Rhytham: The Man Eating Demon!

Saksham went home and stored the suit in his system before entering the house. Yes, he can store it in his system. He didn't know how it happens, but his system did say that the things taken from the system could be store by the system. Saksham didn't care much about it so he just shook his head and threw it at the back of his head. He ate his dinner and went back to his room. He had a physics exam after 2 days, so he just took out some supplementary books to see if he had left anything which he could memorize.


1 Week Later

Saksham held Anitha's hand as he walked towards the school. Feeling the soft hands of Anitha, Saksham sighed with satisfaction. He had always wanted to do this. Finally, he could hold Anitha's hands and walk beside her. There was no tension on his face for the Chemistry exam he had today. Anitha also smiled gently when he saw him sighing.

"You look pretty carefree. Are you confident about this exam?" Anitha asked.

"Ahh yeah. I prepared specially for this one. I am pretty confident about it too." Saksham grinned.

Anitha saw this and casted a doubtful look at him. Seeing this, Saksham narrowed his eyes and said, "What? Do you doubt your man? Looks like you need some punishment."

As soon as Anitha heard the word "punishment", her face immediately dyed in the color of red. She suddenly remembered the "punishment" from a week ago. Although Saksham was not successful, thinking about it still made her very shy. She rolled her eyes and said, "I am not doubting you. I am just surprised at something. I felt that you have changed a lot suddenly. Although I don't know what changed, I am sure that those are good changes."

Saksham heard this and his eyes widened. Well truthfully, Saksham also found his changes. His emotions while killing are very complicated. He feels bad but not disgusted at all. His emotions for killing have become biting cold. He found that if there is someone who is in the way of his plans, he doesn't mind wiping that person out from the face of this earth without hesitation. For the past few days, many small gangs rose to declare hegemony over Indirapuram. They didn't know about the extra-ordinary world and the power system, so they gathered all their men in a place, trying to threaten Rhytham to give up his position or spit some industries that he got from Akshay, with them.

Of course, this was impossible. Saksham heard this, and just wore his suit and disappeared in the darkness of night. That night, about 100 people disappeared without any clues. When police got the news, they were scared. They tried to search for the people, but all they could find were clothes on the ground but not a single body. This case puzzled police for a long time before a special force interfered and took the case in their hands. The special force was obviously people from IOEA. Their job was to investigate the person responsible for this disappearance.

All this was not known to Saksham. After he wiped everyone out without hesitation, a rumor spread throughout the dark world of Indirapuram and some nearby cities that a new gang rose overnight and took the spot of #1 in Indirapuram and then suppressed the other small gangs by slaughtering all their main members. The more the rumor spread, the more ridiculous they became. Some said that Rhytham was a bloodthirsty demon who slaughters people and drinks their blood. He has slaughtered more than 100 people in one night and then cooked their meat and drank their blood. Some said that Rhytham was a lunatic. He likes killing people for fun.

All in all, Saksham had set the prestige of Rhytham's gang in the dark world of the neighboring cities and Indirapuram. And recently, they have accepted many new people into the gang. They were not gangsters or criminals. They were just average people. The industries they got from Akshay had his men, so Rhytham recruited many people and replaced Akshay's men with these new ones. As for the management of these stores and the making of a new system for the workings in these industries, was handled by Rahul. Rahul was a genius in this regard. Even according to the system, Rahul had a knack in these things.

"….Saksham? Saksham!" Anitha shouted.

"Ah? Oh sorry. I was distracted for a second." Saksham scratched his head.

"It doesn't matter. But what were you just thinking?" Anitha asked.

"I was just thinking about thanking the gods when I go back home," said Saksham solemnly.

"Hmm? Thanking the gods? Why?" Anitha wondered.

"I want to thank god for making a girl as beautiful as you. I want to thank them for making me meet you. I can't imagine what I would be without you." Saksham said seriously.

As she heard Saksham's words, Anitha's eyes gleamed with bright light. Her face flushed with red but her eyes never left Saksham's face. She said with a sweet voice, "It was my fortune to meet you Saksham."

Saksham's heart burned with determination to protect this woman from any kind of sadness in the world. He would rather dye the world in the color of red than seeing tears in her eyes. At this time, he suddenly remembered something. He smiled and looked at Anitha, "Our exams are going to end the day after tomorrow, so I think this Sunday is the perfect day for our first date, right?"