Millionaire Saksham!

"So, have you arranged for everything?"

Hearing this voice, Vipul, Rahul, and Shyam almost jumped from fright. Rhytham kept his calm somehow and stood up. He brought his fist towards his heart and bowed, "I have seen the Lord."

Seeing this, the other 3 didn't hesitate to do the same.

"We have seen the Lord."

Saksham nodded and told them to sit down. As they sat down, Saksham lifted his cape a little and sat down gracefully. Yes, Saksham was wearing the suit given by the System. After he sat down, Rhytham brought out some documents from his bedroom and lightly placed them on the table.

"Lord, this real estate business was snatched by Akshay from a corrupt businessman. And these all are the shops and restaurants around Indirapuram from where Akshay's gang used to generate their funds. Yesterday, Akshay even gave me the key to his safe, and I got 20 lakhs (2,000,000) in cash. I also found Gold bars of around 500 grams. According to him, all the bars are of 22 carats. If we calculate it into Indian Rupee, it is around 2,362,500. This is already quite a lot of money and the industries that we got from Akshay are also quite rich. Take this Lord, I have put all the cash money from that safe into this card. As for the gold bars, I have put all of them in this bag. You can take them all."

Saksham took the card without any hesitation but left the bag on the table. Although he can hide the card on his body, hiding a bag full of gold bars is not easy. He can't hide the gold bars in his home because if his mother or father finds them, it will be very troublesome for Saksham to explain things. So, he just left the bars with Rhytham. He said, "You can keep these bars for future purposes. I will just be taking the card."

Rhytham heard this and nodded. He said, "Lord, the password of the card is 999999."

Saksham nodded and put the card in his pocket. He then pondered for a while before he looked at the documents on the table and said, "You know my ambition, right?"

Rhytham nodded with a dignified look. Vipul, Shyam, and Rahul looked at each other but kept quite. They knew this was not the time for them to say something. Saksham paused for a second and said,

"They way of gangster will only take us this far. The deeper we want to go into this world, the harder problems we are going to face. At least, we can't deal with them with the strength of ordinary people. My goal from the very beginning was to make an organization of my own. Although it may sound like we are going to work like corporate people, but no. This is not the case. You all have seen that this world has much more than it catches to the eyes. Even the power I have demonstrated is nothing but a measly bit of my true strength. What I can do is not something you can fathom. But as I am in my weak form, my strength has declined to what you can see now. So, I need to build my own army. An army that will shake the world with just the name. An army that will slaughter even the gods if they tried to stop their steps."

As he heard this, Rhytham felt his breathing become rushed as he clenched his fists tightly. Even Vipul, Shyam, and Rahul felt their hearts shaking with awe when they imagined that. Saksham saw this and nodded with satisfaction. This is the reaction he wanted to see. He let them digest this and once again started, "And for that, I have chosen 4 of you. I can give you unimaginable powers that will shake the world. But in return, I need your sincerity and your loyalty. I have told this Rhytham earlier too but I am going to say it again. Any time I feel that you are being dishonest with me or are using your powers for the wrong purpose, I will destroy you along with the powers."

It was as if a bucket full of cold water was poured on their head, all their excitement disappeared. They took a cool breath and looked at the mysterious figure sitting in front of them. If anyone else had said these words, they may have scoffed at them. But this person is not someone they can scoff at. Instead, they were even afraid to breathe in the same room as him. Yesterday, they had seen people disappearing into the night as they turned to ashes. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't help but tremble in fear as they thought about it. Even the legendary power user disappeared as if his body was made of sand. This was a true nightmare for Rahul and Shyam, who had never seen any kind of bloody scene until now. Although Vipul had seen more bloody scenes, the scene of an ordinary human turning to ashes still made his soul tremble in fear.

Looking at their faces, Saksham smiled. He continued, "But before I can make an organization, we need more capable people and also more funds. So for now, we will use the disguise of gangsters to make an empire in the dark world and when the conditions are ripe, we can officially make our organization. And although we are running a gang, if I see any crimes happening around Indirapuram under the name of Rhytham's gang, someone has to bear consequences. Keep this thing in mind."

As Saksham said the last sentence, he operated [Soul Suppression] in full force for a second. With the activation of [Soul Suppression], all 4 people fell unconscious with foam coming out of their mouths. Saksham took this time to jump from the balcony and disappeared into the darkness of night. Till the time the 4 people woke up, it was already morning.