Strengthening Arms And Hands!

"After all this time, I have been very fortunate. Even though I have almost omnipotent power, but my personal strength is crap. With powers, I can kill high-level power-users, but there is a limit. 15 EP is just a measly amount if I am besieged by many people. In that situation, when my EP is consumed completely, I will die a horrible death. I can never rely on a non-living thing like these powers completely. The only person I can trust in that situation is myself. And that's why I need to strengthen myself. I need to get power so that I can fight even if I don't have enough EP during situations like those. Right now, I am even weaker than an average 18-year-old high-school student."

"And reading enough Xianxia novels, I think body cultivation is the best way I can move forward. From what I found, even the physical power-users don't rely on their bodies completely. They have something similar to Qi inside their bodies which they circulate inside their bodies to the parts they wish to strengthen while they use that body part to attack or defend. I think I really need to read that complete information the system gave me long ago. Yesterday, Akram said something about me being an 'Unusal'. What is that? Well, let's not think about this right now. My first priority is getting stronger."

Saksham shook his head and stood up. After locking the door completely, Saksham came back and sat on his bed. He quietly whispered, "Strengthen my body."

"Insufficient EP. Do you want to try it in 5 different parts?"

"Huh? Wait a minute! I have 14 EP!? How is it still insufficient?!" Saksham almost screamed.

When he asked system last time, he could give an average person some powers. But even when he gave them any 1 of the 3 kind of powers, they wouldn't have exceeded 15 EP. And now, just strengthening his body needed more than 15 EP?

"What are these 5 parts? And what is the cost for each part?" Saksham asked.

"Part 1- Strengthening the legs. Cost: 5 EP

Part 2- Strengthening the arms and hands. Cost 5 EP

Part 3- Strengthening the vest and head. Cost 5 EP.

Part 4- Strengthening the bones. Cost: 7 EP.

Part 5- Strengthening the skin, muscles, veins, and vice versa. Cost: 12 EP."

After a second, the system sent another prompt.

"Along with these, there is a part excluded for now due to the amount of EP needed at the same time. It is the strengthening of all the internal organs and soul. Although internal organs can also be strengthened one by one, but the strengthening of soul requires a special material and 20 EP together."

As Saksham heard this, his jaws almost dropped to the ground. 20 EP?! He only has 15 in total even if he doesn't use it for any purpose. How is he going to get 20 EP? Rubbing his temple, Saksham threw this thing at the back of his head. He will just strengthen the other things first. As for strengthening of internal organs and soul, he will think about them later.

After reaching a consensus with himself, Saksham said, "Strengthen my hands and arm."

As soon as his words left his mouth, he felt a searing hot pain from his arms. Saksham felt so painful that he almost screamed. But he bit his tongue and immediately bent forward and but the pillow with his teeth with all his might. He didn't want to alarm his parents so this was the only way he can endure that hellish pain. Soon, Saksham felt that his hands were cut-off from his body. He couldn't feel them at all. Also, along with the pain came cold sweat. Saksham's whole body became wet with cold sweat. His breathing was haggard while his gums felt like they would explode. You can imagine the kind of pain Saksham was going through.

After an unknown amount of time passes, Saksham felt as if he was going to lose his consciousness. But before that would happen, Saksham found that the pain he had been suffering from had disappeared like it never happened. He slowly stood up with the support of his hands. As he pushed the bed to stand up, he heard a 'thud' and the bed sunk downwards. As it was a sudden happening, Saksham was not able to react and felt down again. As he shook his head and looked at his bed, he found that his bed had broken in 2 halves from the middle. That was the place he had placed his hands to stand up. As he looked at his broken bed, he understood that his hands and arms have been strengthened completely and the power he had right now was totally super-human level power.

But before he could laugh in excitement, he heard his mother's voice coming from outside.

"Saksham? What was that sound? Is everything alright?"

"Uhm…yeah. I mean, no. Well…uh…I think there is a problem here, mum."

"Problem? What's the problem? And at least open the door."

"Um…Okay. Opening the door, wait a minute."

Saksham stood up without touching anything with his hands. As he reached the door, he thought of the excuses he could give so that Savitri doesn't suspect anything. But because of this, he forgot about his great strength and pulled open the door.


Saksham found something in his hand. He slowly took a step back and found…he had pulled the whole door while he opened it. Looking at the shocking look from his mother, Saksham almost bit his tongue. Before Savitri could say anything, Saksham hurriedly put the door aside carefully and said, "Mum, I think we need to get a new bed and a new door."