Keeping up the the kidos

Beth was tired. She did not realize all the work a mother had to put in and she had two kids. When one was asleep the other wanted to play. One would eat and the other wanted to sleep.

Over and over the chore was never done. The she had AJ who did not understand why she could not drop everything and spend quality time with him.

Alex came home one night from the office to find her crying in the living room. Both babies on her lap crying and AJ with his headset on looking all mad.

He picked up his daughter and checked her over. She was clean and dry. He took her to her room and laid her in her bed with a pacifier. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

He then went and got his son. He to was clean and dry so he took him to his bed. Gave him his blankey and put on some soothing music, he soon fell asleep.

Alex then went back and picked up his wife and took her to her room and had her lay down.

"Let me hire someone to help you. You are wearing down."

She agreed and soon fell asleep herself.

Next he went back in and took off AJ headset and asked, "What is going on?"

AJ sighed, "The babies are driving everyone crazy. I think we need to take them back. Mommy could not get them to lay down for a nap and they just kept crying."

"They are just babies. You were the same way at that age. I think your mother needs some help so I will call a nanny service. Please do not run the nanny off." Alex stressed.

"If the nanny is not for me then I will leave them alone. I have school anyway and I like school. Today we learned that if you want to talk to someone you have to be patient and listen to others. When it your turn then they will listen." AJ said.

"You are so very right. Help me make your Dinner. How does spaghetti with meatballs sound?" Alex asked.

"With garlic bread?"

"Yes, with garlic bread. Come on." Alex pulled AJ up and headed to the kitchen.

Father and son worked side by side making dinner.

"You know you could help your mother too."

"I told her to take the two back to the hospital. What else could I do?"

"Get her things she needs or ask for. She loves you but she is overwhelmed sometimes."

"She was my mommy first. Why can't they wait their turn. Daddy I think you should stay home and take care of the babies you are better at it." AJ did not see his mother walk it.

"He's right. I'm a failure at being a mother. Hire a caregiver to raise them. I will go take over for Sky. Since he won't go back and freelance for the government. I can. I know I'm good at that." Beth said walking in.

"Honey, things will get better. Its not easy to take care of a baby and we have two. You are doing a fine job." Alex said.

"No I'm not,1 even AJ says I am failing as a mother. I'm not cut out for this."She walked out of the kitchen and grabbed her keys and left. She needed to get away for awhile and clear her head.

AJ heard the door close and ran out to see, his mother left. He then started crying.

"She'll be back, she just needs some time to think." Alex picked his son up and took him to the table. "Eat your dinner"

Alex then called his mother. "Mom can you come over for a bit. Beth left and I need to go find her."

"Your father and I will be right over." Mary said.

"Thanks" Alex heard James crying so he went in to check. He was wet so he changed him and sat in the rocker to cuddle him and fed him a bottle of warm milk. He missed doing this with AJ, his son grew up so fast. He hoped that these two would stay small a little longer.

Soon Mary came in. Give me James and go find you wife. You father is giving AJ a bath now so don't worry about us.

"There is Milk in the kitchen. Sarah should be waking soon to eat." Alex said as he kissed his mom. "Thanks"

As he left he called Sky. "Is Beth there?"

"Yeah, she just got here. Jewels is talking to her in the kitchen. Are you coming over?"

"I'll be right there. Mom just got here to watch the kids."

"I'll call Jack and Sarah. Make it an adult night, seems Beth may need it." Sky said.

"Sounds good. She needs some time away from the kids." Alex got in the car to spend time with his wife.

Jack and Sarah arrived at the same time as Alex.

"She is having a hard time with three kids. I am not sure how to help her." Alex Said.

"Be patient, she grew up almost alone and now has a big family. She just needs your love and support. She will get threw this." Sarah said.

"How are things going with you to. Coming back to work soon?" Alex asked.

"Well if you read your email you would of seen I will be back on Monday. Also I wanted to talk to you about my wedding next month. I would like you to be my best man?" Jack said.

"Sorry about the email. Been busy with out you around. And I will be honored to be your bestman."

"Sarah, I know my Mom and Dad would also like to be involved and fill in for your parents. They already think of you as family." Alex turned to Sarah. "You have become a sister to both me and Beth."

"I feel the same and I was going to ask for their help. First off though how can we help Beth?" Sarah said.

"She is having a melt down with the kids. I am going to hire a nanny to help so if you could get her out of the house once in a while that would help." Alex said

"Yes, I can do that. I think I also need time with her to help me through my trauma." Sarah replied.

The three walked into Sky's place and soon the party was started.