Just What Sort Of Monster Is This?!

A terrifying roar resounded in the whole forest, "I WILL KILL YOU ALL AND DEVOUR YOUR SOUL!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ANITHA!! HOW DARE YOU!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!"

At the same time, in the room where the Old man was observing Saksham's various he got from the helmet. Before he could relax a little, a sharp sound from the system shocked him. There was a danger sigh being indicated on the system right now. The deep alarm sound from the computer made the old man's heart become heavy. Seeing the cause of the problem, he was surprised. For some reason, the mental activity of Saksham was dangerous. It was almost as if he got some big shock all of a sudden. And the shock was not low. Although he didn't know what it was, he could see that this much mental activity while using the helmet was a very serious issue.

"He just entered the simulation. What did he see to make him so agitated? Although the helmet has a certain effect in confusing the wearer to see the things he wants the most in the world so that they can do their best to obtain that inside this simulation, I don't think I have ever seen a person with this terrifying obsession in this world." The old man whispered silently.

Although all this was going on in his head, he knew that he had to stop the simulation so as not to stimulate Saksham anymore. As he was about to click on [Stop Simulation], the door of the room opened as a beautiful woman in professional attire entered the room. She was the one whom Saksham had met on the floor above. As her word was done for the day, she came down to see if Asura had gotten himself tested. She didn't know why but she felt as if Saksham was definitely not a normal Unusual and after finding out that even after being a recently awakened person, his strength reached the threshold of E-rank Unusual. Now, she wanted to see what his Comprehensive Combat Power was. If it was good, she wouldn't mind asking him to join IOEA once again. After all, in these troubled times, the more help they get, the better.

Just as she entered the room, she saw flashing red signs on the computer. She walked up to the old man and asked, "What's the matter? Why is it flashing like this?"

The old man heard the voice and looked back. As soon as he saw who it was, he hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Good morning, Miss. It's just that this Mr. Asura seems to be very agitated at the moment because of seeing something/someone inside the simulation. This is the first time I have seen this terrifying obsession, Miss. I was just about to shut down the simulation so that there are no problems with Mr. Asura." The old man said.

A faint surprise flashed past her eyes. She glanced at the person lying down on the floating chair and the thought for a second. After coming to a decision, she said, "Let me see the scene of simulation. I want to observe it myself. If we see that things get more dangerous, we will stop the simulation. You also know how much energy it takes to make such type of simulations so let's not waste that and keep a close eye on him."

The old man hesitated a little as he heard this. He gritted his teeth and then nodded and clicked on the [View Simulation] on the computer. After clicking that, the screen of the computer turned dark before lighting back up to show a scene of a beautiful forest. The old man turned the vision towards another direction to find Saksham's figure. But as soon as he turned the vision, he sucked in a cool air looking at the figure not far away. Even the woman standing behind him felt a little cold as she looked at that figure. They could not imagine that just seeing the back of a person in a simulation would make them feel cold even in reality. 'Just what the hell is this person?!' shouted both of them in their hearts.

Right now, Saksham felt as if he was about to lose his mind. Just as he entered this place, the first thing he saw was someone dragging Anitha. He gritted his teeth and opened his arms wide. The old man and the woman also saw him doing this action and they were puzzled in their hearts. What did he want to do by posing like this? But they didn't wait long before they got their answers. They saw Saksham's hands disappear in the air and then started to pull something out of the void.

[Dragon God's Dagger] made its appearance once again in the world. When the two were surprised at the appearance of the things pulled out from the void. It was a weirdly thick dagger, The dagger looked like an ancient weapon. The hilt of the dagger had a tyrannical dragon with its jaw wide-opened, from which the curved blade of the dagger came out. It was as if the curved blade was the dragon's tongue, wanting to drink the blood of its enemies. The dagger was about 25 cm long and 8 cm wide.

Before they could react, they saw Saksham rush forward. As soon as he ran a few steps forwards, a big figure blocked his path. It was the AI bots made by the simulation which had the same strength as Saksham. But before that figure could even utter a word, he was cut down vertically from head to his crotch in an instant. There wasn't even a moment for his blood and guts to spill out as his body turned to ashes and was directly absorbed by the [Dragon God's Dagger] which increased Saksham's overall stats by a little.

Saksham didn't even pay attention to the person who disappeared in a blink of an eye. All his focus was on the 3 people dragging Anitha. His blood boiled more and more as he looked at their running figures. Right now, all that was going on inside his head was how he would cut their every finger before making small cuts on their skins to make them bleed. And then he would heal them completely and then once again start all that again. As he thought this, a look a madness flashed past his already scarlet eyes. He once again rushed ahead without stopping.

But right now, the people watching all this happen outside were not calm at all. The old man's jaw almost fell to the ground as he saw how easily Saksham killed that Bot. Even the woman looked pretty surprised at the disappearing figure of the Bot. Though this was not the end of their surprise, as a small change appeared on the info on the right monitor.

The old man turned his head to observe the changes and he hurriedly stood up in shock. He pointed at the screen and stuttered, "H-His overall power increased by 25%."

Hearing this, the woman also turned her head to see the changes. As she saw the bars clearly showing the increase in the overall power of Saksham, she remembered what Saksham told her about his powers.

"So, this is what you meant when you said you grow stronger the more you kill? Interesting.. Very Interesting.." The woman muttered.

Coming back to Saksham's POV, he rushed ahead with his newfound strength, but he was once again blocked. This time, there were 2 burly figures instead of one. Once again, Saksham leaped like a cheetah, leaving dust and cracked ground behind him. The 2 burly figures were not able to react as Saksham passed from above their heads. Suddenly, they felt as if their vision was spinning before they both saw 2 burly bodies standing tall without their heads. Soon, their bodies turned to ashes and were directly absorbed by the [Dragon God's Dagger].

Before the old man could gasp out of surprise, he once again saw a clear rise in Saksham's data shown on the computer. As he saw the rate of increase of power, he sucked in cool air and said, "His power has risen by 75% in total. Just what sort of monster is this man?!"