"You Are Being Watched!"

"Are you sure you want to Awaken Power of Vibration? It will cost 11 EP."


As Saksham said yes, he had an indescribable feeling. He felt as if something was pouring out of his body that was slowly changing Rhytham's body. And along with the feeling came some information.

"Ding! You have successfully betrothed powers to someone!"

"Ding! Warning! You are being watched!"

"Ding! Warning! As the powers do not belong to this world, changes are being made!"

"Ding! Saving Changes!"

"Ding! Domain has been upgraded!"

"Ding! You betrothed new powers to a mortal, from now on you are his 'Heaven'!"

"Anyone you betroth new powers will not be able to absorb [Aura] from the air normally. But as long as they are within your domain, they can successfully absorb [Aura]. A new function has been unlocked too!"

"Ding! You are being watched"

"Ding! Warning! If the person who is betrothed with new powers leave your domain, something unforeseen might happen! Be careful!"

After a series of notification prompts, another message came to Saksham's brain. This time it was an introduction to the powers he was giving to Rhytham. As he went through the information, Saksham was pretty surprised that it was almost the same as Rahul had said. The power of vibration was much more powerful than it sounds. Saksham read the last line of the introduction and breathed a sigh of relief. But after sighing Saksham looked back at the message prompts from his system. As everything went past pretty quickly, he wasn't able to look at every message properly. Though he did read the one which said he was being watched.

Saksham went through all the past notification prompts and his face became dignified. According to the prompt, he was being watched. Although there was no information about who was watching him, he knew that it was not that simple. He had all his shadow clones spread out. There was almost no blind spot from where one could look at him, especially through all the closed doors, windows, and even the curtain in Rhytham's house. There no way possible for someone to watch him without him not noticing it.

And even the last prompt was very bizarre. What did the system mean by "something unforeseen"? Why did it warn like that? And what did it mean by becoming the Rhytham's "Heaven"? Every single thing the prompt said made Saksham confused and worried. He wanted to get answers but he couldn't because he had no EP left now. As he thought till here, a heavy sense of exhaustion hit him hard. He suddenly opened his eyes and took a step back to steady his body.

Looking up at Rhytham, he found that he was standing still with his eyes closed. Saksham saw this and sat back down on the sofa. He slowly said, "It is done. Rhytham has the power of vibration now. Rahul, you did an excellent job. If you can, assist your two cousins too regarding the superpowers they need. You don't need to worry about the scale. Just think about what you want and I will give you the powers."

Due to heavy exhaustion, his voice was heavier than usual, making all 3 of them feel cold. Rahul nodded like a chick pecking on rice. Shyam and Vipul didn't even dare make any noise. For a while, there was no sound in the room. None of the 3 cousins moved from their places while Rhytham was still standing at his position with his eyes closed. Saksham was also resting on the sofa with his eyes closed. And besides resting, he was also thinking about the prompts given by the system. He needed to understand the situation so that he could take action proactively when something goes wrong.

But at this time, a series of beeps broke the silence inside the house. Saksham opened his eyes and looked at his pocket. This sound was from the mobile phone that he got from Sakshi. He raised his eyebrows and took out the phone from his pocket. He connected to the call and put it on his ear.

"Hello, Mr. Asura. It's me, Sagar."

An old voice came from the phone. Saksham thought about it a little and asked, "Who?"

There was a brief silence on the other end. Soon, the voice sounded once again.

"The one who took your Hyper Occulus Exam."

"Oh, say that from the beginning. What happened though? Why call me suddenly?" Saksham asked calmly.

"Well, we have a situation here. We might need your help." Old man Sagar said solemnly.

Saksham heard the solemn voice and also became serious. He knew that Old man Sagar would never call him for no reason especially on the phone given out by the IOEA. Sakshi also told him that they could contact him if there is an emergency situation around the area he was in. And the way the Old man was talking, Saksham knew that there was really big trouble around him.

"Tell me in detail," Saksham said with a slight frown on his face.

Old man Sagar then told about Vinayak Datta, about how he disappeared about a little more than a month ago and how he suddenly killed about 100 people in a big Bazar in Kolkata and then disappeared again. After about 10 minutes, Saksham rubbed his painful brows and said, "So, you are telling me that this guy was spotted around Indirapuram suddenly?"

"The high-tech cameras did a detailed analysis. The result was that the person spotted in Indirapuram is 99% the same person who did the genocide in Kolkata." Old man Sagar said in a heavy tone.

"And? What does IOEA want to do about it?" Saksham asked once again.

"We are already prepared to send reinforcement there right away as soon as he is spotted again by the cameras. But till the reinforcement arrives, we don't want to see another 100 or more ordinary people getting killed by him and that's why we need someone to stop him for a while. The people who have signed a PTP contract with IOEA in Indirapuram are newly awakened people. Their strength is far from being enough to contain him. And that's why we contacted you," Old man Sagar sighed and continued, "Of course, we are not letting you do this for free. The head has decided to give you the rock you want if you are able to complete this task."

Saksham was surprised when he heard this. He had been waiting for Sakshi's news regarding the rock. He waited for 2 weeks but he still got no result but now suddenly, the IOEA took out the rock as a bargaining chip to help them stop that guy. He didn't know why the IOEA had confidence that he could stop that guy. He shook his head and asked, "But why are you so sure that I can stop him?"

"We have no other choice but to believe in you. Things are really complicated in the world right now. If there is another huge incident that involves ordinary people, the consequence of this might be really bad." Old man Sagar said in a dignified voice.

Saksham heard Old man Sagar's dignified voice and understood that the situation might be really grave at this moment. And he could also pick up a thing or two from what Old man Sagar said. He said that it would be really bad if something big happened that involved ordinary people. Things like this cannot be suppressed no matter how much you tried. Saksham was pretty surprised when he heard that IOEA was able to suppress the news about the 100 death in the Bazar of Kolkata. But he knew that doing this again and again was not possible.

This was an information era. People could read and see everything on the Internet these days. So, if something big happened, people would definitely upload things on the internet. And it would get forwarded and even reposted somewhere else. At that time, deleting one post will just result in a rise of 2 more. The more the IOEA would try to hide it, the more it would get surfaced on the internet. Especially in a country like India where there is no real strict control over the internet. This wouldn't have been a big problem in the countries like USA or China where the government had a big control over the internet.

Shaking his head, Saksham came back to the topic. In fact, he didn't know if he could really beat that Vinayak. He had no EP left and the way that guy killed people was like snatching their souls from their bodies. His own soul was really exhausted right now after using all 15 EP. He didn't know if he could even survive if he cockily went in front of Vinayak. He didn't know if his soul could take any attack from an Unusual like Vinayak. Although the last time, Adhiraj wasn't able to harm him, he wouldn't get cocky and think that no one could attack his soul.

At this time, a small voice from the other side of the phone broke Saksham's dazed state.

"Sir, Vinayak was once again spotted in Abhay Khand-2 Area of Indirapuram. What are the orders?"

Before Old man Sagar could say anything, his whole body went cold when he heard the voice coming from the other side of the phone.

"Tell me the exact coordinate of that guy. I need every single eye on him and want an update on his situation every minute."