Black Market Baby

Two months Earlier....

"Amy we need to get our hands on more kids. Any twins would be better."

"Dad, twins are hard to come by." Amy was reading birth announcements in several different paper when she came across one.

"Dad listen to this. Born Nov 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Poe Junior a set of twins. Boy 8lbs 6oz and a Girl 6lbs 8oz. Mother and children doing fine."

"Do you think you could get them. Mr. Jonvent said his wife was wanting twins so she only had to go through raising them at the same time and a boy and girl would be perfect."

"Have I let you down before?" She asked.

Amy got to work researching the Poe's life. They were very welthly. They did not have a nanny right now but with twins. she knew they would soon need one. They had One older son from a previous marriage. She got all the information she needed and flew to where they were. Now she just had to wait.

She only had to wait about a month when she got word of the Poe's hiring a nanny. She waited and when one came for an interview she meet them down stairs.

"Are you here for the Nanny position?" Amy asked a woman as she entered the building.

"Yes, I'm Margaret Fillmore, from Nanny Inc.."

"I am Amy, Mrs. Poe Personal Assistant. I am afraid the position has been filled. But if you give me your resume and credentials and If it comes back open we will give you a call."

The Lady gave Amy everything she asked for and Thanked her.

Amy did a little work on her computer changing little things then went up to the desk.

"I'm Amy Fillmore here to interview for the nanny position to see the Poe's."

The guard gave her a pass to use the elevator and she went up.

Beth greeted her at the door and took her info. Amy made sure to say the all the right things. Then gave Beth a card with a cell phone number as her agency phone number. This was a burner phone she had gotten just for this.

Then Amy made sure to only let nanny's in that would not pass the Poe's requierment.

That night Beth called. "Yes, this is Beth Poe. We have decided to use your Nanny Amy Fillmore. Could you get a hold of her and have her start tommarow."

Disguising her voice, Amy said, "Yes we can, You picked an outstanding nanny."

After Beth hung up Amy called her Dad. "I'm in Dad. Give me a few weeks and the kids will be ours."

"I knew you could do it hunny. I'll start on the documents needed for the adoption." Her father was excited. 100 million would soon be theirs.


Earlier today....

"Amy if there is anything need don't hesitate to call me or Alex." Beth said putting on the last touches for Sarah's wedding.

"Yes, Beth I will." Amy said smiling big. Today was the day. The Tickets were gotten and her Dad had arrived to help.

"We will be back about 10 tonight. " This is the longest Beth will be away from her babies. She kept having this feeling something was off but shook it off.

The Poe's left their apartment and Amy got to work. She Packed her things and a few things the babies need.

Her Father met them down stairs and they headed to the airport. Everything was going like clockwork. Soon they boarded the plane many people stop to admire the twin. Everyone was telling Amy the kids looked just like her. People were really stupid.

She got Five calls from Beth Poe but they all went to voice mail because they were in the air and phones have to stay off.

They finally landed in Big City X and headed to a hotel room to get everything set for the exchange. They would not have to work again for a few years after this job which was fine with her.

She surched her bags and purse for her flash drive but could not find it. Where could it be she had it two days ago when she updated it with the Poe children. Glad he backed up things to a cloud account to. She got on her computer and down loaded the info and her Dad call the Jonvents with the good news.

"I have located a set of twins. The mother just lost her job. Her boyfriend abandoned her and she could not take care of them. There is a boy and girl."

"That sound great, My wife will be extremely happy at this. When can we see them. I'll send you pictures now." Alan Johnson set three pictures two of each twin alone and one of them together.

"They are cute. We will take them. How much?"

"Well with paper and filling, paying the mother, 100 million."

"That is a little steep but you've got a deal. When?"

"When can you come to Big City X?"

"We can have the money there in two days."

"Call this number when you get to town and I'll tell you where to meet me and the mother."

"Sounds good." Mr. Jonvent said.

They hung up and Alan turned to his daughter. "Everything set in two days, we will be 100 million richer. This is just a start babygirl."

Dad we now have 900 million and this will make a billion dollars we have in the bank. You promised as soon as we hit a billion we could stop and live life in the tropics." Amy stated.

"Well we don't have that much. I kind of had a little bad luck at the tables and lost some."

"How much?" Amy was pissed.

"We only have about 40 million left."

"Dad, I can't believe you!! All that work, my work. You don't do much in this con, so you think you have a right to waste 860 million dollars and the gambling tables?"

She slams her hand on the table, "I am the one that has to find the mark, I am the one who as to figure out how to get the mark and send time with these people. I do all that why you just deal with the back market info and contact the buyers. It's me that will go to jail for kidnapping." She walked out to cool down.

Lucky the children did not wake up from all the noise.