New Day

At that time Ayuko was 19 years old and she is currently studying at Nanjing University and she currently lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China.

Shinde is now 8 years old and she is currently in Class 2 Elementary School.

Ayuko gets a College Scholarship in China.

Ayuko's friends now are Mei, Xicei, Hana, and others.

Yuko is currently 43 years old and she is currently working as a Politician and Business Consultant and now she is only a former Famous Actress.

Ayuko is currently studying in China and she is taking the Law Department.

Ayuko during her school days, she took a basketball extracurricular when she was in junior high school and when she was in high school, she took a dance extracurricular.

Yuko is currently old and already has a lot of work.

The next day ... Shindo went to the airport, because Shindo wanted to go to New York, United States to meet with the president.

While Ayuko is having a sexual relationship with her friend, namely Han Coi (Acoi). Ayuko and Acoi, they both use a condom to have sexual intercourse.

Shinde and Ayuko, both of them are brothers and sisters but why among them there is no one who likes each other, precisely the relationship between them is not suitable and both of them often fight.

Yuko meets Micai and Yuko asks about the relationship between the two children.

But Micai said "Yuko, your child must be separated, otherwise the relationship between them can be messed up and can be broken".

Then Yuko said "Oh, is that so Micai"

Then Yuko thought, Luckily she had separated the two children if it was impossible to be able to have their relationship destroyed and messed up.

The next day ... Ayuko prayed at the Church and he requested that he and Acoi get married as soon as possible.

Then suddenly Acoi came to the Church and Ayuko applied to him in front of many people, then the people in the Church supported Ayuko so that he could get married quickly and Ayuko finally agreed with Acoi's proposal.

On the night of the day ... Acoi and Ayuko finally officially became husband and wife and officially became a legitimate couple.

Acoi and Ayuko later They held their Wedding Reception Party.

Acoi came from the bloodied mother of the Han and Father tribes of the Mongol and Han tribes.

Acoi is the First Child of 4 Brothers. His sister is Wei, Fei, and Mei.

A Few Months Later ... Acoi and Ayuko migrated to Japan and Ayuko invited Acoi to stay in Tokyo and Acoi to stay in Tokyo.

Yuko did not know how Ayuko until now.

Ayuko is currently pregnant with her first child and she has prepared a name with the initials letter "A".

Ayuko is currently pregnant with a child from Acoi.

Acoi was happy to hear the news Ayuko was pregnant with her child.