Depressed Saksham...

After Saksham handed the answer sheet to Satya, he rushed out of the classroom, not wanting to stay anywhere close to him. Anitha saw this and was puzzled by this. She shook her head and thought of asking about it outside. She also handed her answer sheet and went out. As she came out, she found Saksham sitting on a bench with a depressed face. She walked there and sat beside him. Anitha was thinking about why Saksham would be so depressed all of a sudden. Suddenly, she thought of something and looked at Saksham. Then, without any hesitation, she took Saksham's hand and brought it closer to her face and kissed gently on the back of his hand.

"Don't think about it more. Let bygone be bygone. You did your best, right? That's the only thing you should care about." Anitha said gently.

When Saksham felt his hand being taken by someone, he was surprised. But after seeing that Anitha took his hand and kissed the back of his hand, he was puzzled. Before he could ask, he heard Anitha's words and almost choked on his own saliva.

'Don't think about it more? The more he tried not to think about it, the more it surfaced in his head. Let bygone be bygone? I can't do that! This memory is enough to haunt me for the rest of my life! As for if I did my best or not? I did my best! I did my best to take the thread as soon as possible! Why didn't Satya sir take it off his jeans himself? Have I misunderstood his character? I can't help but care about this, my dear Anitha!' Saksham cried in his heart.

At this time, Satya was walking towards the examination room to submit the answer sheet. Suddenly, he sneezed 3 times before continuing to walk towards the room.

"Is someone thinking about me?"

He would definitely cry if he knew that his image in Saksham's mind has shattered. Even his character was being question right now.

Saksham wiped his imaginary tears and said, "Fool, my exam went excellent. I might even score more than you this time. I am just depressed about…something else."

Anitha heard this and smile joyfully. Although Saksham might score better than her in the exam, she didn't feel even a bit jealous. Both of them wished to go to the same College and because of her parent's wish, Anitha was going to try and get admitted into DU (Delhi University). The conditions to get admitted there is very harsh. Although Saksham's grades were already excellent, he still had low chances of getting admitted there with his grades. This way, if she got admitted in DU and Saksham couldn't, then that would be really unfortunate. Neither Saksham nor Anitha wanted to see such result.

Saksham had promised Anitha that he would try to improve his grades and then they would go to the same College. So, hearing that his exam went even better than hers, Anitha couldn't be happier. But now the question was, why was Saksham depressed if his exam went so well?

Seeing Anitha's puzzled eyes, Saksham's couldn't help but smile wryly and tell her about the things that happened in the classroom. The more Anitha heard, the wider she opened her eyes. In the end, her lips twitched non-stop before she grabbed her stomach and tried her best to not burst out laughing. She bowed her head so that Saksham wouldn't be able to see her facial expression. A few minutes later, Anitha raised her hear. Saksham could still see tears at the corner of her eyes as well as her face which was still red due to holding in her laughter. Seeing this, Saksham became even more depressed.

With a quivering voice, Anitha said, "Why didn't you just let the teacher do it himself from the very beginning? With how hard you were trying to take it yourself, I am pretty sure sir wasn't able to interrupt you in the middle."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I just don't want to think about it, but it just comes back to haunt me. And don't laugh! I can see your shoulders trembling." Saksham said with a depressed face.

Anitha somehow controlled herself and took his hand and started going back to their homes. Along the way, Saksham would occasionally feel Anitha's shoulder trembling, but as soon as he would turn his head, the trembling would stop. He sighed silently and thought of punishing Anitha in his heart secretly.

Suddenly, Saksham pulled Anitha inside a silent alley. Anitha was startled at the sudden pull, letting out a surprised voice. At the same time, Saksham put both his hands behind Anitha's back and held her close to himself. He looked directly in her eyes with fiery eyes. His eyes moved as he looked at the soft, cherry lips. Anitha's eyes widened as she understood what he was going to do. Her heart started jumping like a frightened deer. Her face became flushed like a ripe apple.

Saksham looked at her with tenderness and started to bend down, getting closer and closer to her lips. Seeing this, Anitha's said in as small as a mosquito, "Saksham, don't...don't' do it here..."

"Then, will you laugh at me now?" Saksham grinned evilly.

As she heard this, Antiha realized that Saksham was just taking revenge on her. All the shame instantly turned to rage. She immediately grabbed the flesh on his left and twisted it 360 degrees.

"Hissss... Anitha, lightly! Lightly, please! Ahhh! Are you trying to kill your husband?!" Saksham hissed painfully.

Anitha's face immediately dyed with a tint of pink as she hmped, "Hmph! Won't talk to you."

Saying this, she hurried out of the alley herself. Saksham grinned and caught up with her quickly, taking her hand and walking at a normal pace again.

After Saksham dropped Anitha at her home, Saksham went back to his home. After telling Savitri that his exam was pretty easy, he went back to his room and fell down on his bed.


8:30 P.M

Rhytham was sitting on a sofa with Shyam, Vipul, and Rahul sitting beside him. There was a solemn atmosphere inside the room. No one spoke and just sat there, waiting for someone. Suddenly, they heard a voice inside the room.

"So, has everything been handled properly?"