FBI on the case.

Beth and Alex drove home. Beth's feeling was getting worse. They went in and she asked the guard if anything strange was going on.

"Mrs. Poe nothing much. You nanny took the kids out for a walk earlier but other then that it's been quite."

"How long ago? Did they come back?" She asked.

"About 10 this morning. I'm not sure if she is back. I was gone from 12 to 2 and Mark was on duty for me."

"Thanks" They went up stairs to check.

They walked through the house and noticed every in Amy's room was gone and she noticed a few things from the twins room gone too. Beth slumped to the floor.

Alex help her up and carried her to the living room placing her on the couch.

"I'll call Freddie and Sam." He said kissing his wife on the head.

Alex took out his phone and dialed.

"What's up?" Freddie asked.

"The twins have been kidnapped by their nanny."

"What the hell. Don't touch anything well be right over. Did you call the police?"

"No, do I need to?"

"No, We'll take care of everything. now you are sure it's a kidnapping?"

"The nanny is packed up and gone and some of the kids stuff is gone too."

"Don't touch anything."

Freddie hung up and called his partner and the kidnapping specialist in the FBI. This was going to be a high profile case so the faster they start the better chance they have to get the kids back.

Soon Freddie and Sam plus five other guys showed up to Poe's penthouse apartment. They went to work. One went over Amy's room taking finger prints and surching every nook. One took the twins room. One went down and looked over the video surveillance footage. One set up phone taps and and set up computer workstations. While one asked the Poe's question.

They then called the number that they were given to get no answer. They then went and called the service that referred them. They found out that the only Fillmore they had was a Margaret Fillmore and she was now working for someone else. That she was told that the potion was filled at the Poe residents.

They got some good finger prints and ran them through the system and got a hit.

Amy Johnson aka Amy Jones, Amy West, Amy Gillman. Con artist and pick pocket. Arrested last five years ago. Address unknown. Mother died 15 years ago father living Alan Johnson aka Alan Newton, Alan Henry, Alan Jackson. Con artist arrested 5 years ago spent two in prison for Roofing Con.

These are two troubling Con artist. They waited all night and the next morning for a call that never came.

Then one of the men was talking to their guy in Black market babies.

Mary had brought AJ home. He was puzzled. Why were they trying to get the crying babies back. Beth grabbed him and held him tight and was thankful he was not left with the nanny.

"Mommy, why are you sad?"

"Honey, your brother and sister have been taken by Amy. I am so scared I will never see them again."

"You really like them don't you?"

"They are family. We love them as much as we love you." She hugged him tight.

AJ thought the stick he took from Amy might help. He did not like his mommy sad. He pulled out of her arms and went to his room and soon returned.

"This is Amy's when she made me made I took it. Will this help?"

Beth's eyes went wide and she took the flash drive. She gave it to the agent using the computer. He plugged it in and a lot of data for the past four years were on it. All were missing children and who they went to. 23 children, they had been busy. The agent in charged made a call and they sent the contents of the drive to another unit.

Brian Gregory was then notified. He had been undercover the past year tring to get info on this ring of babies. Mr. Brian Jonvent was his alias. They sent him pictures of all the missing kids including the Poe twins.

He had gotten back with his supervisor and told them the twins were his target that tommarow he meets with the man selling them.

When the Poe's were notified of this Freddie and Sam excoriated them to Big City X to wait for the sting.

Meanwhile more agents tracked down all the missing children and returned them home to their waiting family's. Only one on the list had no family that reported it missing so they left it with the couple that had adopted her until they could figure out who she was. She was Amy's daughter and was better off with the family she was given to.

Soon Brian called Alan. "I'm in town with the money. Where do you want to meet?"

"Sunny Hill Hotel on 4th and Fairway. Room 322."

Brian and a female agent went in wired for recording while a group of agents waited to take them down.

knock knock Alan opened the door. "Come in. Mr. Jonvent, Mrs. Jonvent please come in."

Brian came in pulling a suitcase. On the bed in their carriers were the twins and Amy sitting next to James feeding him.

"Oh, look at the little cuties. May I hold one." the agent asked.

"Go ahead, they will soon be your babies." Amy said "I just can't keep them anymore and I know they will be better of with parents like you two."

"Lets get down to business, can I see the money. 100 million." Alan said.

Brian put the case on the desk and opened it up. The top had 10 thousand in real bills the rest were counterfeit. Alan look through the top of the case excited.

"I trust it is all there."

" There is One million in cash and 99 milion is certificate checks. Don't you trust me." Brian said.

"Yes I trust you. Here is the documents you need. Birth certificates, Adoption releases, and a signed statement from their mother."

Just as Soon as Brian took the paper the rest of his team broke in and arrested them.

Freddie was called to bring the Mr. and Mrs. Poe over to get their kids.

This is one time Beth did not have to get involved to same someone close to her.