As Saksham heard this, his heart almost jumped out of his throat. He suddenly felt a little cool in his back. He couldn't decide whether he should be happy about this news or creeped out.

Suddenly, there was silence in the room for a second. Just then, Arjun cried out in pain. Saksham heard this shout and came back from his dilemma. He saw his mother pinching his father's waist. He saw Savitri saying angrily, "Old man, not even entered the house properly and took off his clothes but telling these types of things to our young son. What if he couldn't sleep at night? Would you go to school tomorrow?"

Arjun also said angrily, "He was eventually going to hear about this from someone else. And he is not a 3-year-old child who would still be scared of things like these."

"So, can't you explain this in a better way that is not this bad?"

"How else do you want me to tell this thing as? That 'Your four friends who we had met in the Parents Teacher Meeting had met their maker and now they will live happily ever after in heaven.'?"

"Are you telling a fairy tale?"

"Then you tell me. How am I supposed to tell him?"

Seeing his parents bicker, Saksham couldn't help but smile wryly. He said, "Can you two stop bickering? I am hungry. Let's have our dinner and then you could bicker all you want."

Savitri stood up and once again pointed at Arjun and said, "Look, due to your bad explanation, Saksham is feeling hungry now!"

Arjun almost did a somersault and spewed blood at this unreasonable statement. He weakly retorted, "But this is just a biological sig-"

"Whoever bickers again with me is going to sleep empty-stomach today," Savitri said as she entered the kitchen without even looking back.

This time, Arjun really shut his mouth honestly and went to his room silently. Looking at his father's lonely back, Saksham couldn't help but snicker quietly. There was not a single time when his father had won against his mother in bickering. He also heard his father whispering, "How could a woman be such unreasonable creatures…."

The family then quietly had their dinner and then Saksham went back to his room to study. After half an hour, although Saksham had his book opened, his mind was wandering somewhere else. He couldn't help but connect the four bullies' death and the words that he had said in the afternoon. Everything he said in the afternoon did come true. Those four bullies were indeed killed by a car running them over. And they did die very miserable.

Although he was not a believer of a supernatural, this incident couldn't help but make him doubt that. Saksham shook his head and once again concentrated on his studies thinking that this thing couldn't be true. But after some time, he once again couldn't help but think that if….if this indeed happened because of what he had said then.... wasn't that something very cool? Would that mean that he has gotten himself a superpower?

Saksham thought for a while and decided to once again try this on someone else. He thought of many people he could try this on but thinking that if it really did come true then it would be bad if he kills an innocent person. So he tried to think of some very bad guys in the world. As he carefully recalled their names and wrote them down in his mind, he also recalled what and how he had said his words in the afternoon.

Saksham carefully practiced it again and again in his mind. After a few minutes, Saksham opened his eyes and there was a sharp glint in his eyes. He said, "Osama Bin Laden, Die!" (Couldn't figure out any name so just put this one there.)

After waiting for a few moments, Saksham subconsciously felt that it didn't go well. He once again said a bunch of more names but still felt that something was amiss. At the last of his 'hit-list', there was a name of a local don in his area. Those four bullies always threatened people without any fear due to their connection with his gang. Aside from those four bullies, Saksham also hated those gang leaders and people like them. Saksham believed that those people were the tumor of the society and they had to be cut down. So in the end, he didn't forget to shout out his name.

"Gullu Tyagi, you die tonight."

As Saksham said this, his whole body felt a warm current traveling from his mouth, down to his whole body and then disappearing, as if integrating with the air. Then came a sudden feeling of tiredness, though not to the point of fainting. But Saksham had to take a moment to make his breathing become even. This time, Saksham had a hunch that this is going to be successful. As he couldn't know when and where it would happen so, he just concentrated back to his studies. But due to the feeling tired, he didn't stay up long and went to sleep soon.


Next Morning

Saksham woke up early in the morning as usual. He woke up, got fresh and then got ready to go to school. When he came to the dining table for a quick breakfast, he saw his father watching the news. He sat down on the chair and also watched the news alongside Arjun. Just when he turned around for a second, he heard the news anchor speak about some other news.

"Last night, Gullu Tyagi, the infamous don of Ghaziabad, was shot dead after he got in a fight with a police force. The face-off took place in Loni. Police say...….."

Saksham didn't care what the news anchor had to say next. What he had wanted to hear was about Gullu's death. Now, Saksham couldn't help but suck in a cool breath. His heart was banging very hard against his chest. He was also feeling a little light-headed.

'So, I've got some kind of superpower, huh?' Saksham thought.


[A.N- Gullu doesn't actually mean anything. It is kinda like a nickname. But Tyagi means hermit or ascetic. As for how to pronounce it, you take the sound of "Goo" from the word "gooey" then add the "Llu" with the sound of both "L"s. HMMMMM. I feel like I didn't explain it well. But oh well. I did my best lol.

And I think I forgot about this in the last chapter.

Arjun has many different meanings. Arjun is based on Arjuna, who was in Indian legend, the son of the king of gods, a close friend of Lord Krishna, and considered the greatest warrior on earth. What is this Indian Legend you ask? Its name is "Mahabharata" or "The Epic Of India" or "The Epic Tale". Won't be explaining it in deep but it is actually a poem with over 100,000 verses in Sanskrit and 152,000 verses in Sarala Mahabharata.

Arjun also means bright, shining, white, etc]