I Have Seen The Lord!

Next Day

Saksham left his house in a hurry. He went downstairs and looked around for a bit. When he couldn't see the figure he was thinking about, he was disappointed a bit. But then he sighed lightly and started walking towards school. Along the way, he had been thinking about what happened yesterday. After helping Rhytham kill all those bouncers, Saksham still couldn't find a single trance of unease within him which was making him more and more uncomfortable. He personally saw those 4 dying with their limbs and even neck twisted in weird angles. But he felt nothing other than pity. Why pity? Because with that, he had no EP left to use this week. Although there was still 1 EP left, but Saksham didn't want to use it unless it is a do-or-die situation.

After using that High-grade Soul stone, Saksham realized that for some reason, after using his powers, the burden on his soul was not as much as it had been earlier. Earlier, after using 14 EP, Saksham would be very lethargic and there would be a severe difficulty in breathing sometimes, but it didn't exist now. After he used 14 EP in total yesterday night, except some shortness of breath and a mild exhaustion, Saksham didn't feel much. But that didn't mean he would use 15 EP. The trauma of using all 15 EP still haunted him to this date and he was not sure if he would be fine after using the last EP. So, he constantly reminded himself about not using it whatever happens.

But leaving the thoughts about EP aside, Saksham thought about how he should deal with Rhytham today. He did tell Rhytham that he would visit him today so he should prepare himself a bit. He thought about it and realized that maybe wearing a hoodie when meeting him would be better. That way, he would become more mysterious for Rhytham. Although it sounded childish, Saksham didn't want to show his face yet. If things go according to his plans, then he might just show his face then, but now was not the right time. He had many things to consider right now. And he didn't want to drag his family in because of some mistakes from his side due to showing his face. So, he figured out that he has to be a mysterious boss behind the scenes until he had enough power.

Clenching his fists, Saksham's back straightened unconsciously and his steps became heavier. Soon, he reached his school and full-heartedly engaged in the discussion with the teachers while noting everything down on the board. He had made up his mind to just focus on studies when he is at school, and not think about things not related to study. Of course, talking to Anitha didn't come under this. Whenever he would get time, he would go up to Anitha's seat and talk to her about things. Mostly, it would be about studies but the other times it is just to look at her constantly and wonder 'how could someone be so beautiful?'.

When the school ended, Saksham waited for Anitha at the entrance. As he saw Anitha coming out of the school, he was about to wave at her. But he suddenly saw Anitha talking with a boy as she came out. Saksham suddenly froze as he saw this. He lowered his hands mechanically and then looked at them in a daze. As if feeling a gaze, Anitha turned and looked at Saksham standing not far away and looking at them. But before she could even say anything, she saw Saksham turn around and walk away. All she could do was look at his back and frown.

As Saksham ran, he could feel nose turn sour. As well as this burning in his chest that he couldn't explain. Was he overreacting? Maybe. Was he jealous? Totally. Before he had any powers, he would have swallowed it in and didn't speak about it to anyone but now that he had the powers, Saksham felt as if there was a massive change happening to him. He felt as if he was becoming someone else while still being himself. Earlier, he used to be a silent person who had a mild inferiority complex. His body had been frail since childhood so he couldn't play much either. And with all the bullying that he had faced since childhood, his personality had become a mess. But after he got his powers, he felt as if all this was changing. But was this change good or bad, Saksham didn't know this.

But what he saw today reignited one of his fears. Although he had been changing from inside, it was not complete. So, the inferiority complex and insecurity still existed deep down. Today, he once again felt scared that whatever that had happened between him and Anitha was just an illusion of his. The more he thought about it, the angrier he came. Not at Anitha, but at himself. Why couldn't he stop there and wait for Anitha? Maybe the situation might have been different that he thought it was. He cursed himself for being a coward and didn't stop cursing himself till he got home.

But will all the thoughts occupying his head, Saksham's chest was feeling heavy as his mood was depressed. Not letting his mother see his face, Saksham hurriedly went to his room. After having his lunch in his room, Saksham took out a book and started studying. But after an hour and a half of studying, he stood up with frustration. He couldn't focus much on his book while he was studying. And in the blink of an eye, it was 5:40 P.M. As it was wintertime, the sun had started setting already. Saksham searched around in his room and found the black hoodie that he liked a lot. It was just a plain black hoodie, but its hood part was long and when Saksham put it on, half his face would be covered. So, this was the perfect thing he could use.

He put it on and looked at himself in the mirror. Feeling satisfied, Saksham told his mother that he would be going out for a bit. After leaving his house, Saksham muttered, "Shadow #1, where is Rhytham?"

Soon, he saw another vision in his head where he saw Rhytham sitting with a stiff face in his home, looking at his front door continuously. Seeing this, Saksham chuckled. Yesterday night, he had left Shadow #1 to look after Rhytham and inform him if something is suspicious around there. So, Shadow #1 had been looking at Rhytham the whole day. But seeing him sit there in the same position for hours, Saksham realized what the system meant by "loyal and Keeps his words" in Rhytham's description.

Rhytham said that he would be waiting for him and looking at him, he had really been waiting for him quite literally by sitting him at the same place for hours. Saksham thought that maybe he should give him a surprise. After about 15 minutes, Saksham stood under Rhytham's house, and now, the sun had set already and it was dark. So, he ordered Shadow #1 to come down and carry him to Rhytham's balcony. Rhytham's lived on the 2nd floor if that apartment building but for the Shadow Clone it was an easy task. Although he could not use it to fight, carrying himself like this was no sweat for it.

The Shadow Clone picked Saksham up and jumped high up in the sky and caught the railings of the balcony of the first floor, then he jumped once again, successfully reaching Rhytham's balcony. Saksham came off his back and silently knocked on the door. Rhytham who had been paying his utmost attention, looked back to see someone standing in his balcony. That person was wearing a hoodie that covered his face, and along with the darkness of the night, Rhytham couldn't see his face at all. Rhytham was shocked as his mouth turned into a shape of "O". But it was as if he understood something. He went towards the balcony and unlocked the door and fell onto his knee, saying, "I have seen the Lord."