No Updates For The Last Two Days

I am really sorry my dear readers for not being able to update any new chapter for the past 2 days. The thing is that I and my whole family have gone to my hometown to live for a month. And 2 days ago, I was so busy the whole day because of packing and stuff. And then after many hours of traveling, we reached here, and seriously due to motion sickness, I had been feeling dizzy. So, I was not able to update any new chapter yesterday. So, today I might update a new chapter a few hours later or if I don't update, then you can assume that my internet is not working. The place we have come to does not have wifi, so I have to use my mobile internet. And as this place is in a bit of wilderness, sometimes there are signal problems, so the internet does not work. So, if I write a chapter today and I have the Internet, I will be posting in a few hours.

See you guys in a few hours or tomorrow at the latest.