
Suddenly, Assassin's Suit disappeared from his body and appeared in his hands, neatly folded. He immediately stuffed the suit inside the open wound on its nape and then jumped away at the same time.

Before he could even run more than 2 meters ahead, he heard a hysterical scream from Vinayak.



Saksham didn't even bother to turn around to listen what Vinayak wanted to say because the Assassin's suit exploded right when Vinayak wanted to continue. The explosion was so powerful that it swallowed earth and air alike. The ground itself trembled violently under the might of the explosion. Even Saksham who had been running away at his full speed, was thrown away tens of meters away due to the power explosion.

Saksham rolled on the ground violently for tens of meter before coming to a stop. He felt as if someone had hit a hammer on his head. Although he had run away a little from the centre of the tyrannical explosion, he was still not able to run far away. He miscalculated the intensity of the intensity of the explosion. He didn't think the explosion would be so strong. After strengthening his body twice already, he knew that his strength has been very strong. A [Physical General] can't easily penetrate his defences. But the impact of the explosion was really strong. Even though it didn't cause any substantial damage to Saksham, the aftereffect of the explosion made his skin to burn at some places as well some minor injuries. He even had difficulty hearing at the moment.

Saksham shook his head lightly and stood up from the ground. Looking back at the place of explosion, Saksham took a deep breath inside. All that was left at that place was a giant crater of about 20 meters wide. The whole ground was torn apart from all sides with sand and chunks of big rock lying around. Smoke and dust also filled the air. If someone else came to inspect the place, they would definitely think that someone had bombed a missile at that place. The scene of the giant crater was horrifying to the extreme.

Saksham took some step forward to see the inside of the crater. As he took some steps, he found that even the ground beneath his feet had become very soft after the explosion. It felt like if he moved a bit more forward, the ground would break once again. The more he moved towards, the more heat waves hit his face. These heat waves were coming from the giant crater. After coming near the crater, he found that the crater was about 8-10 meters deep. The underground water pipe-line had burst after the explosion and now, the water was slowly leaking from the broken pipes, filling the crater slowly. Besides a deep crater that was slowly filling up with water, Saksham found nothing else inside.

He wanted to be happy that he had finally killed Vinayak, but something deep inside him told him that Vinayak was still alive. He rubbed his aching temples and once again tried to focus on his last memory of the explosion. Although he had not turned around while running away, the impact of the explosion threw him away tens of meters and while he was in the air, his eyes had opened for a brief period of time. With unforgettable memory, Saksham focused at the memory in his head. And the next moment, he recalled seeing the explosion engulf everything around it. Even the Gargantuar slowly turned into ashes under the terrifying explosion. But when Saksham focused a bit more on the memory, he found that just as the flames of the explosion completely swallowed the Gargantuar, the air tore apart in front of it and then Vinayak suddenly disappeared.

Just as Saksham saw this in his memory, he opened his eyes. He realized that Vinayak had somehow been able to escape. This suddenly put him into a bad mood. Sighing lightly, Saksham checked his pants and took out the phone given out by the IOEA. Maybe it was built from a very strong material, even after tossing around so much, only a few cracks had appeared on the screen. Except that, everything else worked perfectly in it. Saksham looked at his dirty clothes and the slightly bleeding wounds, he knew that he was in trouble now. He didn't know how would he explain this to his parents.

Saksham hurriedly moved away from that place first. He didn't want the cameras around to see his face. Earlier he had already memorized all the positions of the cameras, so after he took off his Assassin's Suit, he took care to not face any of the cameras. He hurriedly got out of the range of all the cameras and dialled Old man Sagar's number. Not even a second passed before the other party picked up the call.

"Saw everything?" Saksham asked in his usual hoarse voice.

There was silence on the other side of the call. Now long after, Old Man Sagar spoke, "Almost everything."

Then he hesitated slightly before saying, "Is he….de-"

"He's still alive. He somehow managed to escape. I don't know what technique he used but he tore open a space and then disappeared. That's all I saw." Saksham interrupted.

Old Man Sagar heard this and his expression became dignified. He asked, "Tore open a space?"

"Yeah. I saw the space open up suddenly and he disappeared before he could be swallowed by the explosion." Saksham said again.

Old man Sagar rubbed his aching brows before slowly saying, "Well, although we were not able to catch him, we will not go back on our words. The stone, you can have it."

"I understand. But I need some help right now. Can you get someone to deliver a [Primary Health Potion] and a set of new clothes?" Saksham asked.

Old Man Sagar heard this and nodded. He said, "Alright, wait 5 minutes. All these will be delivered to you soon. Where do you want us to deliver this?"

"Just outside the alley then I just entered. Tell your men to leave it there and leave. I will take it from there." Saksham replied.

"Alright." Old man Sagar hung up the phone.

Saksham also put down the phone and sighed gently. Finally, he got the stone he wanted. He could finally upgrade his powers. But first, he need to change his clothes and put the [Primary Health Potion] to wipe the wounds.


"Sire…what happened to you?"

Inside a very luxurious hall, an Old man asked hesitantly. In front of him, a person with tattered clothes and haggard face was lying down on the sofa. That person was none other than Vinayak.

"A person with Immortal Soul…there is a person with Immortal Soul in this era. But how the hell did he reach the level?! Wasn't the technique lost?!" Vinayak gritted his teeth.

"What?! Immortal Soul? But how is that possible, sire?" The old man asked.

"I don't know either. But this is not going to change our plans. How long till the gates open?" Vinayak asked.

"According to the agreement, it will open very soon." The old man replied.

"HAHAHAHA! Finally! Soon, the world will be mine. Tell all the sects to prepare, when all the gates are open, we will begin conquering the world. Anyone that dares to stand against us will be killed mercilessly."

Vinayak suddenly recalled a hooded figure that trampled on his 'face' again and again just a while ago.

"My strength is a little weak now, but when my strength has recovered fully, I will personally kill you with my own hands. Let's see how you get out of that situation then, ant. HAHAHAH!"

Vinayak's laughter echoed in the huge hall as the old man bowed slightly.