Popping the question

"We're going to be late Jewels hurry up." Sky said

"Don't rush me. I'm almost ready."Julie was putting on her earnings and checking her self in mirror.

"Ready lets go. This is the first date night we have had, I'm so excited." Julie said.

They drove to the restaurant and was shown to a private room. There Waiting for them was two glasses of champagne. Sky picked up his glass and made a toast, "To us"

Julie picked up her glass and as she sipped something hit her lip and as she looked into the glass Sky kneed down. She took her fork and pulled out the ring. Then looked at sky with a puzzled look.

"Will you marry me?"

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure, my Jewel, Will you marry me?"

"Yes... Yes I will."

Sky takes the ring from her and places it on her finger. Before he could get up the door opens and Scott and Janice Freeman, Alexander and Mary Poe, Alex and Beth Poe walk in.

"One more thing, will you give me your last name?" Sky asked

She was stunned and looked at her dad he shook his head yes."Yes, that would be fine" Then he kissed her and everyone cheered.

The group ate and enjoyed each other company. Soon Beth was getting tried and left to go home to her family.

One by one each couple left till just Sky and Julie was left.

"Were you surprised?" Sky asked.

"Yes, but I am so happy. I never want to be apart from you." She moved over into Sky lap and kissed him.

"How do you want to do this?" Sky asked.

" If you don't mind, I want a little wedding just family and friends. I also want it soon. Is that Ok?" She knew that is what Sky would want. With no real family she did not a big wedding to remind him.

"Anything you want." He kissed her again. "Let's go home"

With that they left the restaurant and headed home.


Sarah was still in an induced coma and all she did was dream.

She was in a field of flowers gathering them up. She was sing 'Daisy, Daisy give me your answer true, I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish wedding, I can't afford a carriage but you'll look sweet upon a seat of a bicycle build for two.' She made a Daisy chain to make a crown to put in her hair.

In the distance came a handsome man dressed in white. Sarah did not know who this man was.

"Sarah, my daughter, you are so beautiful. I am sorry I was not there to raise you."


"Yes your father. I died when you were still a baby in a shoot out at a convent store robbery."

"Is Mother with you?"

"Yes she is but we thought right now we needed to talk."

"Can I stay with you and Mom?"

"No honey, You still are needed in the living. You have someone that needs you to save them. I am here to tell you, you need fight to live. There is something very life changing coming soon and only you can get the one's that love you through this. Also the man that stands by your side is the one destined to be with you. Stop pushing him away. You are stronger then you think."

"Dad, I scared, How can I get past what has happened?"

"Believe in Love and fate. What you went threw will help you in the future. Know that your mother and I love you and will be watching."

"I love you too. I'll do my best"

"Time to wake up. Soon you will be needed for the grader good. Time to wake up."

The field was getting fuzzy and her father was fading soon a world of bright lights and she blinked. Someone was holding her hand. She turned and looked at the most handsome man in her life.

"Hey beautiful, how do you feel?"

"Hey, Not sure but I want to say I love you"

Jack was shocked, "I love you too."

"Jack, please don't leave me."

Jack sat on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. "Never, I can't live without you."

"While I was a sleep my dad told me we were meant to be together."

"Does that mean he is ok with me marrying you" Jack asked

"I think he is. Are you asking?"

"Yes, If you'll have me?"

"Yes, I know there will be problems that will come. I want to meet them with you."

Jack kissed her and pulled her in close.

"Oh by the way, your the godmother of a little girl, Sarah Sky Poe born Nov 7th at 9:16 weighing 6lb 8oz"

"I thought they were having boys?"

"So did they. Turns out they had a boy and girl. The boy is James Alexander he was born first at 8 lbs 6 oz."

"When can I see them?" Sarah was excited.

Jack pulled out his phone and showed her the pictures that Beth sent him.

Sarah was in love with the little twins.

"As soon as you are better we will go see them so you can hold them."

"Get the doctor in here then, I want to go home."

Jack laughed and pushed the button for the nurse. He let the nurse know Sarah was awake and asked for the doctor.

The Nurse came in to check Sarah's vitals and check her out. "I've called the Doctor and he should be here soon."

The Doctor came with a psychologist. They check her out and asked many questions.

"Can I go home?"

"If you promise to meet with Dr. Helper and let us know if anything comes up I will let you leave. I also think you need to stay with someone for a few months. We are concerned with what you went through is to much to deal with right now." Doctor Carver said.

"I understand. I will stay with Jack if its alright. I know what I went through was hard but I know that there is still something I need to do in this life."

Jack pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. He would do anything for her and he would never let her go.