The Future

One day ... Ayuko took time off from college because she was pregnant.

She took a year off from college.

Yuko still hasn't got the news of Ayuko now.

Micai then went to Yuko and Micai's house to meet Yuko.

Then Micai said to Yuko "Yuko, Ayuko is pregnant and she is married to a man from China".

Then Yuko said "Huh? Is that really Micai?"

Then Micai said "Right Yuko".

Yuko was shocked and confused after hearing the news of her daughter.

While Shindo is meeting with the President of the United States for two weeks.

Acoi was looking to create a company in Tokyo and he called his younger brother to Tokyo to make the company together.

A few months later ... Be a Han Company in Tokyo and Acoi is happy because the company has been made.

Whereas Ayuko has been pregnant for 7 months.

Yuko then came to Ayuko's house to see Ayuko's current situation.

It turns out that Yuko was confused and shocked after seeing Ayuko's large belly.

Mio, Yuko's sister, she has become a politician and lawyer.

Suddenly the contraction began to occur on Ayuko and Yuko also brought Ayuko to the nearest hospital.

Mio has Children named Manami and Manami who are now 17 years old and Manami is now a Grade 11 High School.

Manami took a basketball extracurricular at his school.

After arriving at Ayuko Hospital, he was immediately taken to the delivery room and Yuko waited outside.

Shindo saw Ayuko through Video Call and Shindo panicked and was shocked after seeing Ayuko's condition.

Acoi immediately went to the hospital to see his wife's condition.

Today is on July 7 and after feeling tremendous pain Ayuko gave birth normally and a few minutes later ... A child was born named Anara.

Anara is the First Child of Ayuko and Acoi.

After years, then ... Ayuko was 35 years old and Anara was 15 years old.

Ayuko currently only has 2 children, Anara and Arina.

Arina is now 10 years old. Arina is now Class 4 of Elementary School and Class 9 of Middle School.

Anara participated in the extracurricular making of crafts at her school.

Arina was born on April 14.

Yuko was happy to see her granddaughter who was already big.

Yuko is now 59 years old and Shinde is 24 years old.

Shinde is married to a Korean descendant named Han Woo Jin (Wujin). Shinde has a child named Yumi Takaichi (Han Yoo Mi).

Yumi is now 4 years old and she is now attending school in kindergarten.

Wujin has Korean blood from his mother and Japanese and Tibetan blood from his father.

Shinde gave birth to Yumi in a normal way.

Yumi was born on December 25 on Christmas Day.

Yuko was happy to be able to see her granddaughter from her two children.

Shinde, Wujin, and Yumi are now also living in Tokyo.

Shinde graduated from college and he went to Dong-A University before.

Shinde used to study for the Department of Law.

Yuko has a foster child named Marina.

Marina is the adopted child from Yuko and Marina, actually Yuko's nephew.

Marina is 28 years old and she used to take a Bachelor of Law major at Waseda University. Marina has now graduated from her lecture.

Marina is married to a Taiwanese Chinese descendant named Han Miu (Miu). Miu has Blood Han Taiwan from his father and his mother is Japanese.

Marina already has 1 child named Michiko Inada (Michi). Michi is now 6 years old and she is currently in Class 1 Elementary School.

Michi was born on March 1.

Marina is now a lawyer and politician.

Whereas Shinde is an Educational and Political Consultant.

Ayuko is now a Business and Political Consultant.