I Want This World At My Feet!

Saksham entered the house slowly and ordered Shadow #1 to stay guard outside. Rhytham had not lit any lights in his house for some reason, but Saksham had no complaints about it because that way Rhytham wouldn't be able to see any clues about his face. He stepped inside and started at Rhytham. And as Saksham had not made any noise since he came in, feeling the gaze on his back, Rhytham was starting to sweat bullets now. For some reason, Rhytham felt that the temperature of the room had fallen a few degrees. He even felt an invisible pressure being emanated out of Saksham. He tried to resist it, but failed and started to have problems breathing under that atmosphere.

Of course, Saksham knew nothing about it because this is not something he did after using his EP nor did he consciously release anything. Everything was a mixture of misunderstanding. If you look at Saksham's face right now, you would find that his eyes were out of focus as if he was in a daze. Actually, when he came in and saw Rhytham bent on his one knee and heard him say "I have seen the Lord", he was suddenly reminded of a time of his childhood. He remembered bending on one knee in front of Anitha and saying, 'I have seen the Princess.' while she giggled bashfully.

Just as he remembered this, Saksham was filled with sweet feelings but it was immediately swept away with depression. Seeing that boy walking with Anitha in the afternoon had really made him depressed. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. The depression seemed to take physical form as it started emanating out of his body. And this is the reason for Rhytham to feel very uncomfortable. The longer Saksham stayed silent, the more terrified he became. And you can't blame this poor man about it too. If he had to put it in words, then he can only say that a devil has come to his door to talk to him and maybe even to take his soul.

He had seen what the person standing in front of him was capable of. This person or this devil talked to him in his mind and also gave him some supernatural powers. He was confident that with the strength he had last night, he could've even knocked out the strongest boxer in the world with just one jab. Now that the person had come to visit him, he didn't know what to do. He was very afraid of offending him at all costs. So, with a trembling voice, he asked, "L-lord, i-is there something wrong?"

Saksham snapped out of his daze with these words. He laughed bitterly in his heart before shaking his head and throwing this matter to the back of his head for now. When his eyes focused on Rhytham again, he found something abnormal. He saw Rhytham shaking. No, it was more like vibrating like a phone on vibration mode. He couldn't understand what this man was doing so he asked in a deep voice, "Why do you tremble, my child."

When Rhytham heard this, his body almost collapsed on the floor as goosebumps rose all over his body. Cold sweat filled his back as he desperately tried to stop his body from trembling. The reason for such a reaction from him was because Saksham's voice was too terrifying for him. To let you know, Saksham's voice had been unusually deeper since he hit puberty. And to make things even weirder, Saksham had a special talent for making his voice sound even deeper while making it sound natural as well. So, when Rhytham heard that voice, he felt as if his head was hit by a hammer as each word seemed to carry an unimaginable weight to them. Every word seemed to evoke a desire to submit to the person in front of him.

But Rhytham bit his tongue as hard as he could and kept his body from collapsing on the floor. He replied in a serious tone, "I-If I d-did some wrong, then you can punish me, Lord."

Saksham heard this and became puzzled as to what this guy was blabbering about. He couldn't make head or tails to this situation but he didn't pause and said in a deep tone, "Hmm? Why would I punish you? You have done nothing wrong. Come, raise you head and stand up. We have things to talk about."

The more Rhytham heard Saksham talking, the dizzier he became. But as soon as he heard him saying to raise his head and stand, Rhytham didn't hesitate to stand up as if there were springs attached to his feet. As he stood up, he found that he could not see anything where the devil's face should have been due to the darkness. Seeing Rhytham looking at his face in a daze, Saksham spoke as if he was dissatisfied, "Don't stare for so long towards my eyes if you don't have a death wish. Although this is a clone, or you can say a split image of myself that I made in my spare time, but it still doesn't deny the fact that it is still me. If you keep staring at my eyes for any more than this, then you will start bleeding from all 7 of your orifices before you will become deaf, dumb, and blind at the same time. I might as well kill you now to put you out of your misery, if you want that to happen."

Rhytham came back to the senses when he heard Saksham's words. But as Saksham continued, his body shuddered and he took a step back. His face went stiff as he immediately dropped his eyes towards the ground. But as soon as he looked at the ground, he felt the surroundings become dark as he couldn't even see a single thing. Although it was already dark, there was still faint light coming from the street light outside. But now, he couldn't even find any source of light anywhere. He felt his body become weightless and his feet started to wobble. His eyes went wide as he thought about the devil's word. 'This is it for me?' came to his mind before he unsteadily leaned towards the wall to balance his falling body. His vision returned back to normal as he gasped for the air like a bull and his body regained its strength.

Saksham looked at all this with a worried gaze. He was worried that maybe he had encountered a mental patients. It was either this or that this man was trying to play along with him to please him. Other than these 2 reasons, he couldn't come up with any 3rd possibility. But what he didn't know was, Rhytham had been sitting on the ground for about 5 minutes while not breathing much as not to make him more 'angry' than he already was. So, when he immediately stood up, the brain was not able to get ample oxygen and went into shut down mode for a second. And it happened exactly after he said that BS to Rhytham so that he could stop looking towards his face.

But for Rhytham, this was akin to proving him that the person standing in front of him was not someone he could even look directly eye to eye or even imagine standing face to face. He was thanking the heavens for not dying after he started at the devil's face for so long. This time he was absolutely sure that he had indeed made a deal with the 'devil'.

After coming back to his sense, he immediately led Saksham to the inner room and they both sat down across each other in the dark. Only Rhytham's heavy breathing and Saksham's occasional tapping of his foot could be heard in the small room. Seeing Saksham not speaking anything since the time they both sat down, Rhytham found it extremely hard to even breathe in the deathly still room. He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but it was as if the words were stuck in his throat, not daring to come out even a bit. So, he just waited for the devil to talk on his own.

Fortunately it was not long before Saksham opened his mouth or else Rhytham would have gone crazy from all the pressure. He heard the devil speak slowly. But when he heard what he said, Rhytham's jaw almost dropped to the floor while his eyes were about to pop out. With a solemn and deep voice, Saksham said, "You want to become a king while I want this world at my feet. I will give you powers while you give me what I want. How about it?"