Jewels in the Sky

Julie woke up with a huge hangover. How did she get into her brother's apartment, the last thing she remembers was her and Sarah drinking wine and talking.

She looked at her phone and found 3 miss messages from Sky.

"oh God, what time is it?"

It was already 4:00 p.m. She had slept most the day away. She dragged herself up and into the shower. She had to make yourself a little more presentable before calling Sky back.

"Hey, sorry I missed your call my Jewel but leave a message and I'll call you back, love you" bleep.

"Skyler sorry I was with sarah late night and drank to much call me back love you too"

'Seems like most all we do now is play phone tag' she said to herself. She received a call back about an hour later from Sky. He sent her a video chat request.

"Hey beautiful, so you drank too much last night, hope you didn't do anything I wouldn't do," he laughed.

"I am not quite sure, cause I'm not sure how I ended up at my brothers apartment. He must have come and got me last night."

"He has a date with Sarah they are out right now. I wonder how it's been going I sure hope he doesn't screw it up this time." She added.

"You and me both, they're both becoming a 3rd wheel." Sky says laughing.

"When will you be comeing home?" she asked.

"Soon I hope, I'm almost through here,however they've been keeping me pretty busy since Farley's death. I think that they are just trying to keep an eye on me hoping that it wasn't me that did something." he winked. "Well we know how good I cover my tracks."

"I miss you. Things here just don't feel the same with out you. " He could see the sadness in her eyes and it broke his heart.

"Soon my Jewel soon." Was all he could say.

They talked about nothing and everything. They just wanted to her and see each others voice. Soon they had to say good bye.

"I'll call monday night after you get off work. Tomorrow I have surveillance on a suspect."

"Ok, bye my love" she blew a kiss

He caught it, "By my Jewel" Then the screens went Black.


Sky met his informant the next day but had no idea that it was a set up. FBI director George Bates had set him up. He had been Farley's informant all alone and knew the only man to take out his partner was The Rat.

When he got to the set up across from the factory three guys in black were waiting for him. He could not do anything. He was beat unconscious and tired up.

When he came to Bates was there. "Well look what the cat dragged in a big juicy rat."

"Why?" Was all he could say. He hurt all over and his throat was dry.

"You killed my partner. Now how am I going to get paid for all the things Farley was doing for Me?" He held a gun to Sky's head.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Sky had a hard time talking.

"You can act all innocent but I know you had the hot's for his girl. I also know you had help from a Prettybunnie. Who is she? You both need to pay."

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Sky repeated.

He slapped Sky across the face and blood feel to the floor. "I'll give you a few hours to think then I come back and stop being Mr. nice guy."

With that Sky was left alone in a room with no way out. He would never give up his friend intentionally, however if he didn't log into his computer soon, it would send out a SOS to Beth and then she would be in trouble. He never thought that they would ever look for his Prettybunnie now she would be in danger too.


Two hours went by Sky was in pain and it seemed like forever.

"Ready to tell me who Prettybunnie is?" Bates asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sky repeated.

"To bad, Joe do your thing and tomorrow I'll ask again. Hope you can keep this game up its kind of fun, but you will tell me soon enough. " With that Bates walked out the room.

The Big bald guy grinned as he opened up a case full of strange instruments.

"Ready?" The he started torching Sky.

Sky had a hard time with the pain and passed out a few times. He would die before betraying Beth.

When he was passed out he dreamt of his shinning jewel flying threw the sky. His one regret would be she would never be his.


Monday night:

[unknown number:] 987654321

Beth's eyes went wide."Alex, Sky's in trouble. "

"What?" He looked at her phone it was just some numbers.

"This is a message sent out if Sky ever is out in the field and does not make it back online in time. It means something has happened. "She went to grab her computer.

Alex grabbed his phone to check with Julie. "Hey kid, you heard from Skyler?"

"We talked Saturday, why?" Julie asked

"Nothing really, If you hear from him ask him to call me." Alex did not want to upset her but he had to check.

"Sure he will call me soon, I'll let him know." They hung up.

He then tried the emergency number they had no answer.

Beth had logged on and was downloading a bunch of numbers and symbols. He had no idea what they meant but he trusted his wife. After she placed them threw a few different programs she said, "Your FBI friend, can you really trust him?"

"Yes, He is an old friend." Alex did not like the look on his wife's face.

"Call him and tell him to bring his partner over. Call Mary to come get AJ, he will need to stay a few days with her. I have a bad feeling about all this and I feel Sky may not come out alive."

Alex did as she asked. While she dove into her computer getting information.