
Saksham didn't care what the news anchor had to say next. What he had wanted to hear was about Gullu's death. Now, Saksham couldn't help but suck in a cool breath. His heart was banging very hard against his chest. He was also feeling a little light-headed.

'Does this mean I've somehow gotten some kind of superpowers?' Saksham exclaimed in his heart.

Savitri, Saksham's mother, brought food to the dining table. She saw the news and said, "Police really did a good job on this. These types of criminals do all kinds of evil and they deserve death for this. If I could, I would have killed them myself."

"Hey, look who's talking about these types of things in front of Saksham now. And you say that I will badly affect Saksham's mind." Arjun said in a weird tone.

"Are you still holding a grudge from yesterday night? Grow up a little. Our child will not have any problem with just these things. He has grown up now."

Arjun wanted to retaliate with some facts and logic, but once again he realized that whatever he said was like Magikarp's 'splash', "It's not very effective." So, he just shut his mouth and ate the breakfast with a grievous look on his face.

Saksham came out of his deep thinking and felt funny when he saw his dad's face. 'One more loss is added to his losing spree' Saksham chuckled.

Saksham just quietly ate his food and didn't show anything unusual on his face. He tried to act as calmly as he could and readied himself for school.

'Be calm. Act cool. I have got no superpowe-'

Suddenly Savitri cut his thought mid-way.

"Son, why are you wearing your shoes like that?" Savitri asked strangely.

"What?" Saksham asked in confusion.

He looked down and saw that he had worn his right shoes on his left foot and left shoe on his right foot.

'Fuck!' Saksham cussed in his heart.

"It's because of your stupid comments just now." Arjun inserted a sentence.

Savitri just ignored Arjun's comment and asked worriedly, "Are you feeling unwell today son? If you are feeling unwell today, you can take a day off of school."

"Hahaha! No, no need. I was just trying to see how would it feel to wear your shoes wrongly." Saksham said, laughing.

Savitri also put down her worries and went to the kitchen to prepare more breakfast.

Saksham hurriedly ate his breakfast and got ready to go to school. Just as he was about to leave his house, Arjun asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going to school," Saksham said as a matter-of-factly.

"Without a schoolbag?" Arjun asked once again with a puzzled look on his face.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' Saksham cussed himself three times in his heart.

He hurriedly got into his room and came out with his bag and then finally got out of his house. After walking a little far away from his house, Saksham smirked and thought, "My acting is quite natural. They couldn't even have suspected anything. Hahahaha!"


"Dear, where is Saksham?" Savitri asked Arjun.

"He went to school," Arjun replied.

"Oh…I forgot to tell him that his pants' zip was open. But it looks like he has to see that for himself now." Savitri sighed.

"Hahaahah!" Arjun laughed.

"But, did you see him acting weird now? What could have gotten into him today?" Savitri asked with a puzzled face.

"It's puberty. Don't worry." Arjun laughed.

"What does this have to do anything with puberty?"

"You don't understand. It's a male thing."

"Male thing? Have you hit your head yesterday? This has got nothing to do with puberty."

"What do you know woman…"

Saksham didn't know that his suspicious behavior had not gone unseen from his parent's eyes. And because of this, another round of bickering had started in his house.




Saksham was sitting in his class, thinking about what had happened yesterday. The abrupt death of the four bullies and Gullu Tyagi were being discussed by his classmates when he entered the class. But not a single one of them looked sad or had pity in their tones when they talked about their deaths. It was like they felt relieved because of their deaths. Some were even happy because of that. Many people were bullied on a constant basis and although they couldn't retaliate against them, they did hold a deep grudge inside their hearts. And now, when they heard the news of the miserable deaths of the bullies, why wouldn't they be happy?

Looking at the happy and relieved faces of his classmates, Saksham also felt a lot relieved. Although he did not directly kill the 5, he was the one who had pulled strings from the shadows with his superpowers. And thinking about that made Saksham feel nauseous. He held it in and calmed himself in thinking that what he did was for the good of the society and tried to concentrate on his studies.

After some time, Saksham once again started thinking about his superpowers.

'Can my superpowers only be used to kill people? Or is there any other use for it? Why didn't it work when I said the names of the other notorious people? Are there any limitations?' Saksham kept thinking about it until he suddenly thought of something.

'How about I try that?' Saksham wondered.

After thinking about his plan, he couldn't help but want the school end as soon as possible. And after 6 hours of studying, finally, the school was over. Saksham ran out of school as soon as possible and went to a local market. There he searched around to find a particular stall.

Suddenly, Saksham spotted the stall he was looking for and hurriedly made his way towards it. Saksham reached the stall and said, "One lottery ticket, please."

The stall owner handed a ticket to Saksham and said, "The result of this lottery will be announced in your local newspaper the day after tomorrow."

As Saksham was walking, he scratched his lottery ticket and found out that his lottery ticket no. was "007619".

Saksham nodded and then started walking towards his home. While walking, Saksham focused all his mind and said slowly, "The ticket to win the lottery with the prize money of 1,000,000, will be 007619."

As soon as Saksham said this, he once again felt that familiar heat, rising from his mouth and then making its way down to every inch of his body and along with it came the tiredness. After using the superpowers, Saksham always felt tired but after the rest, it disappears. But for some reason, Saksham felt that all that tiredness was slowly accumulating somewhere. And if he kept on using his powers, there might be a big problem for him.

So, Saksham warned himself in his heart to not use his powers regularly and made his way to his home slowly.


[A.N- Here we are again my dear readers. This time I have brought you the meaning and the origin of the name, "Savitri".

For Savitri, there are many different women in the ancient texts with the same name but different work. Savitri is a goddess in Hindu mythology, the daughter of the solar deity Savitr and the wife of the creator god, Brahma. There is also a tale in "Mahabharata", which recounts how a woman named Savitri, used the power of her dedication for her husband Satyavan, to prevent Yama, the god of the dead, from taking him when he was fated to die.

Savitri also means A ray of light

This is it for the "cultural" class today (lol).]