Citywide City

Beth rented a low key apartment in the heart of Citywide City. She set up the already furnished place with all the technology she could get her hands on.

Beth found the best of the best in hardware and software. Beth got set up fast and was working online for about a month now.

Beth had written most of Sky safety software that he used to stay safe. It had been a few years but everything came back like ridding a bike.

She even wrote a few new programs to get herself up and running.

She had to make sure everything was in place so no one would be able to track her, therefore no one would ever be able to use her family and friends against her.

Beth still was not feeling well even after these few months and went to see a doctor. He had put her threw a few test before he made his diagnosis, but she did not agree with what the doctor was saying. She desided it was best to stay busy and she never took much of a break from her work.

In just these few months she was making thousands of dollars a week. She should of done this instead of just looking for a job then none of this would of happend.

She also had to admit that Sarah would not have been saved either and the twins would not have been born. This made her very sad.

She finally after about two months and missing her children alot she decided to go online to talk to Sky. She wanted to find out about the kids and how they were doing. She missed them very much.

[Prettybunnie : Rattatouilleknight are you there?]

She waited for about an hour before she seen him log on.

[Rattatouilleknight : Hey where are you?]

[Prettybunnie: Safe, How are the kids? Are they doing better without me?]

[Rattatouilleknight: Where Are You?]

[Prettybunnie: not now, please just tell me if the kids are alright. You all are better off with me around.]

[Rattatouilleknight: They are not doing good, they miss their mother and are not even able to be together with out here. Now WHERE ARE YOU?]

[Prettybunnie: Don't yell. I miss them too but they ARE better off with out me. Keep them safe please.]

[Rattatouilleknight: No they are not. Your man is a mess without you, me and Sarah are watching the twins. I have James and She has Sarah. AJ is with Mary. Your family is all broken with out you. Where are you? please tell me.]

[Prettybunnie: I can't, this was a mistake, please keep them safe, bye]

She logged off and Sky sat there. She was too good at covering her tracks. Now what?

He called Alex and told him what happened.

Beth worked in Citywide City with out ever leaving her apartment. Everything including shopping was done online.

Beth then desided to go ahead with the divorce so she did some research and found an easy way to stay undetected.

She had decided to contact lawyers out side of the country to handle her divorce. Sky had taught her to keep her whereabouts counseled and this way she could lead a peaceful life with out getting hurt anymore.

After a few calls on secure burn phones She found the right lawyers. Everytime they contacted her she would give them a new number. This would keep her whereabouts secure.

Soon, a few days after that, Alex's lawyer got papers in the mail signed by Beth from the overseas law firm. The only thing Sky could find out when he tried to track her was that their client did everthing over the internet and by burn phone. They had no clue as to her whereabouts.

Sky tried to follow that trail back to Beth with no luck from many differnt angles.

Alex therefore refused to sign the papers and told his lawyer if she wanted a divorce she would have to comeback and see him first.

This took sometime to get back to Beth. When she found out she sent Sky a message in his private Email.

[Tell him to sign the papers. I asked for nothing. Please tell him if he ever loved me then dont make me see him in front of a judge. What do you think the judge will do when I ask for nothing.]

Sky got the message but still could not track her through his email.He had been working on a new trojan program developed just to track were an email will be sent so he attached it to his reply and hoped that it would go through.

[Hey Beth, Please come home. Alex loves you more then you can see right now. Please contact him he wants to explain.]

The message did not go through. She set it up as a one way, so it could never be tracked. How was she smarter them him. Sky was at a loss.

Beth had spent hours on line working tring to out run the feelings that were haunting her. She could not sleep due to the night mares.

The day finally came when they would all show up to court and Alex hoped that she would listen to him. However like before she sent a lawyer to represent her.

Alex signed the papers with a heavy heart, He did not want to cause her any more pain so he was giving in. The last thing he would give her was the anniversary present her had gotten her. He gave the lawyer the deed with a note telling her it was their anniversary gift and that he did not want it.

My Dearest Elizabeth,

I am sorry if I made you feel unwanted. I was just trying to surprise you with this home to keep our family safe. If I had to do it over I would of had you help pick out our home. Do with it as you want.

I will always love you.

Alexander James Poe Junior

As Beth read the letter tears formed in her eyes. A home? Why did he not say something? Did Sky know? She sat in the car with her lawyer reading it over and over.