Testing Out New Powers! [Part 2]

"Damn gorgeous! How about you let me see the consequences alone? We can go somewhere for quality some time you know?"

With that, suddenly someone rushed out at the speed of lightning and rushed towards Garima who was standing in the forefront of the group. Before she could react, she saw a palm falling on her butt from the corner of her eyes. But she was helpless as she wasn't fast enough to dodge his palm. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth internally in shame and anger and waited for that palm to fall on her butt. But even after a second of waiting, she didn't feel anything. At this time, she suddenly heard a horrifying screech from beside her. As she opened her eyes to look at the situation, she saw something that made her dumbstruck.

As Garima opened her eyes, she saw the same Chinese man who was about to touch her butt, howling in pain with his hand covering the other hand. As she looked down, she saw a palm of a human on the ground. Looking at the fountain of blood squirting out of the Chinese man's arm, she instantly understood whose palm was on the ground. Suddenly, a wide and firm back stood in front of her, giving her an incomparable sense of security. As she looked at the man's back in a daze, she heard the man ask her something.

"You all are sent by IOEA to temporarily manage the scene?"

Garima trembled lightly as she heard his voice. The voice was so hoarse and heavy that it felt like a voice coming straight from the deepest parts of hell. Seeing her not respond, the man once again asked, "Are you guys sent by IOEA to temporarily manage the scene here?"

This time, Garima snapped out of her daze and answered quickly, "Yes, we are the temporary team assigned by IOEA to manage the scene here. We are currently waiting for the temporary assistant head of the disciplinary committee. As soon as he comes here, our job here will be done."

The man heard these words and nodded. He said, "Alright. I am here. Your job is done. You can leave now."

As his words fell, Garima saw the man raise his strangely shaped large dagger and swipe it towards the Chinese man howling in pain. And the next moment, the man suddenly stopped howling as his body slowly separated into two from the middle. But before his innards could even touch the ground, his entire body turned into ashes and disappeared into the softly flowing wind.

This scene made everyone present on the site have Goosebumps all of a sudden. The whole scene went quiet. No one made any sounds, just the sound of breathing remained in the entire site. The man in focus, once again opened his mouth and said, "Your job is done. I am here now. You can go back."

Garima heard this and asked in a trembling tone, "Y-You ar-are…"

The man looked calmly at the faces of the people present there and spoke once again but in a louder tone, "I, Asura, the temporary assistant head of the disciplinary committee of IOEA, is here. You all can go back now."

Yes, it was Saksham. When he saw the coordinate of the place every force was gathered, he realized that it was quite near to the place he was currently in. So, he quickly ran towards that place, hoping nothing had gone wrong. When he reached there, he saw the scene of Garima and the other entering the site and trying to stop the confrontation between various forces. But then, he saw someone insulting Garima and then rushed out to harass her. This made him a little angry.

He rushed out in his full speed and reached Garima in a second and saw the Chinese man's hand falling on Garima's butt. He took out his [Dragon God's Daggers] and chopped that man's hand cleanly. Although the man was quick from Garima's perspective, for the current Saksham, he was very slow. From what he could sense, the man was a wind element user. He used it to increase his speed, but it was still not fast enough for Saksham.

Looking at the various forces present and the forces hidden in the dark, Saksham knew that this place was very dangerous right now, at least for the temporary team that IOEA organized. So, he let them leave quickly. If bad turned to worse, he had his own methods to leave that place but he knew that this little team wouldn't be able to do the same so his priority was to let them leave. He also realized that since his powers have upgraded, he had been faintly able to detect the powers and presence of people present around him. If he focused a little, he would be able to feel how strong a person was.

And not just that, he could feel that his overall strength had also increased by leaps and bounds. Especially, after his [Tree of Life] upgraded, he could feel as if his entire body was filled with vitality. The feeling was so mysterious that if he had to explain it, he could only explain it as if his entire health bar increasing substantially. And so, he tried asking his system in his heart. Yes, after upgrading his powers, he can now use it without speaking out loud. So, he asked if the [Tree of Life] had increased his "health bar" and the answer he got made him speechless.

[It is called [Tree of Life] for a reason. If it won't increase your overall vitality, what else do you expect it to do? Sell tea?]

Although the system was right, he felt as if it was scolding him for being so dumb. Rolling his eyes, Saksham once again focused on the ugly faces of people standing in the Chinese and Pakistan camps. The camps of England and America didn't look much happy either. They were secretly exchanging looks. Seeing this, Saksham shook his head and once again spoke, "I am giving you a final order, leave right now!"

Hearing the slightly angry voice of Saksham, Garima hurriedly nodded and took the group away from there. She knew that staying there after what had happened was equivalent to a death wish, especially with their strength. They would just die if they stayed longer. So, she hurriedly took the group as far away as she could from that place.

Seeing the group leaving, everyone now focused on the lone person standing in front of them. At this time, Yang Ma opened his mouth and said, "And who might you be? From what I can remember, there has been no temporary assistant head of disciplinary committee of IOEA named Asura."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I am new. I am still in a learning stage." Saksham replied lazily.

"A new person huh? And still, dare to kill my man in front of me? I say you have a lot of balls, don't you?" Yang Ma asked angrily.

"Well, first of all, I only have 2 balls. And second of all," Saksham's voice suddenly turned even colder, "This guy, in my country, in front of my own eyes, tried to harass my staff. I have to say, he had quite some balls, didn't he?"

With that, it felt as if the temperature of the entire site went down several degrees. People couldn't help but tremble as Saksham spoke. Even Yang Ma was surprised for a second before he burst out laughing.

"So, you mean you killed him just because he was joking with your staff? And even if he tried to harass your staff, you could have just given broken his hand or something, right? You straight-up killed him. I have to ask IOEA for an answer regarding this. Do you know how difficult it is to cultivate a wind element user?"

Saksham looked at Yang Ma for a second before he sneered, "Oh sorry, I don't know how difficult it is to cultivate a dog. I mean, although you guys are pretty famous for raising dogs everywhere, I still don't know how difficult it is. But you are right, I should have just cut his balls. But then I thought that a neutered dog is just a useless dog, so I did you all a favor and killed him myself."

Hearing this, Yang Ma got even angrier. He opened his eyes wide in anger and said, "Are you insulting my country?"

Saksham hurriedly spoke, "Of course not. When did I insult your country? All I am saying is you guys like raising dogs a lot. Like, look at those hungry puppies behind you, looking forward to your praises."

Looking back, everyone saw Pakistan's camp behind China. These words instantly angered everyone present in that camp. And not just them, even the Chinese camp was very angry. Yang Ma gritted his teeth in anger as he looked towards Saksham. He shouted angrily, "Asura, right? You have successfully angered me. Do you think you are the Temporary assistant head of the disciplinary committee so we won't do anything to you? Oh ho ho! Let me clear this misunderstanding for you today. Today, you are going die a horrible death and even Avinash, the head of IOEA won't be able to stop it from happening."

With that, he shouted, "Kill him!!"

William and Alex looked at all this happening and decided to stay away from it. It had nothing to do with them, so they didn't bother to interfere. They just looked at Saksham as if looking at a fool. They didn't know why he would try to talk like that to an Earth Elemental King. And even the people he brought today were not to be scoffed at. They were all either [Elemental General] or [Physical General] and 1 being [Elemental Commander] too. If all 11 of them attacked him, he would be pretty dead. And they couldn't even sense a powerful aura from him. He looked like a weak chicken to them. But the fact that he was able to easily kill the [Wind Element General], made them understand that he wasn't that weak either.

They both lead their groups away from that place and decided to watch the show from a distance. Just as they took a position to watch the show, Yang Ma's voice filled with cold killing intent, came.

Along with his order, all the remaining men in his group and Pakistan's group attacked Saksham at the same time. As if that was not enough, Yang Ma also decided to attack Saksham. Saksham was now besieged by 10 people altogether. But he was not scared at the very least. Instead, he could feel his heart jump in excitement. He had been waiting for this.

With hot adrenaline pumping through his veins, Saksham held both his daggers in a backhand grip and also rushed towards the group of people.