Confronting Vinayak!

"Sir, Vinayak was once again spotted in Abhay Khand-2 Area of Indirapuram. What are the orders?"

Before Old man Sagar could say anything, his whole body went cold when he heard the voice coming from the other side of the phone.

"Tell me the exact coordinate of that guy. I need every single eye on him and want an update on his situation every minute."

Old Man Sagar paused for a second and then said, "Alright. He is currently near the old garbage dumping ground. That place is not far away from the small Bazar. His destination could be that place. Last time he killed about 100 people in a Bazar. We can't let it happen again. Stop him as soon as possible."

Saksham nodded and said, "I'm Off."

Saksham took a deep breath and felt the condition of his body. He found his body had recovered from the exhaustion mostly. The only thing left was the heaviness from the soul. After feeling that he had recovered mostly, he hurriedly stood up and looked at the trio that was looking at him. He said, "I have got to do something. Don't run out for now and stay here. When Rhytham comes back to his senses, tell him to get himself familiar with his powers but don't try his powers near civilians. Try them in somewhere empty. If any civilian is harmed here, I will be the first one to take his head. Understood? Tell him this when he wakes up."

With this, Saksham disappeared from the house. Seeing a living person disappear suddenly, the trio was shocked. But after the shock came fear. They had heard some of the things that Saksham and Old man Sagar were discussing. Hearing Saksham saying that someone killed 100 people in a single breath and now he was in Indirapuram, they were really scared. They were just ordinary people. They couldn't even put up a fight against people like them. If they were to meet someone like that person in the future, they would be killed without even getting a chance to run. This thought made the trio clench their fists so hard that their knuckles had turned white. Their desire for power was unfathomable at this moment.


Saksham was running at his maximum speed on the road. As it was dark, the passive effect of his Assassin's Suit was working perfectly. No one was even able to see anyone running faster than a sports car. After strengthening his body twice, his overall strength had grown quantitatively. And as he was running, Saksham gave orders to all his shadow clones to keep an eye around for Vinayak. Then he took out his phone and dialed a number. It didn't take long for the other party to pick up the call.

"Hello, Ma? Where are you?" Saksham asked quickly.

"Where? Of course, I am in the Bazar, buying some vegetables. We don't have anything today. What do you want to have for dinner tonight?" Savitri asked happily.

"Mom, I will eat whatever you will cook. But do one thing, leave that place as soon as possible. Please!" Saksham said seriously.

"Leave the Bazar? Why?" Savitri asked in a puzzled manner.

"Well, I can't explain right now. But leave that place as soon as possible. The news said that a serial killer was spotted near that place. It's better to come back home fast." Saksham lied.

"Serial killer? Don't joke around at this time. I need to buy some vegetables right now or else we will sleep on an empty stomach tonight. Tell me what you want to eat tonight? You there? Hello? Did he end the call? At least should have told me what he wanted to eat." Savitri sighed.

On the other side, Saksham's face became ugly. It was Saturday and every week on Saturday, many vendors set up their stalls on the road at night time, turning it into a small Bazar. They basically block one road but no authority does anything about it. And people come from all around come to buy vegetables, fruits, clothes and also some other commodity they could find there. Savitri also goes to the Bazar every Saturday to buy some vegetables and fruits to cook for the next seven days till the Bazar sets up again. And he knew that she would also go there today too. And that's why when Vinayak was near Abhay Khand-2, Saksham realized that he might be aiming for the people in Bazar again.

But what he couldn't understand was why would someone travel from West Bengal to Delhi NCR just to kill people in a small Bazar. There had to be something else about the matter. But no matter how he thought about it, Saksham couldn't make out anything of the situation. So, he just threw this matter to the back of his head and increased his speed again towards the old garbage dumping ground. He couldn't persuade Savitri to leave the Bazar so the only option left now was to stop Vinayak before he could even reach near the Bazar.

At this time, he heard a strong beep from his pocket. He quickly took out the phone and answered it.

"He knows…we are monitoring him. He knows all the positions of cameras around the street. He has been stopping to look at every camera on his way. It's like…" Old man Sagar paused.

"It's like he is provoking IOEA. He is trying to say "stop me if you can". Pretty arrogant, have to give it to him." Saksham sneered coldly.

He didn't give a damn if that Vinayak provoked IOEA. What really made Saksham's blood boil was how Vinayak was treating normal people. It was like humans were like a vegetable for him which he could cut anytime he wants. This really made Saksham want to kill Vinayak. But he calmed himself down and started to analyze everything once again.

"How far is he from the Bazar right now?" Saksham asked.

"He is about 300 meters away right now. The way he is walking, he will reach the Bazar in about 10 minutes." Old Man Sagar replied.

Saksham heard this and said, "Alright. Inform me If he is up to something."

Saksham spread his Shadow clones towards the area Old man Sagar told him. Soon, a clone saw Vinayak walking very leisurely on the road. He was waving towards every single camera he saw on his way. But suddenly, he stopped and looked directly towards the shadow clone. Saksham saw him mumble something and suddenly Saksham found that he lost the vision from Shadow #4. His expression turned solemn. Somehow, Vinayak was able to see the invisible Shadow Clone. Although he didn't know how he killed the Shadow Clone, he knew that he is being expected now.

Saksham once again increased his speed and reached the place his Shadow Clone saw Vinayak. When he reached there, he found that Vinayak was actually standing still at his position. Saksham was looking at Vinayak while the other party was doing the same. There were no street lights on the street. Everything was covered in darkness. The only light that slightly brightened the surrounding was the moonlight. But that didn't stop both of them to look at each other clearly. Apparently, Saksham's Assassin Suit's passive didn't affect Vinayak at all. He could clearly see Saksham even in such darkness.

Vinayak looked at Saksham up and down with interest and asked, "Did IOEA send you to stop me?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." Saksham replied coldly.

"Ugh! What's with your voice? I don't like it one bit, you know." Vinayak frowned a little.

Saksham kept silent and carefully observed Vinayak in front of him. From what he could see, Vinayak looked pretty much like an ordinary young man. But his senses were screaming at him that he was really weird. There was something that told him that the person was really powerful and not at the same time. And Saksham couldn't understand how could his senses tell him such a contradictory thing. That's why he didn't make the first move. He wanted to understand the situation clearly first. And also, the more he delayed things, the quicker the reinforcement from IOEA would come.

He had already contacted Old Man Sagar before he reached there. The reply he got was that the entire area of about 500 meters had been blocked currently by special forces and no one was allowed to come in. Even the Bazar was being dispersed as of right now. And the reinforcement would also arrive there very shortly. Now, all he had to do was somehow delay things.

To delay more time, Saksham decided to ask some questions. He asked, "Why are you killing so many ordinary people?"

Vinayak heard this and chuckled, "To grow stronger of course. Why else would I kill them?"

Saksham clenched his fist and asked, "But why come here though? If you are aiming for the Bazar, there will not be enough people for you to kill as compared to last time."

"Oh, my main purpose of coming here is not to kill people. Although I can kill some if I am feeling bored, it is still not the main purpose. I am here just to inspect the area. Some 'big' guests of mine might be arriving soon here. I want to see if everything is good for them." Vinayak replied plainly.

Saksham frowned when he heard this. He asked, "Guests? What guests? What are you talking about?"

Just as Vinayak was about to say something, he paused and looked ahead silently. He raised his eyebrows and said, "So you are just a scapegoat sent by IOEA to delay some time, huh? Well, it doesn't matter. I didn't really have the mind to kill some ants today. I can do that whenever I want when the world is mine anyway. But your voice is really annoying so I will definitely kill you today. If you want to curse someone, curse the IOEA for sending you here today. But don't worry, I will send you to meet your maker grandly. Come out, Gargantuar! Smash this mortal under your fists!"

As soon as Vinayak's voice fell, the space around Vinayak suddenly tore open and a giant hand came out of that. Along with the hand, a giant foot landed on the ground.


The ground shook from just its foot. Soon, its other hand also reached out from the torn space. Before long, a giant was standing in front of Saksham with its body full of explosive muscles. The giant had no facial features. There were also many squirming veins all over its body, making it look very hideous to look at. Looking at it, Saksham realized that it was the same demonic creature that Adhiraj took out after he killed the [Blood Demon]. At this time, information about the demonic creature entered his mind.

Demon Species: Gargantuar

Abilities: 1) Damage reduction-

2) Buff Up- Gargantuar can increase its size as well as its power and defense for a short amount of time, slowing its movement.

Introduction: A Demon well known for its excellent defense and attacks.

Weakness: The Demonic Soul Orb at the back of its neck.


This was the information he remembers about this demonic creature. But without giving him any time to ponder about it, the Gargantuar rushed towards him. Every step it took, shook the ground, leaving deep pits behind. The sound of every step felt as if an ancient war drum was being beaten, making Saksham's heart start beating faster.

Boom! Boom! Boom!