What Will He Do Now?

"His power has risen by 75% in total. Just what sort of monster is this man?!"

The old man sucked in the cold air as he pointed at the screen. Even the woman was in disbelief as she saw this. You have to understand what it meant by having an increase in 75% overall strength. Saksham originally had the strength of the middle stages of [Physical Soldier] just based on his arm strength. Although his speed did not enter the threshold of [Physical Commander], it was still not too bad. But after an increase of 75% in his overall strength, not only his strength but his speed, defense, and also reaction time have increased to almost the levels of a [Physical Commander].

A [Physical Trainee] can exert 500 KG of power at his/her best. A [Physical Soldier] can exert a force of 1000 Kg. A [Physical Commander] can exert a force of 5000 Kg. A [Physical General] can exert 10,000 Kg of force, and [Physical King], [Physical Emperor], and [Physical God] can exert 50,000 Kg, 100,000 Kg, and 500,000 Kg of force respectively. Earlier, Saksham showed his arm strength of about 2,000 Kg which Is the level of [Physical Commander] but after a 75% increase in his overall strength, his current has almost reached the threshold of [Physical General]. And looking at the way things were going, the woman and the old man had a hunch that this was not Saksham's limit.

Saksham didn't disappoint them either. As soon as he wiped those 2 burly men, he sprinted again towards the direction of Anitha. He gritted his teeth and swore repeatedly in his heart. He knew that what he was looking at was just an illusion because he remembered wearing the helmet in the room which was supposed to test his Comprehensive Combat Power. But he would never let that be a reason to let any harm come to Anitha even if it is an illusion. His heart beat faster and faster as his blood boiled.

"I will destroy anything and everything that stops me!" Saksham shouted violently in his heart.

At this time, 3 burly figures suddenly appeared in front of Saksham. All of them had weapons in their hands. Seeing Saksham's figure, they also rushed towards him, waving their weapons in the air, trying to chop Saksham to pieces. Saksham didn't even bother to look at them. He sidestepped the person in the forefront, dodging the sword that was about to slash his head, and lightly flicked his dagger in the right hand towards the man's abdomen and rushed ahead without even taking a look back. The burly man, whose abdomen was lightly slashed by the dagger, suddenly stopped and stayed at his position for a moment, before his whole body suddenly divided into 2 and fell apart. But some mysterious force stopped his body to touch the ground as it turned into ashes and was directly absorbed by the [Dragon God's Dagger].

All this happened in a blink of an eye, and at this moment Saksham had already inserted a dagger in the center of the second man's eyebrows and rushed towards the 3rd person at an unprecedented speed. The 3rd man was obviously shocked by Saksham's action but he still struck down the halberd he was holding. The halberd directly tore the air as it came down on top of Saksham's head. Saksham lightly put his left dagger on top of his head and threw his right hand backward.

Seeing this, the man was obviously puzzled. He didn't understand what Saksham wanted to do but it didn't take him long to understand what Saksham wanted to do. As the halberd fell on the [Dragon God's Dagger], a dull metallic sound rang through the forest.


Before he knew it, the halberd in his was directly broken from the middle. The man's eyes open wide in horror. Then the last scene he saw before his body was directly chopped from the top to bottom was a dagger magically flying from behind into Saksham's originally out-stretched hand. Saksham jumped high into the air and chopped the man into two halves. As always, before the blood and internal organs had a chance to splatter on the ground, the man's body turned into ashes and was absorbed by the [Dragon God's Daggers].

Although all this took some time to explain, it all happened in a span of 5 seconds. And these 5 seconds were not enough for the people watching Saksham to react at all. The old man hurriedly turned his head towards another monitor to see if there is any growth in Saksham's strength again. Looking at the result, he started doubting his life. As the woman looked at the data, she clenched her fist in excitement. The data clearly showed there was a 150% increase in the overall strength of Saksham. 150% of total strength meant Saksham's punching strength has reached the threshold of 5000 Kg, the same as [Physical Commander]. What is the concept of increasing strength by 3000 Kg in such a short amount of time?!

"Ms. Sakshi…I think this is one of the craziest powers I have ever seen. Unfortunately, it is all physical power not elemental type powers or Spirit Power, or else he would be highly valued by all the organization of the world. But…Physical powers are really not that valued. Sigh…such heaven-shaking power will turn out to be waste…" The old man sighed regretfully.

"No! I am pretty sure this is the kind of person we are looking for. My gut tells me that there is much more to this person than we can think of. I am really interested now. He did tell me that there was a limit to the increase in his strength, but I don't know if 150% is his limit. And do you see that weapon in his hands? Its sharpness is really unusual. It chopped that halberd like a knife going throw tofu. And even the Bots that were cut by it were cut cleanly. I wonder if it is a Tier II weapon. But even if it is a Tier II weapon, where did he get it from? There are so many mysteries about this man."

Sakshi muttered as she looked at Saksham's rushing figure with interest.


After who knows how long, Saksham found that he was caught in a circle of burly men. After constantly slaughtering the people who dared to block his way, Saksham's strength stopped growing. When he looked around, he found that there were nearly 100 people that were in a circle with him in the middle. He looked at all those figures with an impatient look. The more time he wasted the farther would Anitha be dragged. Just thinking about it made Saksham's head boil with madness. He let out a beastly roar from his mouth in anger. The roar shocked everyone present there. The roar almost resembled the roar of an ancient dragon. Along with the angry roar of the dragon came the bloodthirsty killing intent.

Saksham found that the more people he killed, the more tangible this killing intent became. Releasing this intent would frighten the opponent slightly. Saksham would use this chance to finish off his opponents. It had some similar effects as his [Soul Suppression] but it was much weaker in effect. At least, it would not have an effect on such a large crowd of people.

At this time, the people observing Saksham had grown from the original 2 to 10. The people were the higher-ups of the IOEA. They were called there by Sakshi. They had just arrived in the room with puzzled faces when they saw the scene on the computer. They were surprised at the number of people that were about to besiege that lone figure. But after the surprise came a shock. It has to be known that in the Comprehensive Combat Power testing, the number of bots would increase every time you would kill one. The first time, only 1 person the same strength as you will fight with you. If you manage to kill him, there will be 2 with the same strength as you and then there will be 3 and then 4, and then 6 and then 8, etc etc. You can imagine how many people Saksham had killed to get besieged by 100 people.

But the difficulty of killing those bots increases every time you kill them as they start to learn your combat style. The more you kill, the more they get smarter. If it is an ordinary awakened, he would not be able to kill more than 2 bots with the same strength as himself. But what did those 10 people see when they entered the room? 100 bots besieging that man. This fact alone is enough to tell them that the man was no ordinary Awakened.

Seeing their shocked faces, Sakshi chuckled and said, "If I tell you how long has he been inside that thing, I am pretty sure your jaws are going to drop to the floors."

They all looked at each other with a puzzled gaze and then looked towards Sakshi, asking for her to explain what's going on. Sakshi once again let out a chuckle and said, "This man has been inside that simulation for more than 30 minutes already."

It was as if they were not words that escaped Sakshi's mouth, instead, they were a nuclear bomb. The whole room fell silent. Everyone looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. They had little doubt about this matter at first but looking at the bitter smile on the old man's face, they had to accept this fact. They all sucked in the cool air before taking another look at the screen. Looking at the thin figure in the midst of a 100 people, they couldn't help but wonder. Not only the people who just came in but even the old man and Sakshi also had the same thing on their minds.

What will he do now?