.

"Your hug is stronger than anything I've ever known, as if holding me wasn't quite enough,"Sarah said.

"In this moment of feeling you so close to me I am awake somehow, more alive than I have ever been."He said holding her.

"I promise to always chase after and hold you close." He said.

The decided to go of a walk and he kept her close. They just wanted to talk and get to know each other better.

They strolled down the street and just asked question of each other. They came upon an Italian restaurant decided to stop for dinner.

"This was nice Jack Thank you for today." Sarah said.

" I should thank you for asking me, I have had fun with you. Sarah next Saturday there is a film marathon would you go with me.?" He asked.

"I can't " as he heard her say this his heart fell. Was she giving up?

"You can't either its Alex's and Beth's Baby shower. I am one of the hosts and you already RSVP." She said upset he forgot.

"I forgot, I was having such a great day I could only think of when we could do it again. Please forgive me." He explained.

" I understand what will be playing?" She asked.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles marathon" He smiled.

"I thought you did not like children movies? What changed?" She asked.

"You were willing to do and try anything I wanted, and I was wrong not doing the same. I now am trying to find out what you like. Please let me try" She could see the need to please her.

"I have all the movies we could have a marathon at my place tomorrow. I make a good lasagna with homemade garlic bread. You could bring wine." she say.

"Yes that sounds great, it's a date."Let me take you home. He calls for his car and off they went.