13 Seconds Rush!

Vinayak raised his hand and suddenly space once again opened in front of Vinayak.

Screech!!! Screech!!

From inside the space, a huge demon came out and soared into the sky. Vinayak said impatiently, "Kill that ant fast!"

Saksham saw a 5-meter-long flying creature rush out of the open space. Saksham looked at the flying creature soaring in the sky and found that it was actually like a bird. It had a blood-red body with dense feathers covering its body. It had a bald head and a pair of very sharp claws. It resembled a vulture from how it looked. Just looking at its giant body, anyone would feel pressured. But Saksham was very calm at this moment. He could see that the bird that just came out of the space opened by Vinayak, was actually very weak. At least when compared to the Gargantuar, it was very weak. And he also understood that Vinayak didn't have anything else on the scale of the Gargantuar. He had forced Vinayak to send out his final card.

Looking at the 2 giant creatures rushing towards him at the same time. Saksham knew that the moment he had been looking for had presented itself. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. As he exhaled, he opened his eyes wide and focused his entire mind on the 2 creatures. He suddenly whispered, "[Adrenaline Overload]."

"Warning! Warning! Stop [Adrenaline Overload]! Stop [Adrenaline Overload] immediately! Limit reached! Your body cannot handle this increase in overall strength! Due to the unstable body as well as the unstable bodysuit, the original time limit will be reduced from 60 seconds to 10 seconds. If the wearer doesn't stop the [Adrenaline Overload] at this time, then after 13 seconds it will explode."

"Are you sure you want to use [Adrenaline Overload]?"

Saksham gritted his teeth and said, "[Yes]."

Suddenly at this time, an uncontrollable sense of power surged from deep inside him. He felt as if hot magma was flowing inside his veins. With every beat of his heart, the magma flowed even quicker. The magma slowly reached his head and with a "Boom!", Saksham felt as if something inside him had burst open. Even his vision become completely red. But along with the sense of power, came an agonizing pain. Saksham faced the sky and roared like a wild beast. He felt as if every single part of his body was being ripped apart. The pain was too much to handle for him. But Saksham still gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He constantly reminded himself that he had gone through more than this when he was strengthening his bones. Then, he looked at the giant bird and Gargantuar and muttered coldly, "[Asura's Hell: 1st chapter].

As soon as these words left his mouth, it felt as if the entire world suddenly fell quiet.

Boom!! Boom!! Crash!!

Suddenly, the giant bird that was rushing towards Saksham fell from the sky. It's giant body crashed directly on the ground and rolled forward for 5-6 meters before stopping. Similarly, the rushing Gargantuar also fell face-first on the ground, creating dense cracks like spider-webs around it.

Their bodies were constantly trembling at their places. Vinayak who was waiting for Saksham to be ripped apart by his Blood Phoenix and Gargantuar was suddenly confused. Why did they both stop suddenly? He didn't order anything like that. What was happening?

And Saksham knew that he couldn't waste any more of the time and rushed towards the 2 creatures at his full speed. He didn't know how long would his [Asura's Hell: 1st chapter]'s effect last on the two creatures, so he first decided to solve the bird-like creature. He rushed ahead and changed the grip on his dagger. With both daggers in his hands, Saksham reached the bird and slashed its neck with both hands.

Swish! Swish!

Splat!! Squish!!

With the slash, the bird's neck separated from its body and crimson red blood started flowing out of its neck. Along with the death of the bird, its body turned into ashes which were then absorbed by the daggers. Saksham felt a little increase in his strength. But as compared to the increase from [Adrenaline Overload], it was like a drop in the ocean. He shook his head and looked at the Gargantuar. '1 second passed,' Saksham calculated.

With the thought, Saksham once again rushed towards the Gargantuar that was lying face-first into the ground. As he rushed forward, Saksham saw a small protruding part on the nape of the Gargantuar. He knew that the weakness of Gargantuar lied there, the Demonic Orb. All he had to do was stab it and break it. While thinking till here, Saksham leaped up in the air and stretched both his arms as farther above his head as he could. It was if an arrow was being knocked up on a bow, ready to pierce its target with full force. As his body came down, Saksham brought both his daggers down with a loud roar.

Boom!! Crack!!

Both the daggers pierced through the extremely thick skin of Gargantuar and reached the Demonic Orb. With a crack, the daggers were inserted into the dark orb. Standing on the back of the Gargantuar, Saksham saw this and sighed lightly. 'Finally died,' Saksham thought.

But as if the god was playing a prank on him, Gargantuar raised both his hands and smashed them on the ground as it tried to stand up. Saksham saw this and his eyes widened. He didn't understand how this was possible. But he hurriedly pulled both his daggers out from the orb and jumped back dozens of meters away. Saksham saw the Gargantuar stand up and stomp on the ground with all its might.

BOOOM!! Crackk!!

With a loud explosion, the ground under its feet had become a giant pit and the cracks spread also spread around. But it was as if the Gargantuar was angry, it stomped its feet, again and again, making the giant pit even bigger. At this time, the dumbfounded Vinayak also came back to his sense. His eyes widened angrily as he looked at his Blood Phoenix. But before he could speak, he suddenly felt a little sweet in his throat. He swallowed the blood that he was about to vomit and looked back at the culprit of all this. Looking at Saksham, he wished to tear him apart with his own two hands. He had been looking down at him, thinking he was just a scapegoat to delay him a little, and that's why he had the thought of slowly playing with him and then kill him. He never expected the ant to be strong enough to almost kill his carefully cultivated Gargantuar.

As the Gargantuar was still using its Bloodline Ability [Buff Up], even the weakest part of his body, the nape had been strengthened considerably for the duration of 60 seconds. And that's why Saksham's Daggers, although were inserted into the Orb, they didn't destroy it. And sensing a soul-wrenching pain coming from its nape, the Gargantuar woke up from the illusion. Fortunately, the ant was not able to kill Gargantuar, or else he definitely would have spat out a mouthful of blood. The soul contract he signed with the creatures made it so that if the creature dies for some reason, his soul would also be damaged a little. As the Blood Phoenix was not so strong, the recoil of its dying on Vinayak was weak. But if Gargantuar had died, he would have to re-cooperate for a while before he could summon other demonic creatures and sign a contract with them.

As he thought of this, Vinayak's eyes reddened with anger and he said, "I have been showing you mercy and you dared to kill my Blood Phoenix? You have really angered me this time ant. For the compensation for killing the Blood Phoenix, I am going to swallow your soul."

As his words fell, Saksham was terrified. He knew that Vinayak could pull souls out of the body of his victims and absorb them for his own power. He knew that he had to do something or else he would definitely die from that. Saksham suddenly rushed towards the Vinayak. But before he could even take 2 steps he saw Gargantuar crouching down towards the Vinayak and wrapping its arms around him, trying to protect Vinayak with its own body.

Vinayak also made a fist in the air and started reading something under his breath. Not even 2 seconds passed when suddenly, Vinayak made a snatching gesture towards Saksham and then pulled his hands back forcefully. Suddenly the whole field became quiet once again but this time it was because of speechlessness. Saksham looked at his body and then patted his chest and found that he was still in his body. Nothing had happened to him. Looking at the similarly speechless Vinayak, he knew something had gone wrong. For some reason, Vinayak's spell didn't work on him.

Looking at the timer of self-destruction of the Assassin's suit from the corner of his eyes, he found only 4 seconds were left. Seeing this, Saksham's scalp went numb. He looked at the dumbfounded Vinayak and decided to make one final effort. He suddenly rushed in towards the duo with his full speed. Without giving anyone a chance to react, Saksham jumped up towards the nape of the Gargantuar. At this time, Vinayak also came back to his senses and he looked at the figure of Saksham in a daze. He slowly muttered, "Immortal Soul? But how is that possible? There should be no Immortal soul in this era…then how?"

Saksham heard this too but he chose to ignore these words because there were only 2.75 seconds left. As he reached on the back of Gargantuar, Saksham said, "Un-equip."

Suddenly, Assassin's Suit disappeared from his body and appeared in his hands, neatly folded. He immediately stuffed the suit inside the open wound on its nape and then jumped away at the same time.